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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Same here too Leslieanne! OMG! It's showing in the high 90's, but then the heat index pushes it up to about 105 or so!! Too hot for this time of year. Today, we had a small gusty rainstorm, but it didn't last long, nor did it cool it down much at all.
  2. I've been thinking about adding something like a BUZZ rating, when doing reviews on vibrators. Like, 1 is the lowest sound, and 5 being almost like a power drill-loudness! LOL For me, if a toy can be heard thru a closed door, it's loud. However, remember, it's going to sound loud to YOU since you're holding/inserting the toy. When doing reviews, I literally, will lay it under the covers, get up, and go outside my bedroom door, & shut it. If I can hear it thru that, then I consider it loud. You can do that if you have a roommate, but don't want to "risk" being caught if they're home, by doing the same thing (test wise). Also keep in mind, you may usually be listening to the radio, or TV when masturbating, and that does drown out a lot of small noises too.
  3. It's not only pregnancy she has to worry about (as you well know). I got herpes from a condom slipping off. Not deliberately taken off though. I hope that she dumped his ass. That's a terrible, deviant way of getting to cum the way he wants to and the risked be damned. WTF?
  4. I would also say, that since you're going to be roomies and all, free daycare isn't an option. If you want to help her out, ok, but if the boy's going to act like, well, an ass, then you should be paid for your troubles, or have some of the rent taken off, and have the Mom pick it up. Trade-offs. That is FAIR. She'd have to pay a sitter anyway. Ask her what she'd pay for that sort of service. Then, ask if she'd be willing to trade off or pay you. Offer a reduced rate if you want, but I wouldn't do it for free. She may be your friend, but if he's going to be a lot of trouble, you should be paid for it. After all, he's not YOUR responsibility, he's his Mother's. Plus, many (but not all) single, dating parents have a tendancy to "forget" and take advantage of "help", & then they get pissed when that "help" is rescinded, ruining a friendship. So, I'd get that agreement down, and IN WRITING ASAP. Also, keep a log of when & what times you sit, the rate, and have a copy of it made when you give her your share of the bill money (if you both decide to do trade-offs). Roommates have gotten a lot more petty, so having everything IN WRITING is the safest way to cover both of your asses, in case something goes bad between you, and then one of you sues the other. Trust me, it happens A LOT! But I do agree, have this meeting BEFORE you sign a lease with her.
  5. I tried a gold butterfly one years ago. I can still see the packaging, black box, blonde on the front, and that was way to short, and sad to say, too cheezy. Plus, I wasn't as toy-experienced as I am now, so that one was a total failure. LOL This one, as I said, works, but it IS loud, so you really can't be discreet with this thing, unless you're going to a bar with loud music, concert, or something with a loud background.
  6. Well, as a step-parent, I can relate to a degree. Now, you live in their house, I presume? If so, there are a few more restrictions on you. Her house, her rules. If it were me, I would INSIST on a family meeting, including BOTH children AND the mother. Set down EXACTLY what the rules are, what's acceptable (for them), and how things will be handled. Parents can be very if-y, and the kids WILL lie to get away with more stuff "Well, mom lets me....". It happens with substitute teachers ALL of the TIME. That way, the boy can't lie, you'll know what to do, and the kids will know EXACTLY what's expected of them. INSIST that everyone's there. Best Wishes!!! & Good luck!
  7. Congratulations!!! I'm soooo happy for you!!!
  8. I ditto Mikayla's advise. Women are not only complex emotionally, but we are physically as well. Everything's internal for us, so sometimes it's hard to really pinpoint the issue. Now, everyone, at one point or another, will NEED some extra lubrication help. That's normal. And, each time of the month, depending on your cycle, there can be a dip in your hormones, making it more difficult to self-lubricate. I always like to use lubes, even when I'm wet, because we also use condoms as part of our birth control method, and rubber can catch your insides, as well as your skin, and can hurt. It's always a good idea to use lubes anyway (with toys). I usually use the water-based, safer for toys, and better for your body. The wetter, the better! Good luck!
