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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. My first #3 is my husband, of course. We've been together almost 10 yrs, and he was the one I was with when I found out I had herpes, and he stayed by my side thru the whole ordeal of the first outbreak. He was really positive, when he could've ran for the hills! He's also been very accepting and willing to try A LOT of new things with/for me too. My second #3 is my FWB. I've known him since I was 14, and he encouraged me to explore new things. We were wild together. And we're still friends, even though we've moved on from each other sexually. It's nice to have that connection. My third #3 is "Junior". He was 8 yrs my junior, he was young, full of, um, energy, was very "attentive", made me feel sexy, and we had a lot of fun together too.
  2. My husband was desperate (before he met me of course) to find someone, so he went online to some sort of site. Not sure which one. Anyway, he met this girl, talked with her online for a few months, paid for her plane ticket down here, and she was TOTALLY different from what she put online. That, and she slept with his friend, and ruined a marriage (hubby's friend's) by going after the man (well, helped ruin it anyway). But, one of my best friends, found a guy, online, married him, and has been married to him for 10 yrs now. Just like regular dating, it's how honest you both are with each other, & not pretend to be something you're not that makes a successful relationship, not where you meet.
  3. I FOUND IT!!! I went thru some of my old catalogs, and I found the site. Here's a pic!!! It's called The Celebrator.
  4. I want! Actually, there's another one, that I was introduced to at a toy party (different company), and I WANT it. I can't find it online again though, so I gotta look. If I find the link, I will post it. It's like a mini-mini-hitatchi, but not a "hitatchi" itself.
  5. I'm lovin' the responses so far! Keep 'em comin'!!! Or is that cumin'? LOL
  6. You'll want to check, and make sure that you're going to be taken off the lease. If the BF moves in, then he can cover where you were, and she should write something up that states that you moved out, but someone else took your place to pay the rent, so it would let you off the hook, just in case something happens. Trust me, simple things can ruin a friendship then land you in court. Best wishes!
  7. Thanks for sharing! You go girl!!!
  8. Thanks for sharing! You go girl!!!
  9. OMG!!! It looks like the start to a horror flick or something. Though, you DO get to see it up close & personal! LOL I'd recommend seeing it, even if you aren't going to get it. It'll make you smile, and intrigue you!
  10. Welcome "alla"! I'm glad you found us! I have a few forums I belong too, 2 others being of a sexual nature, however, this is THE BEST one I've ever come across, & the one I contribute to the most! Glad you like it here, and looking forward to seeing more of your posts. We LOVE fresh ideas (& fresh meat LMAO)!
  11. Yes, MOHD!!! The heat index made it 112 here today!!!! I melted, and NOT in a good way!
  12. What is your favorite Dildo material? IT'S NO SECRET: GLASS!!!! ALTHOUGH SILICONE IS A CLOSE SECOND! What is your favorite Dual Action toy material? I FIND JELLY OR RUBBER EXCELLENT What is your favorite Vibrator material? SILICONE If you use them, what's your favorite Strap-On material? CYBERSKIN What's your favorite Bullet material? RUBBER/JELLY For the men, what's your favorite "Pocket Pussy" material? WELL, I'M NOT A GUY, BUT I THINK THAT CYBERSKIN PROVIDES THE BEST SORT OF STIMULATION FOR POCKET PUSSIES. What's your favorite Anal Toy material? JELLY/RUBBER What's your favorite Bondage material? CLOTH WITH VELCRO What's your favorite Lube ingredient(s) (silicone or water-based)? I LIKE WATER-BASED FOR REGULAR PLAY, & SILICONE FOR ANAL PLAY. What's your favorite Condom material? I'VE ONLY USED LATEX. If you have one, what's your favorite Doll material? AGAIN, I THINK THAT CYBERSKIN WOULD PROVIDED THE BEST SORT OF STIMULATION.
  13. Hi there. This is going to be a long road for the both of you. The first key is communication. Open up to him. However, men usually tend to feel like we're blaming them for stuff, even when we're just making comments (not that women don't do that either), especially when they're feeling bad about themselves. Your husband has a lot going on. He may be depressed due to the diabetes. Some people don't take the news that they will depend on medication, restricted diet, for the rest of their lives. Men want to be our hero, invincible, our Wall, so to speak. Some men (and women) feel like they're not whole, when they develop a medical issues such as this, or even severe injuries (like my hubby has been going thru for almost a year). So, depression, and/or feeling "Less-Than", may also be a culprit. I understand his desire for not taking any more pills, however, he has to also be totally honest with his doctor. Most men don't want to admit their little soldier isn't at attention as much as he use to, due to pride and embarrassment, but, his doctor will also want him to be as functional as possible, and also help in maintaining the marriage bed. He may be able to try a new sort of medication to help control the diabetes, that has less side-effects. He has to also communicate with YOU. Encourage him to open up. How's he feeling about all of this? Assure him that this is NOT his fault, and that you really do understand, and that you want him to know that you are willing to help him, but he also has to be willing to help himself. Best wishes!
  14. Just keep in mind that, what one person finds totally awesome, may not be so for the next person. Again, a lot of finding YOUR Perfect Sex Toy is trial & error. For example, just recently, both Mikayla and I tried out The Royal Rascal: She found it to be excellent, as did a few others, me, not so much. It really is in the, um, eye (?) of the beholder. LOL But it IS a lot of fun trying!!!!
  15. I've been curious how this all turned out?
  16. According to the review, the vibe sound is low, however, I didn't see if it was adjustable, though, most of Dr. Laura Berman's products are. Plus, right now, it's ON SALE!! LOL I can tell you that I haven't tried this particular item, but 1 person that did submit a review on it gave it 5 stars! I do have a few of Dr. Laura's products, and have always been very satisfied!
  17. So, I know this was asked a while ago, but, let's refresh! If you have one, what is your most favorite material? Feel free to break it down. Or, answer these questions as honestly as you can: What is your favorite Dildo material? What is your favorite Dual Action toy material? What is your favorite Vibrator material? If you use them, what's your favorite Strap-On material? What's your favorite Bullet material? For the men, what's your favorite "Pocket Pussy" material? What's your favorite Anal Toy material? What's your favorite Bondage material? What's your favorite Lube ingredient(s) (silicone or water-based)? What's your favorite Condom material? If you have one, what's your favorite Doll material?
  18. I agree and disagree with the whole abortion thing. I don't think that abortion should be your primary choice for birth control. However, if you have been using something else, like the Pill, or condom, and they fail, then, you were obviously trying to avoid pregnancy, so, therefore, it's a back up plan that's there. That sort of situation I do agree with. But, I digress. I agree with Mikayla, it sounds like he's overly-pregnancy paranoid. Maybe a form of BC failed on him one time. It could be something as simple as that. He probably has a mental block, like she said, and, if it continues, it may be the only way that he will be able to cum. It's going to take a lot to get him past that. It's a good thing that he doesn't want to get you pregnant, and smart that he knows that relying on one form of BC is risky. However, using the Pill AND a condom, you probably have a better chance of getting struck by lighning than you would getting pregnant! LOL
  19. Very nice!!! Nipplicious, in fact!!!
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