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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. The pic of the blue toy just doesn't give it justice, and where I see the bullet in the blue one, is not where it is in my white one. Wierd, huh?
  2. Ready responded to my "Irritable" post, and tonight, well, the shit hit the fan, though the fan was on "low" right now. So, here I am, at 12:16 a.m. I have to work in the morning, and hubby decides to zing me again via text message. He got pissed cuz I had told him to hang the clothes that he didn't need to wear, and just use the dryer for the clothes he needed tonight. He sulked, got up, bitched under his breath, and took a set of clothes out put them in the dryer, and left the rest in the washer. I texted him after he left and said "oh, yes honey, I'll hang the clothes you left in the washer, since I haven't been doing anything on my vacation anyway." Yes, you can feel the sarcasm dripping there. He texted back going all drama on me, saying how he thinks I never listen to him, he must be soooo terrible that I'm so miserable, and that I just don't understand anything. Near the end of the texts, he tells me that he thinks we need a break, and he'll have his stuff out by the time I get back from work tomorrow. Oh, yes, awesome. Way to listen and try to work things out. The bad thing? I teared up only once. I don't know if this break will actually happen. He's told me before that if he ever left, there'd be no coming back. And, you know, I think I'm ok with that. Is that bad of me? I'm I such a horrible, terrible bitch that I don't care? Should I be more upset? I'm tired of always defending his inactions, laziness, stubbornness, and half-assed projects. He tells everyone else about his aspirations, and plans, and I'm always looking stupid cuz I'm the last person to know, and as his WIFE, you'd think I'd be the FIRST. He rarely talks TO me anymore. Then he wonders why we haven't had sex in 3 months! Yes, that's right, no sex. I keep reminding him that if he wants me to want him, he has to actually interact with me. Otherwise, it's just a fuck, and, though that's fun sometimes even when married, not every time!! He had to leave the truck driving job due to the company stealing money out of his check, which we found out they were doing to other owner-operators, and have a suit filed against them which we have joined. So, he was out of work for 3 months. Doing nothing but stewing, sitting around playing video games, and not helping around the house. Now, he's got a temp job working security, and it's good money, which has helped ease some stress. He's been in a lot of pain. He's looking into suing the insurance company since they're denying him any more proceedures, like MRI's and x-rays, so the dr can seek another form of treatment. They'd rather just dope him up & kill his liver instead of actually HELPING him. I think this is one of the biggest issues in our marriage. He doesn't hear how he talks to me, and most of the time, I can say "he's in pain, it's not me, he's in pain", but there are times when I just CAN'T do that. Is that wrong of me? I've brought this up a lot, letting him know that how he treats me, is how I'm going to react to him, and he just doesn't get it. I know I'm not the easiest person to live with. I accept that. However, how much does he truly expect me to take?? Does he forget that this was NOT the area I wanted to settle down in? I wanted to move to the Austin area, or around it actually, to be closer to my friends I have there. That I came here for HIM? I stopped talking to my male best friend as much because I knew it bothered him-totally my choice, but does he remember that? Does he forget that I stayed at home longer than intended to keep house for him and our child? Does he forget that he's been married 3 times, and maybe it's not just the women that are the problem here??? He said that he'd provided well for me in the past, which I've never denied. However, becoming in debt to the IRS, finding out how much he truly owed in back child support, and him taking loans out when I told him it was a bad idea, how good have we truly had it? Am I over-thinking this? And, if the seperation does happen, I KNOW I'll have to be the lucky one to tell our daughter. I doubt that he'll want to bother with helping me out with that lovely bit of information. Happy freakin' New Year to me, huh? I knew it was going to be bad when I texted that first one. And, honestly, I didn't care. I'm tired of him acting like me asking him to stop and not do something (like use the power-hungry dryer) is SUCH a put-out. I didn't ask him this last time, cuz I knew he'd just go and do it anyway, I told him. After 9 3/4 yrs, I TOLD him. And he hated it. Wah. I hang everything to dry, to save money, and then just "fluff" it when they're dry, or almost dry. I've asked him to do this all our marriage. It's cut back on the bill A LOT. As has ME winterizing the house underneath, and making sure all the cracks in doorjams, and old aluminum windows are sealed one way or another in this old cedar house. And now, tomorrow, I get to go to work, and try to focus on my job, which is going to be a good thing, but hard at the same time. For those of you that have my cell #, feel free to text me. I won't be able to do much more than that, since I don't want our daughter hearing stuff, and I don't think I can talk about this verbally yet. I don't know what will happen. Though, my mother has always said that if I ever need to leave, then I will ALWAYS have help, so I guess I'll have to rely on her once again, damnit. Thanks for reading. This forum has been a god-send to me, and sometimes I just babble. Sorry! Tyger will be ok. Just another bump in the road. Love to you all.