  9. They look like those strips you can get for your breath (which is always handy to have, in case of, um, some car trip fun), or for sore throats, so the packaging can be pretty incognito! Thanks for the information!
  10. I was wondering how well this freebie was! It's definitely interesting-looking. I didn't realize it was that big! WTG!!!
  11. Needing a lot of batteries, gotta win the lottery, and I want to get a Ford Mustang!!! LOL
  12. I had great luck with the wired version of this, so I'd recommend this one. http://shop.tootimid.com/wireless-venus-butterfly.aspx
  13. Congrats to all of the happy things that have been happening to you lately!!!!
  14. Being kidnapped by 2 tall, voluptious women dressed in leather & thigh high boots (I love those), corsets.... Being told what to do. Laying there & taking whatever they want to dish out.
  15. Sue Johanson knows sex toys. So does TooTimid, of course, so when I got the Royal Rascal, I was most definitely intrigued by this toy. I love the Royal Blue color, especially since it adds some variety into my sex toy collection that seems to have more pinks & purples on it. And I loved the dolphin clit stimulator. I love dolphins & most things oceanic anyway. Since it has a water “theme” to it, it makes total sense that it’s also waterproof. However, I was kind of dumbfounded when I saw, riding the wave’s crest…..a soccer ball? Huh? How the heck does that tie in to anything sexual (unless you love soccer players I suppose) or oceanic? Well, I’ve never let looks fool me before (in a sex toy), so, on with the investigative fun. Taking this silicone toy out of its package, I noticed a faint “new toy smell”, which is normal, & dissipates quite a bit after washing. While washing it, I noticed that it was soft & pliable, which is always nice. There are lots of little creases, peaks, & valleys to wash, but also to entice you as well. I do notice that the shaft is a bit short, insertion wise, about 3.5”, & it’s a bit on the average to small size, diameter wise, but, as most of us know, size doesn’t always matter, even in a sex toy. 3 AAA batteries go into the easily removable battery pack, & give this Rascal quite a bit of power at the touch of a couple of buttons. I was very impressed with how smooth & quiet this toy was. Some dual actions can sound like a small motor bike at times! I really enjoyed the vibes too. I love dolphins for sex toys because of their pointy mouths. They just seem to dive right into the clit very easily, & this one does hit the spot! Using my water-based lube, I lube up the, um, soccer ball, and dive in. Where I loved the rotations, and the medium strength vibes, I wasn’t über-impressed with this toy. Yes, it felt good. Yes, the vibes were good. Yes, the sound was good. I did have a decent clitoral orgasm, due to the rascally dolphin, however this toy wasn’t what I’d call overly rascaliscious, in my opinion. For my Tyger rating, just for the clitoral fun I had, I'll give it a paw & a half (out of 4 paws). http://shop.tootimid.com/royal-rascal-vibrator.aspx
  16. Having a text-based relationship has definitely added more into the mix when it comes to relationships, no matter who you are, or what stage of a relationship you're in. "Tones" usually can't be read right in texts. If he has ignored you, it's one of 3 things, he's forgotten about the invite, he didn't get the text (those do get dropped like phone calls sometimes), or he's ignoring you because he's probably doing something with his GF. I'm friends with several guys, many of which are exes. It is possible to be friends with men. However, seeing that you do have extra feelings for this guy, I'd recommend that you find someone else to take to the concert, so you can avoid heartbreak which is bound to happen in this case. Best Wishes!
  17. If this guy was single, I'd be the first in line to say "GO FOR IT!!" However, you said he has a GF, & it's obvious that you have deeper feelings for him than that. He may be a great texting friend, however, a young guy, and even some older ones, like to play around. One of my hubby's best friends is a self-proclaimed DOG (he's only about 4 yrs younger than we are). I would hate for him to be trying to buddy up to you, just so he could get an extra "piece", and then never call you again, which is what DOGS typically do. If he was interested in you "like that", he'd be single, and responding to you regularly (maybe not possible to respond each & every time, but still fairly regularly). If you do do anything, as in go see him, I would suggest that you go to a public place, and if he makes a move, politely tell him that you don't want to be used. If he's doing this with his current girlfriend, what makes you think that, if he was in a relationship with you, that he wouldn't do the same thing? Food for thought.
