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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I was thinking also, since you're a dancer, and mostly surrounded by women, that it's perfectly normal for you to dream about women, since that's your "norm" at this time, even though you aren't attracted to them. Just a thought. Stay cool!!
  2. To go make love with my husband in the lake we live on, in the moonlight. The water down here is like tap water, but it's still water! Every little bit helps during this oppressive heat!!! Plus, it's close to home.
  3. I'm sorry that this has been tolerated all these years. Not trying to sound pessimistic here, and I'm always open for change, open communication, and so on, especially when it comes to matters of the bedroom. I will say that, for anything to change, BOTH of you need to be willing to change it. You seem to be, is he, truthfully? There are people out there that just aren't adventurous in the bedroom, or can't fathom being "dominant" or initiating sex at all......after all "that's wrong!". Well, it's NOT wrong, but it's very hard changing that sort of mind set, unless you really TRY to change it yourself. Others usually can't Change it for you. You've been together a very long time. In long-time marriages, there's usually a rut that we fall into, and it's hard to get out of it, unless you BOTH want to do so. If he's comfortable, and doesn't see anything wrong, he won't change it. I didn't see how old y'all were, so it's hard to suggest age-type issues. Is your hubby a diabetic? Depressed? Does he have a hard time getting an erection? Is he overly stressed at work, or due to money/kids/ect.? Is he overweight? All these things alone could help explain why he may not be gun-ho in the bedroom. Has he always been rather "whatever" in the bedroom, or has his sex drive tapered off?
  4. I agree. There's NOTHING wrong with you. Being curious about your sexuality, even just in dreams, is perfectly normal. Sometimes, we have dreams that make NO sense to us, but somewhere, in our subconscious, we've asked ourselves a question such as yours. Your dream-self probably chose her since you ARE so close to her, and you DO love her, though not romantically. She, in your dream-mind, was a "safe" woman to do that with in your dreams. Generally, women seem to trust women more anyway, so, there's a few reasonings right there. You trust and love her. You have a hard time trusting others, so, your dream-self will put people that you DO love and trust in places in your dreams such as this. NORMAL! I wouldn't over=analyze this at this time. Now, if it comes to being a regular thing you dream about, there may be questions, but I think it was just a dream. *hugs*
  5. As you're probably aware, having a 3-some with your SO (when you're in a committed relationship), FULL TRUST is crucial to making sure that the 3-some is fun at the time, and also doesn't ruin the relationship. If I were in your position, I would suggest that a 3-some be put on HOLD until you both can work thru your issues with it. Truly talk it out, cry, yell, scream, talk some more. So long as you're willing to truly forgive (which means not throwing that in his face over and over), you CAN work past it. But I would say, at this point, you know you're still hurting from it, and, the aftermath of a 3-some probably wouldn't be beneficial to your relationship. Your BF is overseas, fighting for our country, and I respect him (and you) immensely for the sacrifices made. Tell him a heart-felt THANK YOU!!! I'm sure being away from everything and everyone he knows and loves is extremely difficult, and I'm willing to bet that more infidelities happen in situations such as yours, than people are aware of/admit too. Plus, there's the dangers he faces every day. Either way, it's not an excuse, but, maybe in the healing process, you can think of it from his POV too. Best wishes, and I hope you update.
  6. If you were nervous when you inserted your finger, then it would be hard to do, or if it was your first time to do so, then your muscles would be tight, in an instinctual response. However, the previous responses are absolutely correct! The vagina is a wonderful, stretchy thing! Yes, the first time will be a bit uncomfortable. If you've seen his penis for the first time, any of them look HUGE. My "first" seemed like he was a HUGE man! He was actually only 6" long, and less than 2" in diamater. Trust me, that's about average size. Think of it this way, most all women's vagina is able to stretch out to accomodate a baby passing thru, so, something, in comparison, that's much smaller than a baby's head will be very possible. I recommend that you use lots and lots of lube. Some boys/men may think that needing lube is because they don't excite you enough, which is B.S. Sometimes, no matter how excited you are, you just need a little extra help, especially when you use condoms. Even condoms that are lubed will have the lube wear off, or may not be enough. Lubes are very helpful, especially for virgins. Condoms and lubes. Those are VERY important!
  7. Would anyone try to have a "3-some" with a sex doll instead of bringing a real live person in the bedroom with your SO? Have you done so? How was it if you had? If you want to do this, which doll do you think you'd like to try it with?
