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Posts posted by curvacious_lust

  1. Damn, I'm jealous (as well as horny). Mikayla has become the Aphrodite of Too Timid and I, a lowly handmaiden. (Anyone need a good hand job?)

    Kudos on the writing, Quiet Guy. Have you ever dabbled with your writing at literotica.com?? I bet they'd LOVE you there!!

  2. I can't say I've laughed after orgasming. I did get really sick one time. As you all know, I don't do a lot of things normally and the "sex cures a headache" is a total wives's tale for me: I had a bad headache and so of course, me and my partner at the time got really into a good session hoping it would go away, when the headache got WORSE and I had eventally had to stop and throw up in the bathroom. I had one of the worst migraine headaches ever after that, it took 2 days to completely get better. BUT....orgasm is WONDERFUL for cramps!! I swear by that one!!

    As far as orgasming, he says my orgasmic contractions start out a little weak, but the longer I orgasm, the stronger the pussy contractions get. He can tell how turned on it is just by the strength of my orgasms. I dont cum the same way either. It depends on what position I'm in and lots of other things. Sometimes, I'm so drained afterwards, I fall right to sleep. Others, it wires me and its like a total caffeine rush and I"m up running around.

  3. I don't think Dale Jarrett would appreciate his NASCAR number being associated with a post like that. You'd best get a new email addy.

    Did STD or HIV ever enter your mind?? Hell, if you have KY...where's Trojan or Astroglide in your ever ready sex box??

  4. You have 2 choices: 1. Divorce your husband and move on. 2. Leave your lover.

    There is always that chance that if you do leave your husband, your lover will lose interest and move on leaving you without either one.

    I was in a similar situation once and I had more to lose by leaving my husband than giving up my lover. My situation was different than yours. My husband was demonstrating the beginnings of Bipolar disorder. Sex, let alone our marriage, was NOT the first thing on his list of priorities. Another woman was in the picture, drugs, alcohol. He came very close to losing everything including his family and his employment. My sex needs were not being filled, I was trying to keep a family together that included an 8 year old son and 2 year old daughter. So, I looked elsewhere...if he could, why couldn't I??

    He finally went to his doctor when I handed him temporary child support papers to sign. Even then, the first few medical protocols were horrific and I was ready to leave again. He openly rejected any advances I made including just kissing him in front of our kids which usually was no big deal. I felt sexually rejected and I needed someone to make me feel like a woman again. So I found one. It didn't solve the problem. Hubby had an idea I had someone. I told him "you leave her and I won't look"

    Still, 4 years later, we are working things out still. Bipolar disorder isn't something that is cured and I know there is a chance my marriage and family won't be safe. But, at least I can say I did my best and it was no one's fault in the end. I didn't let someone else end my marriage except for me and my husband.

  5. I'm jealous if you can squirt.....but then again, I have only recently become interested in squirting and was told its best to learn with a partner. Well, my sig. other is just as clueless as I am (yeah, me for once) so who knows when I'll accomplish this one.

  6. I'm not sure if you would really call this "masturbation" but I lived in the Dominican Republic for just over a year and while on a bus crowded with 4 people in a seat really made for 3, my legs were crossed just right that as we went over the bumpy roads, my clit was stimulated and I orgasmed while on the bus with dominican men looking me right in the face as I tried my damndest not to moan out loud. TG it was a hot sweaty day, so any "wetness" on my clothes was naturally assumed to be sweat. B)

  7. How did I miss this post? There are a lot of intimate ways of exploring you and your partner without toys. Honestly, I didn't get into toys in my own sex life til about 5 years ago when I sent away for a free one to see what the rage was all about.

    One thing that I find highly charged, is being completely nude with your partner and exploring each other's bodies. Skin is the most erogenous system on the body and when touch is combined with visual stimulii, nothing can get a person more sexually charged in my book. Massage, kissing, just feeling every inch of skin with your feet, hands, legs, can really turn a person on! Talk to your partner. I know a lot of people here harp on talking "dirty" but sometimes, just complimenting your partner on how good their hands feel, their kisses heat you up, what physically turned you on to your partner??

    Also, have 1 night of just simply foreplay, no intercourse. Get him off using your hands, oral techniques, anything BUT anal or vaginal intercourse. That I can guarantee will leave you both hot for another sex romp, either the next night or possibly sooner.