  3. My Favorite Animal Our teacher asked what my favorite animal was, and I said, "Fried chicken." She said I wasn't funny, but she couldn't have been right, because everyone else laughed. My parents told me to always tell the truth. I did. Fried chicken is my favorite animal. I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA. He said they love animals very much. I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and beef. Anyway, my teacher sent me to the principal's office. I told him what happened, and he laughed, too. Then he told me not to do it again. The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal was. I told her it was chicken. She asked me why, so I told her it was because you could make them into fried chicken.. She sent me back to the principal's office. He laughed, and told me not to do it again. I don't understand. My parents taught me to be honest, but my teacher doesn't like it when I am. Today, my teacher asked us to tell her what famous person we admire most. I told her, "Colonel Sanders." Guess where I am now...
  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR & a great 2012 to all!!! Well, I usually don't make New Year's Resolutions, but this year, I've vowed to get up off the couch (though I don't sit down much as it is), use the Kinect hubby got for the family, get a couple of dance games, and dust up on my dancing. I use to love dancing. Plus, I plan on stretching, twisting, and getting more active. I'd like to get back into my size 8's again.
  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR & a great 2012 to all!!! Well, I usually don't make New Year's Resolutions, but this year, I've vowed to get up off the couch (though I don't sit down much as it is), use the Kinect hubby got for the family, get a couple of dance games, and dust up on my dancing. I use to love dancing. Plus, I plan on stretching, twisting, and getting more active. I'd like to get back into my size 8's again.
  6. Awesome!!! I may have to pull out my "balls" tonight........
  7. I just had another thought (go me! LOL). For any of you that do use sex toys, but may not have purchased them on this site. As long as they have the toys on the site, feel free to write a review in the review section, add the pic & the link so that others can get to it quickly and maybe purchase some of them as well. I love seeing how something works for someone, and if I get the same "vibe" so to speak, that they prefer stuff the way I do, I put that on my wish list and grab it when I can. Just because there's a Review Team, doesn't mean others can't post their reviews! We love it AND encourage it!!! General Sex Toys forums can be great for when you have a favorite toy, but the site may not have it here. Rob and Jaqueline love to see new input and get ideas for new things that can be added to their selections.
  8. BTW, I answered your original question in my opinion in your Article you wrote out, just now. :P
  9. A couple of years ago, there was some, for lack of a better term, online drama, involving a few members at different times, including myself. Some people, I think, feel a bit "soured" towards the board, and sometimes seeming favoritism. But, I for one, value all the legitimate postings here (and HATE the SPAM that sometimes gets thru). I personally value every member's contribution, and love seeing old topics revisited & revised. I was the target of one of the people involved, a few years past. That poster is no longer a member, and I didn't allow it to "sour" me to the board. Lots of people got involved with board drama via private messaging, so it's hard to really know what went on. I'm not trying to dig up old ghosts for anyone, so please don't take it as such. I'm just trying to give Ready a reason as to why I think some of us "Old Timers" here on the board aren't as active as we use to be. Plus, again, there's Facebook, where many of us have become friends outside of TT, and keep in contact that way as well. I haven't been as active as I was in the past due to work, daughter's karate schedule (and now she can read, so I have to be careful with when I have this up! LOL), jewelry making (especially for the holiday gift-giving time!) and my modem is picking and choosing when it wants to work. I can replace it, and it's a quick fix, but I just am being lazy. I'm being honest!! Thankfully, the holidays are over. I may be scarse again for a while, starting next weekend. My mother-in-law & father-in-law are coming down from Alaska for an extended visit, and my mother will be here one week during their time as well for her regularly monthly visit. I've been cleaning, putting away holiday stuff, and trying to enjoy the holidays as best as I can! LOL But, I too invite y'all to stir up the pot a bit, bring out some older posts that have gathered some dust, wipe them off, put them back on display again. Sometimes opinions & experience change or get added too, and may help give some insight to new members. So please, keep at it. I'm enjoying reading & inputting when I can. *MUAH* ~Tyger
  10. Great things come in small packages. Yes they sure do! I was Delighted to see one of my newest editions to my vibrator collection. It’s called Waterproof Delights, made by California Exotics, a favorite company of mine. I immediately fell in love with the sleekness of this vibe. On she shopping site, I noticed that this toy comes in 2 different colors, blue or white. I usually like a little color in my toys, but I really LOVED how sleek & simple the pure white makes this toy appear. This phthalate-free white jelly vibe comes in an impressive 8”, with an insertable length of about 5.5”, and it’s about 1.5” in diameter. It has “veins” on the shaft, a wrinkled head, and at the bottom, there are tucked up testicle-like bumps, and on the upper side, there are nubbies to tickle that very special spot! The controller is a simple dial at the base, and the vibe only takes 2 AA batteries (not incl.). The vibes range from low to medium high, and the powerful vibe is right in the middle of the shaft, giving you optimum vibes all thru it, and especially near the tip, which is what I most definitely prefer. It was decently quiet as well. It did have a hint of that “new toy smell”, but with a quick washing, it dissipated really well (not totally, but a definite marked improvement). Don’t let the sleekness of the vibe fool you, this item was a definite pleaser, and I definitely did NOT feel let down, and I felt full enough to be completely satisfied with this toy. I loved the veins and the head of the toy, and OMG! The nubbies were a complete hit with my hungry clit! This toy is great for the experienced toy user, and the beginner too. Simple, easy to use & care for, and very satisfying! I give this toy 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws and a big MEEEE-OWWWW!!! A MUST have vibrator!
