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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. (For some reason, the pic wouldn't allow me to copy it onto here, so please follow the link for a picture of the product. My apologies.) You know, there are some lubes that have been around what seems like forever. ID Glide happens to be one of them, in my opinion. I've seen ID lubes in sex toy shops, pharmacies, novelty stores, and online. There's a reason for that: they work!!! I've used ID products before, and have always liked them. This one is no exception. This water-based clear lube comes in 2 sizes. I got the 5.5 oz bottle, but it will last a long time, since a little goes a long way. It's compatible with latex and plyurethane condoms, tested for quality and purity, water soluble, fragrance and unflavored, and it doesn't stain. You can reapply this stuff as needed, or use a couple of drops of water to refresh it. I peeled the little seal off, screwed the cap back on, flipped up the top, and just barely squeezed. Don't squeeze too hard, for it will come out rather fast. I used this on one of the toughest toys on lube that I have (lots of bumps, and made of jelly), and I only had to reapply this lube once after about 20 minutes of playing. I do tend to dry up quickly, so this impressed me, and the lube didn't burn or anything when I had to reapply. I cleaned myself & my toy up really easily, and checked the sheets for any lube-stain, pleased to find none. I give this lube 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws waaaaay up!!! Get IDed!!!
  2. Yeah, what I came out with up there wasn't what I meant. I meant that a situation such as yours, where the guy thinks it's ok, because no sex was involved, not that you had an open marriage. My bad! Sorry! LOL :blink:
  3. From what my hubby has said before, the 3 F's are Find 'em, Fuck 'em, and Forget 'em.
  4. There is "In Love" and then there is "Love". I will always LOVE many of my exes, for the person that they were when we were together. I fell out of love with most of them before we broke up. There's also the "Honeymoon" stage in a new relationship, where one is almost desperately trying to prove themselves worthy of the other. Personally, I feel that if you have to be a total control freak, stalking your own partner, have a child(ren) to try and keep that person, or feel as though you have to look the other way, sacrificing your own self-esteem/respect, then it's not a real & true relationship. Some people have open marriages, where they may have a situation like Short's, but they've both agreed that it's ok to do things like that, so long as there's no touching, or that it's ok to have sex with other people. Those situations really need to be fully agreed upon by BOTH people to make their own relationship work fully. If one person isn't for it at all, or has doubts, then it wouldn't work, and yes, I would definitely consider it cheating. But if you agree that that's what works for you, as a couple, who are we to judge what works best for that relationship? However, since Short never agreed to that, then, absolutely, he was cheating. For hime not to think it's not cheating is like Clinton all over again. Sexual contact, for most, is sexual, and if it's not with your spouse/SO, then it's cheating. My husband has said in the past, that if I did anything, and he didn't find out, then what harm would it do? That shocked me, but he's right. Not that I'd take him up on that, but the old saying "What he doesn't know won't hurt me" is very true. You're absolutely correct, it's more of a grey area for many situations/relationships.
  5. Tyger


    It depends on what the tattoos are, where they are, and if they're professionally done. I don't like prison tats, or death/gory/gross tats. I don't like facial tats, and I don't care for those that are either sexual, scary, gross, or portraying death where anyone can see them (especially kids). I have 2 tattoos, and have always gotten compliments on them. My husband has 2 right now, and wants 2 more in honor of his deceased brother & sister. I want a couple more, all representing something. I believe I've posted pix of mine before as well.
  6. Wow, sorry that one was such a let down.
  7. Thank you Ready. I don't think I'd be totally gay, but I AM curious.........
  8. I agree, I haven't seen it this slow, since I've become a member. There's only so much a few people can do. I do think that a lot of the Lurkers on here want the membership so they can see all the posts and so on, but are still too shy, or Too Timid to voice their opinions/questions. Or, maybe they're perusing the site, looking for the answers to their questions. One will never know until they decide to speak up. As far as you leaving Ready, I hope you don't. I really don't. Everyone has a right to speak/type their opinions on here, and try not to take everyone's words to heart if they seem upsetting at first. It's hard to judge one's "tone" online, since you can't hear any influctions in their voice, so try not to be offended. We welcome all sorts of people, from different walks of life, to disucss sexual issues, concerns, tips, tricks, and pleasures. It's bound to get "heated" at one time or another!
