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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Well, I cannot believe I missed this post!!! I suck!! OK, welcome welcome to one of the greatest adult toy sites I have ever found!!! I'm not overly experienced with penis sleeves. BUT I will tell you that my ex husband, who was extremely paranoid about having a "small penis" (he was average sized~about 6 inches long, and almost as wide as you). What he did for me, though I never asked him to do so, was, he used some of the vibrator sleeves that came with my sleek silver vibrator kit. It was a vibrator with, um, 3 sleeves that went over it I believe. He used a little lube to put them on, and they were snug, but they stretched a bit, and we just made sure that they stayed on (like using condoms). Now, I'm not sure how well that would work with you, but it may be a "2-fer" benefit wise. Buying her a kit, then surprising her with the added bonus of extending yourself!! I would definitely recommend that, if you DO do this, use lube to put it on, and to make sure you can get it off of you fairly easily. I'm not sure WHY you want to do this, you aren't "small" by any means. Don't go by the guys on pornos to "measure up", because they are either average length or almost obscenely over-sized!! Also, on this site, look up at the top tabs, and you will see 4 of them. Check out "Shopping", even type in Penis Sleeves up at the top right hand side in the pink box where it says Enter Product Search Here. Maybe that will pull up some goodies for ya!! Just 2 little suggestions. Hopefully, there will be more!!
  2. How embarrassed did you get when your beloved little angel came running out of the bedroom with your favorite vibrator? Thankfully, the one time (so far) that my daughter DID this, we were alone, so it was no big deal. I told her that that was Mommies and not to play with. But I could still feel my blushing starting!!
  3. "Money is always a problem when you are in college, unless you are Paris Hilton"~Howard Did Paris Hilton even GO to college? Seriously, first off: WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!! To reaffirm what was already mentioned, the only "stupid question" is the one gone unasked!! How are we to learn anything if we don't ask questions? You won't hear ANY snickering at niavity here!! OK, along with Mikayla, I too have the C-section pooch, and also am trying to loose weight. I feel down about myself, because, also like her, I was a "model" of sorts. I'm trying very hard to also feel comfortable with who I am no matter what I look like!! In other words, we know where you're coming from!! Have you seen the newest People magazine, and other periodicles? They are now saying that too thin is NOT in!! I mean, who in the Real World of financial un-independance, can one really DO the whole weight trainer, exercise for HOURS a day, hire a dietition, and buy racks of clothes? That's what models and movie/TV stars do. The skinnier they are, the more parts are available to them. Thank goodness in Real Life, that your work doesn't depend on your weight!! How refreshing to know that, even though they make more mula that we do, we don't have to starve, purge, binge, tighten, Botox, or a lot of other self torture to be successful!!! As for "your guy". If he says that a little roll doesn't bother him, then it doesn't. If it did, he wouldn't be fooling around with you to begin with. Each person is attracted to different types. So asking what "most men" like, is a bit broad. I mean, I prefer blue eyed, blonde guys. Does this mean that's all I've ever dated? No, of course not. Some men prefer rounder, softer women. Some skinny-stick girls. When I was really thin, I found that a lot of the guys that prefered the skinny me, were only after sex, and a "trophy" so to speak. Not overly deep relationships there. Not that I am saying all men that like skinny women are like that, don't get me wrong. Some men prefer women with hair, other men prefer the women that they're with are well-trimmed/groomed *down there*. Don't change yourself just for a guy. Do what YOU feel comfortable with. You can always trim in down there, then go for more, or let it grow back. Try different things. Find something you like, and go with it! If you constantly change for a guy, then a different guy, then more changes for another guy, you loose yourself after a while. And you won't know WHAT it is you like or dislike! I hope this helps a bit. Sorry for the length!!
  4. Let me tell you, sometimes, when playing solo, I just want to GET OFF, and not a lot of time invested in it!! I use the Hustler Rock It Waterproof Vibrator, for direct clit action, as well as one of my fav toys (not bought here), for the G-spot, and it's a sure fire way to get me off!! I like a bit more pressure on the clit, and that product really does it for me! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4680 After searching the shopping section, the g-spot vibe that comes close to my favorite toy (so far) is: http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4831 But, I also had something similar to this one, years ago (it died tragically, I'm still not over the loss...), and it worked great too!! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=3331 I hope these help!!
  5. See how much I pay attention to older country music!! LOL Thanks for the info though!
  6. I keep telling my DH that toys are ENHANCEMENTS and not REPLACEMENTS. He's slowly, but surely getting the idea of them. I even let HIM suggest when we use them, that way, he won't feel like I would rather use them, than be with him.