    If there are no children around, give him his own personal strip tease or lap dance. Show him your undivided attention. Kiss and touch him seductively while lightly teasing him with your body. Men don't see our bodies the way we do. We nitpick and can be very negative about the slightest imperfection and the guys say "what are you talking about? I don't see anything wrong" Yeah, so I have stretchmarks from having my children (9 lb 4 oz, 8 lb 1 oz) Those are signs of courage and strength! My partner says they remind him of one of the greatest things he has ever received in his life. So, USE THAT BODY!! It is a WONDERFUL thing.


  8. Candy,

    I can relate to what you said by "everything BUT the sex life is good in your marriage". Your husband is making a very big move by seeing a counselor but you both have realize this is not an instant fix to the problem. It will be a while. Each person is different so it could be weeks or many long months before you see any major improvements. I would suggest you get some counselling yourself, whether professional or self help. Go to the Sex Education section here at this site and learn about yourself as well and learn to masturbate! Masturbation will open up a whole level to your love life with your husband. One thing I did take note of is that "he has to stop after two minutes" Have you ever let him "finger fuck/bang" you after he has had to stop? This is another way both he and you can learn about your own sexual responses. Obviously, you have orgasmed at some point in your personal sex life as you know when you are excited and "almost" to that point. My first toy was an egg vibrator that could be inserted vaginally. I learned a lot about where my own hot spots were both vaginally and clittorly with it. For example, my clittoral excitement is not right "on" the clit, but slightly to the right of the "split". But its not always there either.

    Everyone here is wonderful and we want you and your husband to have the best sex life possible!!

    Good Luck. I hope some of this has helped. :)

  9. Hey 12G (and to any other man reading this)

    Anal sex is actually VERY GOOD for a man. It massages the prostate and helps decrease prostatitis and BPH (benigh prostatic hyperplasia = enlargement of the prostate that sometimes is a precursor to prostate cancer). So to all men, straight, bi, or gay.....GO FOR IT and ENJOY IT FOR GOOD HEALTH!!! :D

  10. What would your husband say, CL? I am willing but I don't want to start a fight, or end a marriage. Howard.

    Hubby's another story, Howard. Still not sure on the ending yet.

    Plus, I found something I like MUCH better than a razor....Magic Shaving Powder for Black Men's faces....thats really its name. Its like "nair" but doesn't sting and I love it!! $1.50 at Walmart and good for 3 "sessions". No chemical burn or smell. 5 minutes later, shower it off with all the hair and smoooooooooth for at least 4 days!!


  11. AMEN SISTER!! I'll think of dodoqueen as I sit with my children in church tomorrow. Judge not, that ye be not judged. Matthew 7:1

    Isn't it hard to be queen of the dodos since they ARE extinct? (As should be her personal sexual views) Just because one type of toy took the "excitement" out, doesn't mean there aren't others that will bring pleasure to both partners.

  12. okkkk...all this from a woman (dodoqueen) who PM's me to ask about my fav adult toy sites. Now I wished I'd seen these posts BEFORE I sent her the link cause I would have given her a few choice words and not sent the link I did. WTF was I thinking?? :angry:

    Now, for the OP. If she thinks she feels "loose" to you, she can tighten her vaginal muscles using tantric or kegal exercises. Also, Mikayla and Howard gave some most excellent advice. Peruse this site and I am 100% sure you will find the answers you are in search of, for both your partner and yourself!

  13. I would love to shave my man but my fine motor skills are not what they used to be, so I don't trust myself with a razor (except to shave myself). As far as being shaved by a lover ? MMMMMMMMMMM I have been and I'd do it again in a heart beat IF I trusted the man. In fact, the first time I was shaved....a lover did it for me. He took his time and did it soooooooooo wonderfully. Its now a joke between us as we no longer "see" each other in that way. He asks if I'm keeping up his shave job and if I need it serviced...lol. :P

  14. How did I miss this post when it was originally written?? 3-somes are NOT good. I was involved in them with 2 different couples. First one was ok, we're all still friends, but they have had this lifestyle for MANY years.

    2nd one, the woman became the bitch from Hell. It started off nice and then she pulled away from us and just laid on the edge of the bed. Granted, I was the "third party" here as they were the "couple". Well, the short end of it is, she started calling up mutual friends the next day and telling them how he and I never let her in on the action, that I was trying to steal him away from her. It just turned into a huge MESS. She even knew some of the AOL groups I chatted with and was online bashing me to these people.

    In the end, she really cut off her nose in spite of her face. He left her. The social groups we hung out with basically shunned her because this was not the first time she had done this to another woman and they knew how I am. I guess its because the 3-some was not "all about her". Jealousy is a BIG issue in things like this.