  9. It's very pretty. I'm wondering how well it will stay together. I had one similar to this one, and the glass sleeve came off after a few uses. I'm wondering how it's fared over time?
  10. Good thing about that tip, is that since it IS made of silicone, it's versatile, and easily cleaned too. Thanks for the review. I wonder how hard it is to find that size battery.........
  11. I really love everything about this lube! How's that for a starter? The company that makes this is called "ticklekitty". How can that NOT be a good thing? I love the label on the 6 oz. bottle, with the "catwoman" on it, and the directions on the back "Open. Squeeze. Massage. Purr." That pretty much covers it! The bottle comes with a push top lid (after you remove the safety seal inside). You don't need to squeeze too much, because this stuff is SLICK! The water-based lube smells of sweetened strawberries, and tastes like strawberry candy. It didn't leave a funky aftertaste in my mouth after I licked it either. I used this lube on a newly acquired jelly toy, and it lasted a very long time. I didn't need to reapply during my entire playtime. It wiped up and washed off of me & my toy very easily. Great for couples fun or solo play, this bottle will last thru many sessions of playtime!! Slick up your Kitty!!
  12. Wow!!! LOL See the silver-ish think in the shaft of the toy? That's the little bullet that has the vibrations in it. Some are more powerful than others, and with great power, cums great.........um.........well, you get the picture (I hope)!
  13. Any updates as to what you've chosen for her, if anything, yet?
  14. I don't think I've ever been with a man that didn't like to manually stimulate me. Some have even asked me to do myself, and let them watch for 2 reasons, one that it obviously gets them hot, and the other is so that they can see how I stimulate myself, so they can use that. Who's NOT for that????? Some men may not do that, or be comfortable with it, for the before-mentioned reasons, and they all seem to make sense. Or, they may not know how to do it right. Each woman is different, and likes to be touched differently. However, if he's REFUSING to manually stimulate you cuz he's not into it, that's a crock. It's not like you're asking him to do something gross perverted, or unrealistic. You're not asking him to watch videos of sheep, you're asking him to finger you. BIG difference!!! If he refuses to even try it, and he knows you love it, then I'd rethink a lot of things. If he's that unwilling to please you in an important aspect of the relationship (in the bedroom) with something that simple, what else will make him pause to please? How old is this guy? How experienced is he?
  15. I'm glad to see that this topic's made a comeback! I think that the social sites are even more in the limelight than ever before! I agree, some people post ridiculous things at times. I had one friend that was timing her contractions via Facebook. Then told of the afterbirthing. Yeah, no thank you!!! I also agree with the statement that some people hook up with old flames, BANG a spark is rekindled. However, I am friends with a majority of my exes, and though we had a past, we are exes for a reason. I haven't accepted my ex husband's friend request, and I doubt I ever will. That was the major burn that I have had, and probably won't ever fully forgive. Though, the exes I DO have on my Facebook, we parted friends, and were never disrespectful to each other. I'm a great ex anyway, I never try to flirt and get in between relationships. I guess I'm rare that way. I rarely use my MySpace account anymore, but use my Facebook overly regularly, even having it linked to my phone (Hello, my name is Tyger, and I'm a Facebook addict......). But, I would never try to have an affair via Facebook. Besides, if some romance happens on any social networking sites, and you're in a relationship, the relationship can't be that great in your eyes if you allow it to happen.
