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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Hershey's!! (And I do mean the chocolate, TYVM)
  2. Have you noticed that you seem to have a preference for hair colors? I've noticed, thru the years, that I've usually gone for either blonde-hair (or dirty blondes) with blue eyes, or the total opposite: dark brown/black hair with brown eyes.
  3. Welcome!!! I hope you find the site useful, inspiring, and fun!
  4. Like Facebook or MySpace, how seriously do you take someone's relationship status? What if you were dating someone for a while, and their relationship status remained "single"? Would that offend you? Would you care?
  5. The Evoke. No biggie, I'm just ahead of the game I guess. LOL
  6. I have an item I'm ready to post a review on, and it's out of stock, so it's not on the website!! :o
  7. It was, most definitely, my PLEASURE!!! :kiss:
  8. Do you consider your (or your lover's) clit small, medium, large?
  9. (Yes, it counts! ) Yes, I'm super-glad Spring has sprung! TPBM usually skips breakfast.
  10. Are you looking for a vibrator that can be used in a harness, and can please the wearer and the recipient? Pipedream has come out with a really nice product called the 7" Vibrating Penetrix Dildo. This item is universal breathable harness compatable, but can be used alone. Though we don't have the brand's harness, we did use a harness for one of our dual pleasuring strap-ons, and it fit just fine. Both of the shafts are made of 100% medical-grade silicone, and is a beautiful lilac color. Each shaft has a bullet in it, giving both people strong vibes. The longer shaft is curvy & 7" long with a slightly bulbous head, and the small one is 2" with a bump and then a sharply curved up head, for g-spot stimulation. In the area that attaches the shafts, is a bumpy section, perfect for stimulation of the clit. This toy is great for girl on girl, or girl on guy action, if he's into anal play. The controller deserves its own section, since, not only does it have low, medium, and high vibes, but a few pattern settings as well. The BEST part of the controller is that it has a snap-on clip, so that it can be clipped onto your harness, out of the way, but close enough so you can easily change the patters to suit you and your partner's desires. The only bad thing is is that the controller only has one setting for both vibes. Only 2 buttons control the power, the on/off button, and then the bottom button that controls the speed and/or patterns. This set also comes with a 1 oz bottle of Moist Personal (water-based) Lubricant, and a 1 oz. bottle of antibacterial toy cleaner. It also comes with a matching lilac silicone mask as well. When I opened up the nice purple alligator patterned box, the baggie that the lube & cleaner was in had some fluid in it. When I held it up to the light, the seal on the lube had come loose, and some had leaked in the bag. A little less than 1/4 of the lube, but still kind of messy to clean off the bottles. None got on the mask or toy, since the baggie was tied up tight. Using some of the included lube, which is VERY slick by the way, I got the smaller shaft up inside me, got my harness on, sliding the longer end thru the opening, and loved how the lilac shaft looked. Turning the vibes on high was very stimulating, and very quiet too, even when they're both outside of a body, it's very quiet, even on the highest setting! Hubby loved how the longer one felt, and loved all the curves & vibes. Usually, he doesn't care for vibes, but he really liked these. The bumps were nice, and stimulated a bit, but I would've loved if they'd been able to put a small, flat vibe in it for added sensations. Both were very slick, and felt fantastic! In the harness, I felt like I had more control, and didn't worry about it slipping out of either of us accidently. I had great control over both shafts with it in the harness too. I give this toy 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws, and a big purr of pleasure from hubby too! http://www.tootimid.com/fantasy-elite-7-inch-vibrating-dual-penetrix-dildo-strap-on.html#
  11. I will say that even on LOW, this is a strong item to put down there, so if you don't like having strong vibes, it's not for your nether-parts, but great for everywhere else.
  12. I will next weekend!! We get a long 4 day weekend!! WOOT!!! TPBM is wearing the color red today.
  13. I'd like to weigh in here, I hope you don't mind. I've been with a few men that like to do anal. The last one before my husband rushed it, and hurt me badly, so I'm wary of it now. I know that being tense will make it hurt, so I usually choose not to be the penetrated one. However, in NONE of the times I did participate in anal, did they ever say anything about if I didn't do it, I'd suck in bed. I've never, ever been told that when I refuse to do anal. It was discussed, and I agreed to do it. They never pushed me into it. One man was a year older than I, another was 5 yrs older, the one that hurt me was 6 yrs younger. However, I stress again, that they NEVER pressured or insulted me into doing so. I fully agree with Thur. If those boys, not men, said that to you, they are assholes. Stupid assholes at that. Most people have one thing they don't like to do sexually, for whatever reason. However, anal sex has to be one of those things that's agreed upon by BOTH parties involved, both are willing and wanting to do so, and if one can't or won't, they shouldn't be guilted into thinking that they suck sexually because of their decisions. Anal play does require practice and PATIENCE on those that are wanted it, but have to wait. It takes time physically & mentally, to get your anus willing and ready to accept something going UP inside instead of out. I'm very glad that they're your exes!!! You don't need that sort of relationship, where you are made to doubt yourself. And kuddos to the man you recently dated & didn't pressure you, but encouraged you instead. That's a sign of respect, which is better than a guy that makes you feel bad about your sexual prowess any day!!! FYI; not all men like to give or receive anal anyway. It should always be up to the BOTH of you. If one doesn't want it, then it's off the list. It's as simple as that.