    I will admit, I do fantasize about a mfm 3-some so it can be all about me, but I think I would have to find 2 men that I know and trust, but they don't know each other so they can part ways in the end. (in a perfect world) Right now, no chance of this fantasy happening.

  15. As far as my reply hun....to quote my fav redneck comedian....GIT'ER DUN!!

    She thinks Your Tractor's Sexy!!!!! *giggle*. (Yeah, I'm a california native born to 2 redneck parents....go figure, and I read about the John Deere tractor.)

    I read this on a wall of a very happily married couple: You know its love when its too hard to say "Goodnight" and you want to say "Good Morning" instead. :D

  16. AWESOME!! Good Move Telecom!! Seems like things are looking up for you and your partner! I love to "dirty dance". I had a partner when I was in my young 20's who knew how to move and lawdy, he'd turn me on big time!! We both liked when he would hold me close and kind of have me grinding on his leg..I could feel his hard on and needless to say, playing on his leg almost always got me wet!!

    I'm so glad things are on the improve for ya!!



  17. I got the most ODD spam email about some new "product" to take to "diminish vaginal odor (VO)" Now, in my personal experiences, if the woman keeps her self clean and has no infections, there is no "horrible odor" like they make it sound in the spam mail. Yes, naturally a woman is going to have some "smell" to her, but not some horrific "odor".

    Now, people (I'm leaving the gender end of this open for those who are bi or gay/lesbian), I'm guessing that through different parts of a woman's cycle, her "smell" changes and does it ever offend you even tho you know its just the "time" for that???

  18. These are all awesome ideas. One of my favs (and his) is as he comes home or to the bedroom, me being dressed in one of his favorite lil outfits (he loves my black corset and matching lace black undies) and totally catch him off guard. I also like to slip in the shower with him when he showers after work. Soaping up your man (or woman) is highly erotic in my book. I love feeling every inch of him in my hands!!

  19. I have 2 fantasies, one very romantic and the other....well, it involves me in a straitjacket and being totally dominated by the guy. The romantic is a room on a beach somewhere, winds gently blowing thru the open sliding glass door and the sweetest, most romantic session of lovemaking you could have. I don't want to give too many details as some dreams are just meant to be ideas and a starting point for a greater plan.

  20. How about the soap your partner is using? Could you be allergic or sensitive to that? Is is an antibacterial soap? My OB/GYN told me to STOP using a/b soaps because they were helping cause my yeast infections (killing off the good bacteria). I just know my partner and I have different tastes in soaps so he had to stop using it too.

  21. My wife is an old fashioned sort of gal. She thinks that it is up to the man to take the lead in the act of intercoure. She is 56 years old and needs the use of a lubricant everytime that we "screw" She no longer is able to get herself "damp" She looks to me to make the first advances towards intercourse. I have been keeping a daily journal and keeping track of how many times we "fuck" and starting back in Oct 2005 we fucked on Oct23, then 20 Nov, 4 Dec, 20 Dec, 28 Dec. December looks like an active month for us. Whoopee we did it three times that month. And we haven't done it once in 2006. I want very much for her to get an "orgasm" I'm just not sure how to go about it. You would think that after having been married to her for 32 years I would know what she wants, here's a real shocker, "I don't have a clue as to what she wants"

    I do know that whenever she takes a shower prior to bedtime she is telling me in a silent message, I want you to eat my pussy tonight. And I do very much enjoy "feasting on the yeast" I just wish that while I was down there between her legs, lapping on her pussy, I could take a well shaped dildo and insert it and fuck her with it as I lick her clit. I think that she is fearful that I will want to use a dildo on her pussy all the time instead of trying my penis on her. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I just want to watch her facial expressions as I insert a dildo into her waiting pussy. I want to know if she will smile or frown with this action. I want her to choose the size and length dildo, but she won't. And I don't know why. I'm not the jealous type. If she wants an 12 incher then I'll buy her a 12 incher. I only want what she wants. Better sexual relations.

    At 56 years of age, I'm assuming she has gone through menopause and one of the problems with that, is her body won't lube its self. That's one reason lube was invented. She is "old fashioned" and a lot of her sexual feedback is that "you just don't talk about that kind of thing". Sad, but true. Try talking to her about your sexual relationship but NOT while you're in bed. Try it when you're out sitting on a couch or something, away from the bedroom. Have you tried fingering her while you pleasure her orally??? I love being fingered while my partner is down on me. I would buy a smaller size dildo to begin with. There are some great ones here to pick from...and take advantage of the free Female Response Cream they're offering right now.

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