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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. You're welcome. Though I checked out that site, and upon further inspection, it does look as if each dildo is cast from the same mold, however, with different colors.
  2. That was NOT nice of her to leave you hanging like that. Totally uncool. I don't blame you for feeling very used right now. Because you were. She could've hit the snooze button again, and helped you out too!
  3. Where I have to join in with the "ewwwwwwwwwwwwww-sayers", I will say that I think it's a good idea, but after cleaning up after my daughter while she was in diapers, I have no desire to clean up after myself that intently. I already have to shower, shave, do my hair, and other housework around here, I don't want to have to think about cleaning/disinfecting pads. I do other things to help save the environment, so I'm with the "I respect your decisions. Go for it. Not for me, thank you!"
  4. It depends on how long you've been trying it, and what kind of lube. So long as you stay lubricated, and are willing to keep trying, I would suggest that you go slow, try different positions, and stay positive. Check out some of the different positions that can be done during anal. It may be that you're just not getting the right spot. Try using clit stimulation DURING anal sex too. Remember, anal can be fun, for BOTH. And, I would also recommend that you suggest (if you're interested in it) a strap on for you to try on HIM! Trust me, it's very exciting to see your "own" cock! I'm all for trying new things in any aspect of life, however, keep in mind, not everything is going to be "your thing". It may just be that you don't enjoy it. Things like that happen. But, if you're willing, just keep trying. Good luck!
  5. I guess it depends on the cock, but generally I don't mind them. I don't like the ATM shots or the cum all over the face shots either though. Gimme bouncing breasts any day!!! <3
  6. Tyger


    It's getting better. We talked it over, and I'm not loosing the laptop. It helps that he's getting unemployment now, so I'm not having to pay for everything. And, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. He is probably going to be able to go back to truck driving school, since, that's about the only thing his back specialist said he will be able to do (with no lifting). I have been selling stuff here and there to make ends meet (mostly jewelry that I don't wear anymore), and to be able to take DD to the DR. She's had a rough month. Bladder infection, one med that didn't work, one med that gave her an allergic reaction, and now that she's all over that, now she's got a bad cold in her chest and head. Hubby doesn't understand that my focus is on her, and I've been stressing over how the next dr. visit will be paid. But I was able to get her onto the reduced medical plan TX has (called CHIPs), so that's another plus. I still need him to help more inside the house, though I DID get the whole lawn mowed, and both mowers working (well, he did, but I had to "nag" him about it). So that's looking nice, thankfully. I let him pay 2 bills this month, and was a little "selfish" by getting some new clothes & 2 pr of boots for work. I'm trying to get out of the "dumps", but putting up as much Halloween as possible (my FAVORITE HOLIDAY!). Thanks to all that have read the thread and let me rant and rave. It'll probably happen again. I've been here, but mostly reading. Been very tired lately. Work is just mentally draining, and the worry/stress with DD, I'm just a lump most nights!! <3 to all!!!
  7. I'm pretty much going to give the same answer as Mikayla here. I'm up for almost anything other than those things. Oh, and I don't like anything to do with feet (except sexy shoes). I don't like to have my feet messed with at ALL. LOL
  8. Relaxing, lots of lube (silicone is best, but if you're using condoms and/or toys, be careful, because silicone can break latex down. They do sell toy/condom compatible silicone lubes). Also, to train your body to accept a cock, I would suggest that you start off with small toys, gradually (GRADUALLY) working your way up to larger anal toys, so that your body can get use to something going UP there.
  9. I guess it all depends on my moods at the time. A lot of the time, it's just what I fantasize about so that'd be my mind. However, adult mags do stuff, and so do DVDs too.
  10. I think the general idea of "given permission" would be if you had an open relationship, or, say in the example of like maybe a disabled person that can't perform anymore sexually, giving their spouse the OK to go ahead and have sex outside the marriage. For some, this works. People want to experiment. Some do, some don't. Some experiment when they're single, and cease when they get married. Others never have experimented, and wish they had after they get married. There's all sorts of scenerios. Now, if you say in anger, "Oh, just go ahead and fuck his/her brains out why don't ya?" That, to me, isn't "permission". It's sarcasm. Open marriages required a hell of a lot of honesty, up front, and almost brutal. Not only for the health aspects, but to maintain trust in the relationship too.
  11. Well, you must do what you feel is right, however, do not do this lightly because your pride may be hurt. You said you would've let her "go outside the marriage 4 yrs ago", and it'd be fine, now you're seeing that it's not such a good thing for your situation Personal trainers are great! However, keep in mind, that they're always suppose to be positive, supportive, and full of energy. That keeps their clients happy and willing to do more to get the results they want. This man may not be like that outside of the gym. I really hope that you find the right path for you.
