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Everything posted by l8niter

  1. Always bring a blankey on a picnic cot to keep your penis out of the rain
  2. why wont he let his biggest fans see him? lololol
  3. Aint that the truth lololol
  4. I wish I had one of those signs when I sold my last house
  5. oooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  6. green ones do make you horney , who knew? lololol
  7. Hmmmmm Maybe that's why wen wont taste test the coffee she likes the spankings
  8. good luck finding a condom for that guy lololol
  9. still a lamp to me lololol but im still a virgin just ask my wenwitch
  10. we need a few million more of those micro chips
  11. I need to go thru my old x-mas decorations lololol
  12. lololol that's just to funny
  13. I love boobies too , I wouldn't mind seeing more of the beautiful ladies on here show us men there boobies
  14. I must have a clean mind I saw the lamp first
  15. just goes to show where that teachers mind was
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