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Posts posted by curvacious_lust

  1. Congrats, CL. It is great to finally embark on something you've waited for. And benefits--YAY!!!

    Keep us posted on the whole hormone thing. It sucks to start getting older.

    I saw my new OB/GYN today. I think my prejudice, now deceased grandpa would have freaked: Not only is she female, but african-american at THAT!! *giggle* GO DR. G~V!

    Dr. G~V did order me a blood panel and I went and donated 4 tubes of blood....not those lil dinky ones either. I'll know the results in 2 weeks. She feels i'm going into perimenopause too. TG, she listens!!

  2. I've been offered a position with the County Dept. of Public Social Services pending my physical exam and background check. :) Here I am at 38 1/2 years old starting what I feel is a "career". It will mean regular hours, weekends off, paid holidays, and MORE TIME with hubby. :)

    Also, today I see a new OB/GYN and hope she'll get me tested to see if I'm truly in perimenopause or just in hormone hell. The nightsweats are getting horrible and I had a co-worker (male) ask me the other day if I was alright. He said my face was red and looked "moist"...HA. I informed him I was in the middle of a hot flash. Gawd, it was horrible.

  3. Gee and I thought passing out after a good intense orgasm was something special


    *giggle* We will say that it was probably THE BEST orgasm I've EVER had!!! :rolleyes: He was down at my knees and I came so hard, there was female cum all over his waist n lower chest. And y'all KNOW how I am about squirting ;)

    btw...if you don't know what "chucks" are, they are the blue/white HUUUGE pads they put on hospital beds for incontinent patients.

  4. OK. I've never had this happen before. I orgasmed so hard from him finger banging me, that I defecated in bed. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Can we say that quickly ended that session?

    Is this normal?? There was no anal play, purely vaginal. I don't want to have to buy a box of chucks for sex...lol.

  5. Yeah...that explains a LOT of what is going on with me the past few months. I talked with my mom yesterday and she told me she was in full blown menopause at 40. I have less than 2 years to get there.

    SOOOOOOOOO....anyone going thru this or have great hints for me?? I do see my OB/GYN in 2 weeks but no way in HELL am I going on fake hormones.

  6. So, CL, did you get the razor? How do you like it? I am thinking of getting one so I wanted an honest opinion.

    Yes, I did get it and I am disappointed in it. I followed the instructions of trimming to 1/4 inch, then shaving but it just doesn't get me smooth as I like it. Oh well. <_<

  7. OK, I know we have a "Dating and Relationships" section, could have maybe a subforum for "Married and Commited Couples"?? Dating is Dating...to me, its not as commited such as those of us here who are married or in a commited relationship. I know there are times when I would just LOVE to be able to get advice from those of us who are married and not in the singles scene.



  8. OK...I'm too chicken to get a brazilian wax and hubby has issues with me getting one done by a "stranger"...LOL. Sooo...has any one used the "body bare pubic hair remover" or the "seiko cleancut intimate shaver"?? I'm sick of knicking myself using a traditional razor.

  9. She did submit a urinalysis to the lab, so hopefully, I'll find out today or tomorrow what the results are. As far as blood from a splenic injury...my spleen "exploded" in a MVA triple rollover 8 years ago...no chance of it being that. And, I haven't been dropkicked lately HAHA...just kidding Howard!!

    Like I said, the only difference is that sex has been a bit on the rough side lately, which I'm not complaining about :P

  10. Um, er, I bought one of those "deep pore cleaners" at my local dollar store. It didn't do anything for my skin but it had a nice lil suction to it, like I thought those "clit suckers" would so i decided to try it. OMMMMGGGGG....I squirted!!! And the "o" was so quick and intense, lawdy, how I love it!!

  11. OK, Some of you have known me for quite a while and know I've had a few health issues recently plus any sexual background. Here's a new one: Can rough sex cause/aggravate as to have an episode of hematuria? Its the only thing I can come up with that was different/changed before my last episode of it. I only had 1 episode, but this is how it started the last time. My dr. gave me another antibiotic (Levaquin) because I also had strept throat and and earache and its a general "kill it all off" antiboitic...lol.

    Any advice??

  12. if she proved to be more tender than she thought, but generally having sex helped her to relax and get through the bloating, cramps, and headaches. We just took it a little slower than otherwise, and reserved " jungle sex " for when she was feeling better.


    Hubby doesn't understand that it is "tender" there. I never was tender before the birth of my daughter but now...oh lawdy, sometimes it hurts to even use a tampon if I don't get it in there "just right". (oops..a tad tmi??)

    I don't like sex on the rag. It used to not bother me but it does now.

  13. Dam, sorry you've been sick. I've been MIA myself due to some infection of either a) the bladder B) kidney or c) diverticulitis. I'm on a HARSH antibiotic right now and its kicking my arse something fierce. No anal play here for a while til the bleeding stops. *pout*

  14. Thanks for all the replies everyone!! I just got health insurance after 6 years of not having any and am seriously considering seeing a counselor. I know I've had a lot of changes and being more comfortable with my sexuality is one of them. Hubby says I'm more "animalistic" than before the accident which he likes! (when he likes to have sex, but some know thats a whole nother thread)

    I am finally at a turning point in finding "me" again. Thanks to all of you here, I've found some great new things about myself and new friends too!!

  15. I'm not sure if I've ever posted about being a post TBI patient (traumatic brain injury) from a car accident 8 years ago. I know before the accident, I used to love to snuggle and be close to hubby when we were home. (he's one of those that doesn't show a lot of affection when in public...howard's opposite!) Post accident, there are times when I just feel so dam claustrophobic when he wants to do this. I just cannot physically HANDLE being touched that way. I find myself not liking crowded places either. Is this just a change in me cause I'm getting older or are these changes due to the brain trauma??

    I know my sex drive has changed BIG time since the accident too.(changes in a good way ;) ) I was told that my moods were "hypersensitive" in the hospital and it would lessen as time went on, but I'm certainly not what I'd consider "back to normal" as if I ever was normal..lol :blink:


  16. I ordered this for my girlfriend since we only see each other once every two weeks and it was free (except $8 shipping). She has never used a sex toy before. Will this be a good first toy for her? She can insert it in her vagina as well as stimulate her clitoris, correct?
    Yes, yes and YES!! I had one similar to this years ago and it also was my first toy. I loved the fact that I can adjust the strength of the buzzing as I could discover how "much" of the buzz I liked. Congrats on ordering this for her!
  17. I ordered this a few days ago and should be here VERY soon! I'm hoping to get the purple one as I received an email advert. today saying "the purple was sold out, so it would be the silver bullet" I want the purple one!!! waaaaaaaaaaah :(

    UPDATE...I got the purple one in the mail today...*HAPPY DANCE*

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