  12. Daughter's sick, I'm getting sick, and I want things to slow down a bit. Looking forward to having a weekend with just me and my daughter though!!
  13. I think it all depends on the person & request. Usually, when you get together with someone, you find out what they like & dislike. You also find out what they usually won't do even if hell froze over. If you're willing to accept this, then, years down the road, it's unfair to expect that to change. Now, if they express curiosity about it, and a possible willingness to try it, ok, but it's not fair to change them in that way. Yes compromises need to be made, however, if it makes your lover feel degraded in any way, it's just not worth it, IMHO.
  14. Well, I had to read your post several times before I even dared answer. Where I don't want to sound hypocritical here, there are just some things in a marriage that should stay to oneself. Yes, you should probably have an idea of how many partners your SO has been with, however, numbers really don't matter much, so long as you're honest about if you were careful (or not). Gory details are just not needed. I'm sure, when you brought it up 4 years ago, your wife really WAS absolutely fine with having you as her confidant, lover, and friend. When you bring up "are you happy? Do you regret? Would you like to experiment?" it can bring up A LOT of feelings that never exsisted before. I mean, that's normal. And if you have discussed it a lot, which many people tend to do when they're worried, concerned, or feeling guilty (like you made her miss out on something by getting married so young, which was also her choice to do/not do), if brought up too many times, or at all, the other "less experienced" spouse can start to really really wonder, "well what if?" Some women CAN really experience JUST lust with a man, and not feel any (or just a little) connection with her lover. I have. Usually, I've found, that it happens with women that just don't want to be in a real relationship, for whatever reason, at the time. However, most women don't/can't seperate love from lust. It's how we're "wired" to ensure that we stay with our mates. There is no set-in-stone answer for you. If she is the type of woman you've portrayed her to be, then, if she does have sex with this trainer, start pushing you away, whether aware or not, out of guilt of what she's done. With permission or not, it would be considered cheating, since marriage is a committed relationship, and, well, I'm sure you remember the "forsaking all others" part of your vows? YOU can't even asnwer that question. Nobody can. Nobody can say "YES this is EXACTLY how I would react to this scenerio" because saying it, and actually experience it are 2 totally different things. Anyway, if I were you, I would recommend that she NOT have sex with this man, and that you use her newfound sexual interest to help spice up your sex life with her. I would also recommend that she change trainers, or even better, change gyms all together. That's my 2 cents.
  15. I get irritated when people come down on our police officers, saying that they don't care. Well, here is a story that shows not all cops are in that category. The Joplin , Missouri Police Department reported finding a man's body last Saturday in the Spring River near the Empire Electric Plant. The dead man's name would not be released until his family had been notified. The victim apparently drowned due to excessive beer consumption while visiting "someone" in Riverton , Kansas . He was wearing black fish-net stockings, a red garter belt, a pink G-string, purple lipstick, and an Obama T-shirt. The police removed the Obama T-shirt to spare his family any unnecessary embarrassment. Police do care.
  16. Tyger


    I made a decision tonight. I am NOT loosing my laptop. I use it too much with my photography, so I will be selling some of my fine jewerly to make a few payments, or pay for it outright. Hubby will OWE me BIG time for that! LMAO I may even sell some of his video games to help! What's pissing me off the most is that Hubby just doesn't seem to even WANT to try to help me with this. He just keeps waiting. He will take change to buy cigarettes, but, oh, about 10 packs ago, he could've made a payment. I told him when he started back up that I WON'T suffer for this habit, neither will DD, nor will I support it. I haven't given him any $$ for 'em, nor will I go to the store & buy them for him either. Not my habit, not my problem. He'll go to a friend's house, spend 3 hours there working on a tractor, have to come home and take 2 pain pills, then lay down. I ask him to pick up his clothes, and it's like I've asked him to cut off his foot with a plastic knife! I mean, really. DD did apologize several times for her comment. She KNEW she made a mistake with that, and I know she's learning, so she LEARNED that that was NOT the thing to say to Momma! I just hope that, when she's older, she realizes how hard I worked for her, making less $$ than I'm capable of making, just so I could work at her school, to be involved, and be close to her. Plus, all the time & support I have for her karate. I really do feel like I take 2 steps forward, and 3 steps back some days, ya know?