  16. Well, a couple of weeks later, and I think things are picking up. My husband has been showing signs of taking things to heart that I've said. My car now has new brakes, and the sound has let up a bit, which he thinks that it'll get better in a few days of driving. He's a mechanic, so hopefully he's right. The kitchen's about 90% done, instead of the 50% it was when I first wrote. We've been out to dinner a few times, as a family, and he seems to be making an effort to talk more. I'm hoping his mother's visit isn't the only thing spurring on all the stuff that needed to get done, done, and that he's putting on a front for her high standards. I'm cautiously optimistic, but not overly so. Either way, I'll be ok, and I'll figure things out as they come. I'm not dreamy-eyed, but realistic. My modem's been acting funny, even more so, and I need to get off my lazy butt and just switch it out to diagnose it better. Though it's working well right now, so YAY! LOL Thanks to all that's been reading, hoping, and waiting for an update. Your support, messages, and encouragement's meant a lot to me.
  17. I agree. It's HOT having a strap on on, seeing a "cock" jutting out from your groin, feeling the weight of it, and strutting around. Yes, I did it. In fact, I got so hot the first time, and hubby wasn't home to see the newest addition to his requested anal pleasurer, that I took out his pocket pussy and fucked it hard. I added a little bullet under the harness, fucking the pocket pussy, and came so hard, I almost passed out!! How's that for "penis-envy"???
  18. Yes, I'm a Twilight Fan (Team Edward all the way, but until the end, you feel bad for Jacob too). Sounds like an awesome and passionate evening!!!!!
  19. Most guys know what you mean when you say “want a “hummer””, however, as a woman, have YOU ever had one? Orally they’re fantastic! It’s like a living, breathing, vibrating clit stimulator. So, what’s a gal to do when she’s either all alone, bored/nobody to play with, and she’s craving her own version of a “hummer”? I have found the answer! Hummer! This sleek pearly white, 6”, multi-speed, hard plastic vibrator has everything going for it! It’s waterproof (yay!), easy to use and clean, and it WORKS! Yes, me likey!!! On one side of it, it has an oval scoop that you can put either on your clit, or on your lips to get that full-on hummer feeling. On the other side of it, protrudes a slightly pointed tip, for direct clit stimulation or g-spot stimulation! Yes, you can insert it too, for when you’re all horny and wanting to have something inside you! The shaft is contoured (has 3 “bumps” to it), so you can get some extra wavy stimulation as well. The easy to turn dial controller on the bottom is sensitive to the touch, and goes from really low to a surprisingly powerful high, and it’s decently quiet too. The batteries (2 AA not incl.) go in from the bottom, and it’s a tight, secure fit, to minimize noise, always a plus! This toy is a MUST HAVE!!! like Normally, this gal LOVES a more direct stimulation to her clit, and this toy offers that, BUT, when I turned this puppy on HIGH, and used the scoop, I was pleasantly surprised when my toes started curling in sheer pleasure! All this vibration made me CRAVE more and more! This toy is so simplistic, and even though it’s phallic in shape, it’s not intimidating to those that may not care for a real looking toy. So, it’s great for beginners and advanced toy users! Hum it!
  20. Bullets are awesome! They're versatile, can be used on you or her, and women LOVE them! That's why they make so many different kinds. I have a favorite bunny bullet that I got from here, but I don't think we sell it anymore. The bullet part has a pink bunny on it, with short, rounded ears. Or, how about a kit? There's a kit that I got many years ago here, that has a basice vibe, then sleeves to go on it that range from an anal toy to a clit stimulating dildo sleeve, a powerful bullet, with a sleeve (which was my favorite for 3 years before bunny time). It's called the Infinite Pleasures Kit for Men & Women.
  21. I love how many of the posts make you stop and think. My longer responses sometimes take hours or days for me to finalize in my head and on the screen. I take most of the questions here very seriously (unless they're funny of course), and try hard to be as non-judgmental and honest as possible.
  22. I love how many of the posts make you stop and think. My longer responses sometimes take hours or days for me to finalize in my head and on the screen. I take most of the questions here very seriously (unless they're funny of course), and try hard to be as non-judgmental and honest as possible.