  18. is lovin' Texas, life, & all things that go buzzz in the night!

  19. So, the other thread seemed to be getting quite a bit of traffic. I thought I'd start a fresh one. So, please leave a message at the sound of the tone.....BEEEEP!!!
  20. Oh. My. Gawd. I decided to try the new, improved model of this toy, having tried several of them, most of which, end up usually being great disappointments. I’d had one, years ago, that was golden color, very similar to this, and I was less than impressed. However, I am not one to give up hope. Plus, the companies improve toys over time, so it’s always good to give toys a second chance. Venus was the Goddess of Love, & I’m in LOVE with this hands-free, wearable vibrator. Pretty in purple, the vibrator is meant to be worn under your clothes, or, in the bedroom. Wherever you see fit. Speaking of fit, yes, ladies, those of us that aren’t rail-thin can wear them too! I’m a size 14, & the leg & waist straps are adjustable, and weren’t cutting into my skin. The straps remind me of garter hooks, so they’re easy to use & fasten. Very comfy all around. The controller takes 3 AA batteries (not incl.). The slide control is easy to use, & you can tell the difference from low to high! Tyger likes!! Just be careful if you do wear this out, because the slide doesn't lock in, so it can be slid low, or HIGH without warning. The jelly butterfly has one very powerful bullet in it. Be sure to wash it well before & after use, and only use rubber compatible lubes around it, though it only has that small tail that tickles, so nothing to really insert. The controller is NOT waterproof, nor is the cord very long, but it’s long enough that you can string it up thru your pants (from the top), & put it in a pocket. Which is exactly what I started to do. Thinking I could do a bunch of work in my bedroom (some summer cleaning), & have a little extra fun in the process, I get all the hooks & straps adjusted. Getting the Butterfly situated all comfy, & right on the right spots was very easy to do. The head/beak goes on the clit, and the tip of the tail tickles your labia rather nicely. OK, so, I turn it on, slide the contoller slowly on high, and WHOA! I have to grip the bathroom sink! As my orgasm rocked me, I was doing more than fluttering, I can tell you that! I had to slide it back down after I gathered my wits about me. After all, I had, um, work to do? I did notice that I would NOT be able to wear this out around anywhere where it would be quiet, because the buzzing was rather obvious, even on low. OK, let’s try exiting the bathroom again. ANOTHER orgasm! After coming down from that one, I decided that I’d never get anything done that way, so I took it off, washed it down, and put it away for later, or sooner as the case will probably be! I give this hands-free toy hands WAAAAY up! Yes, I definitely recommend this purple pleaser!!! http://shop.tootimid.com/venus-butterfly-ii.aspx
  21. I was afraid of breaking mine too, but, just push on it, don't SQUEEZE it too much. Good luck!
  22. The thing about Kegels is that you don't HAVE to have anything to practice with. Yes, Kegel balls are helpful, but, this is the sort of exercise you can do at your desk, in your car, in the shower, or reading a book. Just remember to squeeze, squeeze, squeeze whenever you think about it. Start with a rep of 10. Do them throughout the day, and you'll be fit, tone, and flexin' in no time!!
  23. It's VERY hard to open, due to the waterproof seal. My hubby had to open it, and he pushed on the little ribs on the side of the compartment, and pushed up at the same time (he had the controller upside down, with the cord facing down). It's VERY hard to do.
  24. It's VERY hard to open, due to the waterproof seal. My hubby had to open it, and he pushed on the little ribs on the side of the compartment, and pushed up at the same time. It's VERY hard to do.
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