  17. OK, so, many of you know that my hubby's been out of work for a year now, due to an on-the-job injury. Back in April, he had an MMI done, which the dr. spent maybe 10 minutes with him, claiming he'd reached MMI. His back specialist agreed that that was NOT enough time to make a correct assessment so contested with us. It failed since the worker's comp insurance heard what it wanted to hear. So, he's been without a check since July. Thankfully, when I got the job as the secretary, it came with a raise, so I'm bringing home a bit more than I was before. We are barely paying our bills, and then, we've had to let a couple of not-so-pressing ones slide. I'm probably going to have to relingquish my Christmas gift back to Aaron's (laptop) cuz I just can't pay everything. I can't. And, the sad part is, we only have 4 more payments. I bust my ass all day at school. Then, DD goes to karate, 2-4 times per week. Most of the time I try to do 3x per week. I've stopped asking him to help out with that cuz he just whines that he can't sit that long, but he CAN sit for over an hour playing video games! I understand he's in pain, but I can't do it all. On the weekends, I WISH I could get just a DAY to relax. Not even this long holiday weekend was that even possible! I had to take Mom to the airport EARLY Saturday morning, then Saturday evening we went to a b-day party. I've also been super-busy trying to make more jewelry to sell at the corner store here for the long holiday weekend. I sold a BUNCH on Memorial Day, so I thought this would be the same. Not ONE piece sold. I've been cleaning, doing laundry, and making more jewerly. Thankfully, the lady that owns the store, also has a gallery in town, and asked if I'd like to put a couple of my more pricey pieces in her gallery to sell, so maybe that will also be another avenue to make some $$. My gripe, as I take so long to make my point, is, that I sit down to do my nails, which I haven't done in over 2 months....both hubby AND DD give me funny looks when I say "No, I can't do that right now, you do it". WTF? My daughter said "stop being so lazy". If I could've reached her, she would've been spanked. I told her that I've been busting my butt for everyone else around here, that a couple hours for ME isn't a high price to pay, and that I NEVER wanted to hear that from her again. She apologized, but still, she's never EVER said anything like that to me before (nor will she again)!! I don't ask them to do much, and when I do, they think I'm putting them out since I DARE ask! Gimme a fuckin' break! I don't know what exactly they expect from me, but doing everything is getting old fast. I know hubby hurts, don't get me wrong, but he's been doing lots of stuff for others, yet, when I ask him "I can't, I'm hurting". Really????? YOU'RE HURTING??????????? And if I get too tired, I'll get sick, then we're ALL fucked. But, hey, you sit there and wallow in self-pity (when he could go get some counselling), wait for stuff to happen, or do stuff for EVERYONE else....that's just find deary. Sorry. I know I'm just bitching and whining. I just needed to vent a bit. Thanks for reading. Grab a bag of double stuff oreos for me!!! <3
  18. I don't recall us ever having it, but I LIKE IT!!! This one looks similar to what you had, however it's not a "snake": http://shop.tootimid.com/productimages/sextoys3/TCGL80main.jpg As you can see, it's got the bumps & the curves like the other one you had. Something to think about at least. Hope it helps!!!
  19. Welcome from another fellow Texan!!!!
  20. Welcome from another fellow Texan!!!!
  21. We are always on the lookout for new anal lubes. After all, variety is the spice of life. And Adam & Eve products have rarely ever let me down. This 6.7 oz. bottle with a pop-top, is not only cute, but functional. It says if you squeeze it, it can shoot up into tight spots. I don’t know about that (sounds a bit too uncontrolled & messy to me), but, the lube is WATER-BASED, so it’s condom compatible (so good for all sorts of toy materials), and it’s non-staining. So, I unscrew the cap, take the seal off, and sniff. It’s suppose to smell like passion fruit, but to me it smelled a lot like cough syrup. Ew. Well, ok, I was getting a whiff of the entire product, so, I screw that cap back on, pull up on the lid, and yes, we have a squirt top! But, remember dear players, the hole is rather large, so don’t squeeze too much, or it’ll go all over…YOU. I decided to use it on my va-jay-jay this one time, just to see how it works. I like to see how long-lasting all my lubes are, before daring to use them anally. Using a silicone toy, I lube up the toy, and noticed that the smell wasn’t so bad. I decided to taste it, and it tasted pretty sweet, there was definitely an after-taste in your mouth after. The lube was very slick, but, being water-based, it was absorbed rather quickly, which is NOT something you want in an anal lubricant. You want it to stay as slick, for as long as possible. So, this lube failed the longevity test for me. However it DID clean up easily. So, for an anal lube, I would have to rate this a 1 out of 4 Tyger paws, but as a regular, fun, sweet lube, I'll rate it 2.5 Tyger paws. Sorry guys! http://shop.tootimid.com/fruity-booty-anal-lube.aspx
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