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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Another thing we need to remember when posting pics, is that this forum IS linked to a business. True enough, the business is selling sex toys. However, usually, website hosts have certain guidelines the company's need to follow, as far as "graphic" imaging. So, we have to be careful. That's not to say the pics can't be suggestive. Get creative! so long as the pics don't show the actual act itself, either solo or with a partner, you can still take some sexy picso be careful so TooTimid doesn't loose its site!
  2. I live in Texas too (originally from Maine, but I got here as fast as I could!)!!!! Welcome to the board, and I hope you find the information here, very helpful. It's really great to have a message board where people can be more open & honest about sex, something many peopl find taboo to speak about. Welcome! Y'all come back now!!!
  3. No problem, Rob. I thought that was understood before, and was, at one time, stated in the photo forum's intro. Sad that people can't adhere to it. *Grabs her binoculars*
  4. I think marriage has changed too, mostly on the financial aspect. Do more people cheat? Probably, given the opportunities that are there due to a more social age, with global avenues to explore. I think that people have always cheated, however, women were suppose to be overly-tolerant, and it was "the man's right" to do what he pleased since he was the bread-winner of the family. Women are becoming less tolerant, thankfully. It's almost a role-reversal, IMO. More & more, money becomes involved, and also, people are getting more and more petty. They use the children as weapons, instead of doing what's best for them. Sometimes it seems like divorces are just as primative as the Roman Gladiator Games to me. I was surprised at myself for agreeing to marry again. My first divorce was due to his cheating, and me catching him. I didn't play games, and we didn't have kids to fight about either. It was pretty quick & amicable, as far as divorces go, thankfully. I do know that, if I were ever to divorce my current husband, I doubt very much I'd get married again, though, never say never I guess .
  5. My favorite font is gone too.......and I can't remember the darn name of it, but it started with a C, I believe.....ugh!!!
  6. Brandy, you're not the only one!!!
  7. I think a warning at first, then suspension of a person's ability to post for a certain number of days as a second step. Last step would be to ban them. Everyone says stuff that others may take offense to here and there. I don't think that something mistook from one person should warrant a warning. I mean right out there, in your face insulting/disrespecting. As far as past bad posters, yes there was one person that I know of that was banned, but that person got a couple of warnings, a temporary suspension, and continued their poor behavior before getting banned. That poster was given every opportunity to rein themselves in, and they chose not to do so. It takes a lot to get banned, and Rob never does so lightly. In fact, that poster is the only one that I know of that was an active member (and not a spammer) that got banned. I don't think there's anything preventing someone from having more than one profile, so long as they use a different e-mail or something. If it's not a problem on the board, I don't see an issue with it. Overall, I have found that this board is pretty easy going, especially since some of the topics on here can get a bit controvertial and heated. Except for spammers, I have come to respect each poster in their own way. Thanks to Rob & all his staff for the hard work they put into the board for their website, to encourage adult discussions about sex.
  8. Some don't like plugs because they just go up in there, and don't massage the prostate. I've heard many good things about Aneros products as well.
  9. See, on the TooTimid2, the lettering seems to be all jagged. I'm not sure a screen shot would help in case it's an issue on my end.
  10. Whoo-hoo!!!! LOVE IT!!!! LMAO
  11. Well I gues it had to be done. Though I'm not saying that I like the font here......looks jagged.
  12. I LOVE the Coochy Cream!!! However, due to finances, I use Tresemme hair conditioner (moisturizing) for shaving, and a Venus razor. I feel nice and soft, and very few bumps at all!!! And the shave/conditioner lasts a while too!
  13. She's right. The regard for privacy is of the utmost importance for TooTimid! On your bill, it will say Atlantic Innovations, as well as the return address on the label. They ship their items in normal postage boxes, with no advertising on it whatsoever. And the items are shipped in boxes usually. Dvds have arrived here before in bubble-padded envelopes too, but, unless someone is Superman with x-ray vision, just by looking at the address/packaging, they won't know what exactly is in your mail.
  14. I was in a relationship that was similar to that, even though I was the one that initiated interest to begin with. It was very frustrating & somewhat of a ego-downer. Some men, I've found/discovered/heard, don't care for a woman initiating sex. With this guy I was with, he told me that he was always the one that initiated it, and found it somewhat intimidating, even though I was the one that handed him my card and told him if he was single to call me. Another guy I met at a bar told me flat out that he thought I was cute, but he found me too intimidating. So, thankfully, those guys never became too serious for me, thankfully. 'Cuz if they can't handle me being me, they don't deserve me. So there!!!
  15. I'm in the same boat as Randy's wife (and the original poster's). I was thin for a long time, and after having our daughter, I have gained a lot of weight. I don't like my body at all. Ok, so maybe I like the larger breasts, but that's really it. No matter how much you try, the only person that can truly change their thinking, is the one feeling bad. That's not to say that compliments don't help, because they do. So long as the compliments are sincere that is. That, and if you compliment a lot, or it may be the same kind of compliment, it can sound fake, even if it is sincere. Encourage her to do some things that make her feel good about herself. Whether it's reading books, exercising, getting her hair/nails done, or just hanging out with the girls, encourage her to do something for HERSELF. Many times, us women/moms/wives tend to loose ourselves in the relationships we're in, being a parent, ect, and we need to reconnect with OURSELF.
  16. I used Cleopatra's Secret Creme (cherry vanilla flavor). I leave it on for about 10 minutes, allowing it to soak in, and really start the heat down there. You can feel it start working when you first put it on, but I like to really give it a long time to work my senses up before any action. Cleopatra's Secret Creme
  17. Used it again last night with some clit stimulating cream I have. I was shooting of the Pleasureville in NO time!!!
  18. Welcome welcome!!! Fresh meat!!!
  19. I'm always, always on the hunt for a fantastic clit stimulator, and by jove, I think I've got it!! The Pleasure Kiss is made by one of my favorite toy makers, California Exotics. It kind of reminds me of a doctor's stethascope. The remote becomes fairly heavy once you put the 3 AA batteries in, and it's shape makes it easy to hang on to as well as changing the speeds. It's a multispeed rose-colored toy, varying from low, to HIGH, and a few patterns of vibes in between (7 total). The arrow-shaped button on the right of the controller controls the speed/pattern, and the button on the left shuts it off without having to go thru all of the settings. The silicone cup is removable off of the powerful bullet it's on, and the part that slides over the bullet has little raised hearts on it, making it cute & easy to grip as well. This toy can easliy be used on the clit or on the nipples (and anywhere in between). Because of the silicone head muffling the sound, I'd give it a rating of 2 on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the loudest). The cup has about 16 long nubbies sticking out of the middle. The center looks like a flower. The edges are fairly firm, and when it's on, between the nubbies stimulating, teasing, and tickling, and then using the lip of the cup for the firmer stimulation, this really WAS a kiss of pleasure on my clit!! As many of you may know from reading past reviews, I am the type of gal that prefers a really strong vibe, and this thing goes from low to a HIGH, and the HIGH is very strong. Strong enough to curl this Tyger's toes (and I didn't holler, I purred). I give this lovely 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws WAAAAAAAAAAY up, and a loud purr to go with it!! Get Kissed By THIS!
  20. Tyger

    Inked Vibe

    Ed Hardy is overdone, but I do like the fact that more and more tattooes and stuff associated with tats are becoming acceptable. I was wondering how loud this toy is? With C batteries, there's a lot of power, but how's the sound?
  21. See, I would've named that toy "Little Stumpy".
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