  8. A man walked into the downtown Bank of America and on the back of a deposit slip wrote, "this iz a stikkup. Put all your muny in this bag." While standing in line, waiting to give his note to the teller, the man began to worry that someone may have seen him write the note and might call the police before he could reach the teller. So, the criminal left the Bank of America and walked across to the street to Wells Fargo. After waiting in line for several minutes there, he handed his note to a teller. After reading it, the teller determined that this robber was perhaps a few sandwiches short of a picnic. She told him that because his note was written on a Bank of America deposit slip, she could not honor his demand. He would either have to fill out a Wells Fargo withdrawal slip or go back to the Bank of America. Feeling defeated, the man said he understood and left. The Wells Fargo teller promptly called the police, who arrested the man a few minutes later--still waiting in line at the Bank of America
  9. Thanks for the review! You're absolutely right! It's very very hard to find a strawberry flavored anything that tastes like strawberries. I haven't found one yet either.
  10. Hasn't become a reality yet, but maybe someday. Right now STRONG fantasy. Hard to find the right person, one you can trust, and one you're attracted too that you know would like to do so as well.
  11. They sent my Census form back!! In answer to the question, 'Do you have any dependents?', I put ...... 'Asylum seekers, illegal immigrants, crack heads, unemployable bastards, the cast of The Jerry Springer Show, 80,000 people in our 133 penal establishments in Texas, leftovers in Texas from Katrina, half of freaking Mexico, Automotive workers, Some of the Congress, most of the Senate and a Muslim President!' ................. Apparently this wasn't an acceptable answer.
  12. They sent my Census form back!! In answer to the question, 'Do you have any dependents?', I put ...... 'Asylum seekers, illegal immigrants, crack heads, unemployable bastards, the cast of The Jerry Springer Show, 80,000 people in our 133 penal establishments in Texas, leftovers in Texas from Katrina, half of freaking Mexico, Automotive workers, Some of the Congress, most of the Senate and a Muslim President!' ................. Apparently this wasn't an acceptable answer.
  13. My flight was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant, who seemed to put everyone in a good mood as he served us food and drinks. As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and told us that 'Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be landing the big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays up, that would be super....' On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed this well-dressed and rather Arabic looking woman hadn't moved a muscle. 'Perhaps you didn't hear me over those big brute engines but I asked you to raise your trazy-poo, so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground.' She calmly turned her head and said, 'In my country, I am called a Princess and I take orders from no one.' To which (I swear) the flight attendant replied, without missing a beat, 'Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country I'm called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray-up, Bitch'
  14. I guess it was my upbringing. I think people should sue if they DESERVE it, truly. Not for an easy way out, but for honest to goodness irresponsibility, carelessness, or faulty products. Hell, there was a court case a few months ago, here in the county where I live, that someone was sueing someone else for giving them the finger!! Yes, really. How assinine can it get? How much money, time, and resources can be wasted before someone makes a stand? We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but that does NOT give us the right to shit on others to get there!
  15. I have about 5 days left before I have to go back to work. I've been able to catch up on some of my favorite tv shows (No, not soap operas), and some of the commercials I see aimed at a greedy, sue-ready public are ridiculous! The one that set me off? "If you're in a car wreck like this, THIS is what you could get! $25,000!!!" Yes, please encourage people to get into car accidents so they can get money, upping everyone's insurance premieums. I LIKE that!!!!!!
  16. I keep most of my toys, especially the jelly/TPR, cyberskin ones in their own packaging & boxes for that very reason. The original packaging keeps them as protected as they can be. Also, be sure your room doesn't get too hot, that can degrade the material as well. I have 2 small chest-of-drawers devoted to my toys, and I only use small sachels for my glass or small bullets (to keep their parts together).
  17. Ahhh!!! You're like a breeze of fresh air!! (Sorry couldn't resist!!) LOL Welcome to the site! Looking forward to seeing your posts.
  18. Leather, corsets, shiny latex, another woman added, another man added.........
  19. That website is HILARIOUS!!!!
  20. That website is HILARIOUS!!!!
  21. There are a lot of celebrities I find hot. Hmmmmm...... For women: Halle Barry is WAAAAY sexy!!! For men: Hugh Jackman is hot hot hot!!!!
  22. Already done. Link worked for me a few days ago.
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