  23. We got the horses back, only cost us $75, no fine, and no boarding fee this time, thankfully. Though hubby wanted me to just forget about them, saying they're not worth it. Um, he's the one that insisted on them in the first place, but now that he doesn't have a horse of his own, for obvious back reasons, he doesn't care about them really. Nice. We didn't we talk today much at all. He's out of his pain meds, so anything I say is just going to piss him off, which isn't fair to me, but I know when it's not a good idea. I'm still not very optimistic, and I've already started drafting a "His & Hers" list in case we split. Trust me, I have tried hard to talk & work it out, for 3 yrs, however, when you're the only one working on a marriage, it's not going to work out very well. His selfishness knows no bounds, and I'm tired of the only one to sacrifce things I want, need, or should have because he "needs" a gun, or a new DVD, or more cigs. He refuses to think about stuff in advance, like bills, and how what we do makes them higher. I have no life, I don't go out or socialize, due to our daughter. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my child and would die for her, however, a girl's night out maybe once a year is a bit pathetic. And when I DO go out with the girls, he calls 10-15 times, in a 4 hour period. Really. I WISH I was exagerrating! My friends have stopped asking me to go do things because I rarely ever have ME time. Then, when I GET ME time, he has to barge in, interupt, call, or be as annoying as possible. I've told him that ME times means that unless there's an emergency, leave ME alone. I know, right now, I probably sound a bit selfish. But, if you knew me in RL, all I do is take DD to karate, work at her school, come home, clean, and every once in a while, get on the internet to peruse here and Facebook. Sometimes, I get all wild and take pictures. LOL
  24. I just did a review on the Waterproof Delight, which you can find in our Sex Toy Review Section. It's sleek, simple, and really nice!
  25. After I'd posted the initial thread, he texted me again, saying that he'd give it until his Mom left (she comes on Friday, and is going to be down for 2 or 3 wks, I can't remember) and if things weren't better by then (as if), then we'd go from there. I'm not very optimistic at this point. I'm tired of being taken for granted. Sorry if I wasn't overly clear. It was about this time when I wrote it, and well, I was a bit upset, though not as much as I think I should be.......no, no responses on here triggered anything new. I'd said that Ready had responded to my "Irritable" post, and since it was an update, I thought I'd start a new thread. Sorry for any confusion. And thank you for the kind words. I almost blushed when I read "you're a sexy young woman". LOL Thanks for that. I still have no idea what's going on, and probably will be in limbo for a while. We've been having issues for probably 3 yrs, but real serious ones after he had his accident. I don't blame him for getting hurt. Far from it. I've been overly supportive during this whole thing. Though I can't truly understand what sort of pain he's in, since my back pain isn't as severe as his, I do share in his frustration with the damn insurance companies that'd rather kill his liver than help HEAL him as much as he can be healed. To add to the insult I feel he's been pulling, he washed and dried all his clothes (drying in the dryer), knowing how I don't want him to do that, to save energy/$$. It was blatant. He's like a prima-donna, his way and he doesn't care who it hurts or inconveniences. I'm tired of being the one to sacrifice to survive. He refuses to do it. Another example of this: he told me last week he was going to purchase the matching cabinet for the kitchen (which he started to redo 2 yrs ago, and it's still not done), instead, he buys a rifle because of some threats he heard some kids making. Oh yes, the 2 pistols, paintball guns, shotgun, and pellet pistol won't be enough, so let's get another firearm instead of something sensible & promised. Or, even better, fix my car that's making noises in the back! That's not as important as a freakin' rifle. Now, my horse and my daughter's horse got loose today, someone called animal control, and they picked them up. This neighbor knew what property they belonged on, and instead of calling (which she has the number), to be spiteful, she had them picked up. Though I appreciate that they're safe, I don't know if we can even afford to get them out, or if I will have to surrender those as well. And on a more personal note, not only did I go back to work today (had 2 wks off because I work at a school), I started "Aunt Flo" today. Yes, thank you sooooo much Mother Nature. You suck too. So far, 2012 has started of pretty crappy for me. Someone please take away this negative mojo around me. Thanks!!!
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