  14. LMAO Gee, I know where this came from!!! ;P Purring
  15. He doesn't smoke in the house. I won't allow it. And my nose is so sensitive to it, I'd know if he smoked in the house while I was gone. I won't let him smoke in my car, and we don't go anywhere in his truck cuz it smells disgustingly like an ash tray. No. Thank. You! Bleck! I get him butt buckets (coffee cans), but I make him clean them out. Not my dirty habit, not my problem! But he knows for a fact I hate it. I've told him so. He kinda gets disgusted with me when I gack, make hacking noises, or tell him he stinks, but too bad. If he wants to deal with smoking, he's gotta deal with my reaction to it. So there. That's one habit I'm totally against, hate with a passion, and will voice my opinion. Yes, you have the right to smoke, BUT, yes I have the right to hate it. Take that & like it!!!
  16. There was another time that my FWB were in the woods at the edge of a path that college students walked regularly. In fact, we watched people pass by as we quietly did it doggie style, behind a big pine tree. Nobody saw us, or heard us, but we saw/heard them!!!
  17. Don't you? Don't you? Don't youuuuuuuuuuu!
  18. Actually, that's a song by Meridith Brooks called Bitch, & I LOVE that song!!! :wub:
  19. I always love a good massage, usually at the hands of my hubby, but if he's unavailable, for whatever reason, what's a girl suppose to do? After all, massage helps release tension in sore, overworked muscles & enhances blood flow, add some heat to the mix, and you're de-stressing the areas in need of attention! I've been eye-balling one of these sorts of items for quite a while, reading reviews of all sorts of items, seeing which one seemed like a good fit for my specific needs. And I've found one made by California Exotics, which is one of my favorite toy companies. This deep red & black colored massager seems to have it all! An over 6' (yes, FOOT) cord which means easy reaching with it all over your or your lover's body, and, of course, NO batteries!! It comes with 5 attachments: Focus Cone, Large Bump, Buffer, Dualer, & Wide Nubbed. They slip on and off the attachment head very easily. Each can be easily washed and used for all parts of the body. The head of the massager is on a Flexo-Joint, which makes it have a little "give" to it for better pressure and more control.There is a Low & a High setting, which is easily adjusted with the slide-switch on one side of the handle. It's a little confusing, but the heat when on low vibes is high, and when the vibes are on high, the heat is low. Probably so as not to burn out the massager. The 13 3/4" (yes, a little over a foot long itself) massager is NOT waterproof, and being an electric apparatus, I'd keep it away from water totally. The instructions also say to set to "low" for infrared heat when it's applied to the face or other sensitive areas. When I got this item, I was excited ALL OVER this time! I'd worn some dress shoes that didn't agree with all of my running around earlier that day, so this was awesome for my tired, achy feet. I grabbed the Large Bump attachment, slid it onto the head's nub for the attachments, turned it on low, and felt the power of the low vibes very effectively, though the heat wasn't very noticeable until it had been running a few minutes. Massaging both feet felt great, and they had that relaxed, tingly feeling. Next, I used the Dualer on my neck. It's got 2 decently spread apart nubs on it, perfect for getting both sides of some muscles. Rubbing it slowly up & down my neck, I thought of how I could use this attachment on my hubby's lil' soldier sometime, since it's the perfect shape for it. The Buffer can be used to spread lotion on various parts of the body, and can be cleaned up afterwards for more usage. I haven't tried it yet, or how easy the lotion comes out of the Buffer. The Wide Nubbed attachment is perfect for scalp massage. It's got wide-spread apart nubs that remind me of more like long, thin teeth, almost like a round comb. I saved the best for last: The Focus Cone. As you know, I'm a gal that LOVES direct, strong stimulation to my clit. Many of the reviews and/or descriptions I've read, haven't said anything much about the sexual uses for this toy, which was very frustrating, since the reviews I'd been reading on other sites, were also sex toy sites. So, I was kind of wondering how this would work, since it's promoted, for the most part, as a muscle massager for the rest of the body. Curious, I put the Focus Cone attachment on, started it on low, added to my clit, and rubbed it around for a few seconds. Whoa, Mama!!! Daring, I put it on HIGH, and I was off, literally, like a rocket!!! The vibes were very, very strong, so I don't recommend that for very long if you do like the high vibes/direct stimulation. I don't think you could stand it very long anyway! LOL It's very easy to hang on to, and even though it's kind of long, I didn't find it uncomfortable or cumbersome. And, for overall functionality, form, color, style, ease of use, and the WOW factor, it gets a 4 out of 4 Tyger Paw rating, plus a tail quiver, claw curling, purr of approval!!! http://www.tootimid.com/infrared-electric-massager.html
  20. I'll answer that question. No, I won't miss my company (it's actually DD's, and they're being obnoxious!! LOL). TPBM is ready for a new sex toy!
  21. No, it's not silly. When my husband & I were dating, he quit smoking since I'm allergic to it, after we were married, about10 mos later, he started up again, and he gets NO sypmathy from me when he has no $$ go get any. I won't give him $$ for them, nor will I kiss him unless he's brushed his teeth, showered, and not had a cig. Ew. Nasty. I let him know how much I hate it too. I wouldn't have married him if he was still smoking, and now, I'm miserable with the thought that he does. I totally understand it.
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