  11. Most glass toys, or at least all I've seen, are made from the same glass Pyrex cook/bakeware is made of for longevity and strength, so I'm not suprised that it's strong. I was just thinking of the details on the items. Some people don't care for lots of things like that, I hope to find out one day how they feel though!!!
  12. I must add Mathew McConaughey to my list. I dunno, but that cologne commercial he's in for the holidays, *DROOLAGE*!!!!
  13. In men, I tend to go towards the blonde haired, blue eyed ones, without even realizing it. When I first read this thread, I pondered on it for a while. The majority of my past BF's, and even my hubby, have been blonde/blue-eyed. Though, when I do "stray" from that norm for me, it's with guys with black hair, and usually brown eyes, usually Italian. It hasn't been on purpose, I swear! I have noticed that any women I may be attracted too of the same coloring (blonde/blue eyed, or black haired, but with either green or blue eyes). Again, totally unintentional. With men, I like them to have strong arms, wide shoulders, and a small butt. Yes, I said it! And, I've noticed that I really like manly looking arms and hands. No clue why, but there it is. LOL
  14. There are several steps you can take to prepare for anal sex. First, finding a good, slick lube! Lube is THE most important thing when it comes to anal play!! This can't be stressed enough!!!! Be sure that if you use toys, you use the correct sort of lube. If you have silicone toys, do NOT use silicone based lubes!!!!! I would recommend that you use a silicone based lube for anal play though. We started out with the lube Anal Shooters, which is fantastically slick & long-lasting! Second, if you're worried about the stretching, I'd suggest getting a set of progressive anal plugs, small, medium, large (like The Colt Anal Trainer Kit ). This will get your anus & mind ready and use to something going UP inside of you. The first few times, you will be tight, and your body will try to avoid it going up inside. I suggest being very relaxed, and very excited when you attempt to use anal toys. I hope this helps.
  15. I LOVE da strong vibes!!!!!! Awesome!!! Thanks for the info!!!
  16. The name sounded familiar, so I did a search of this forum, and found the reviews that Mikayla & myself had done for it: Royal Consort Review Now, we would LOVE for you to do a review on it as well. We LOVE seeing reviews from our members. Even though our Review Team is open, and honest, it's really awesome to see TooTimid's other customers participating in adding their POV's to the products here! Looking forward to reading your review on this item!!!
  17. Well, if I have to go PJ-less, the least you could do is allow my fuzzy slippers to keep my tootsies warm.....
  18. That's awesome Ready! I guess just the sheer forbidden "No Girls Allowed" of the mens room really turned you on.
  19. Yes, things have seemed to have ebbed off a bit as of late. I know that one of our very active members is moving & just went thru a divorce, so she has been a bit busy with her real life life. Many of the "regulars" have become RL friends, and catch up mostly on Facebook. I've been very busy myself with work, my daughter's karate, photography, jewelry making, and now I'm also making Lucky Horseshoe pieces. I love this time of year where I get all crafty, burn my fingers with my hot glue gun, and wear myself out, but I do have fun doing it!! The Review Process has slowed down a bit. I know that I make one of my boxes last a couple of months, knowing that money is tight, and sales are down, I don't ask for assignments as much as I use too. Reviews usually get the forum up and going a bit. Have no fear, I have a box on the way!!! I hope Jaqueline has given me some fun & powerful things to try!!! I'm on school vacation for the holidays, so I will be able to get here more often, and touch base. I hope others will as well!!!!
  20. I like looking at the recently added topics first. Then, when I have some time, I delve into past posts, sometimes adding a tidbit here and there. I don't respond to everything that people post about, only the ones that I have knowledge/experience/interest in.
  21. If you haven't tried, it, have her put a bullet on her clit as she's using the strap on on you. It'll set her world on FIRE!!!!
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