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H. Housewife

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Posts posted by H. Housewife

  1. A woman that once had beauty turned herself into a human barbie. Her world with restrictions no sun exposure,doesn't eat and hardly drinks water,and just lives in her own self prison. Her obsession saddens me thinking how I was 10 - 20 years ago to look perfect. Too much pressure to look a certain way and the fear of rejection. I'm sure more people wouldn't feel bad for her but I do. 

  2. Earlier today heading over to the beach a black lab walked over towards me. The owner said she's 12 years old and blind. The black lab was such a sweet dog must have sense that I love dogs. Heading back home I usually say hello to a brown horse and he bowed his head a few times to me. Sometimes I think animals are more loving than humans.

  3. I've always wanted to go on a trip with my good friend who has four kids she totally deserves it. I screwed myself and should have done more sight seeing in my 20's and 30's but work got in the way." All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". So I text her and loves the idea. I told her that I'd have fun dressing her especially she has big boobs and the bikini will look great on her. The part I was sad about is the way she feels about herself. I try to motivate people including myself about body image. I want to have more definition in muscle and be stronger. My friend wants to be thinner. I say to her guys love curves. I told her that she can get shit faced and I'll watch her because I don't drink. I can't drink because I get too crazy and that's a reason not to. Looking forward to a trip that won't be forgotten 😊

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