  7. His eyes look cross-eyed to me, like he is also enjoying himself too!! This does look really cute, and easy to use. Not so intimidating for those who fear anal play! I may have to try that!
  8. Well, I've never heard of that in a (presumably) young, healthy man. As long as he's healthy, I guess my only suggestion was for him to RELAX!! He is probably just over-thinking it all, and that's probably what is holding him back when he's with you. Maybe try having a night focused just on HIM. Make him well-aware that that night is for HIS pleasure only. You can do what ever he wants you to do to him! Assure him that this night of selfishness will help him relax. Hopefully, if he can orgasm once or twice with you doing whatever he wants, that may loosen him up a bit more. Best wishes!! Happy playing!
  9. Bobby Sox DVD I got my newest addition to my growing adult film collection, and gazed upon a very titillating cover of sexy ladies made by VIVID Interactive. I was very excited to start the show!! Since my husband is away on work, I put the kiddo to bed, I peeled open the package, and sat down for some good solo viewing and playtime! This complete adult film is packed with lots of surprises, including a plot AND humor! It’s a well-rounded view, to be sure! I can see why it won 6 AVN awards, because it covers a lot of sexual preferences: three-somes (2 men with a girl, and 2 girls with a man), voyeurism, 1-on-1, S&M, domination, & masturbation. Bobby Sox has several options for viewing as well! Multiple angles & screens, Interactive Game Rooms, Director’s Cut & Chat, coverage of the AVN awards, and much more for your viewing pleasure awaits you on this small, silvery disk! Basically, the plot is for an old, alcoholic actor trying to stay afloat, and a producer are going from town to town, doing publicity stunts, using a girl from the town they go to, as the “victim” of the “monster”. Then jealousy rears its ugly head, and the drama begins. There are also a few sub-plots of couples in the town, and its residents. The photography was well done, clear, and had a feeling like you were actually there watching it, rather than from a screen, which is very hard to do in adult film-making, in my opinion. There wasn’t a whole lot of the cheesy music either. Your attention was mainly on the action on the screen visually and vocally. The places that they enjoyed themselves were actual places, not just sets, for the most part. The setting was every-day, small town America. Even the clothes were pretty normal. Those aspects of the film were very refreshing. You could almost feel yourself being there. There were several original scenes in this film too. One such scene was one of the couples doing it in the local, almost abandoned, movie theater. There was only one other patron, and he got the show of a lifetime!! A humorous scene, was when the “Monster” kidnapped the town’s “Victim”, but he couldn’t really pick her up, so he had to keep putting her down, and trying to pick her up different ways. That was a riot! I will say that there are several spots in between sex scenes, good for catching up on the plot, characters, getting a snack, or taking a breather. There were a bit too many of those, in my opinion. I also think some of the sex-scenes should’ve been longer. I was just getting warmed up, and they’d either finish, or cut out to another scene. If you like adult films with plots, and long breaks, this DVD is for you! It’s great for those lighthearted, teasing, fun-loving nights!
  10. Well, I can....kinda.... My husband just got a job working on an onshore oilrig, but he has to be there a week at a time. So he's here one week, and gone the next. It's hard being away from the one you love. I hope you can find things to occupy your mind, so you don't dwell on it as much. *HUGS*
  11. I had the gag reflex for a long time. One key thing I did to try and aleviate it was to close the back of my throat, like when you use mouthwash. Have fun with it, and remember, he's not the guy that forced you to do anything. He's your husband, and loves you, and would never hurt you. Keep saying that over and over, and it may help.
  12. Was there a toy that you were SO geared up for, only to be let down?
  13. HOW did I miss this one???? Let's see, my first sex toy? It was just your generic "personal massager", and I can't remember the place I got it from. But it was that eggshell color, great vibes, sturdy, and lasted a long time. But, as many good things are wont to do, it passed away in a terrible accident. Apparently, the batteries and the toy were having an argument as to who had the most control, and the batteries one in a big POP and then.......flatlined!! Time of death was announced, a sheet went over the toy, and burial by shopping bag then trash can followed . The batteries had to be disposed of in a traitor's manner! I didn't even know toys could DO that!!
  14. You also may need one that is a bit bigger/longer for a better fit for your member there.
  15. When buying a new toy, how important is color when making a choice? I will admit, that if I don't like the color of a toy, the chances of me buying it are very, very, slim. It'd better be the most incredible toy out there,if I hate the color,for me to buy it.
  16. I am in full agreement with Howard. If there was a razor blade near his dick, he could stop no matter how excited he was. And, that was an awesome visual as well!! Thanks Howard!! Wanting and needing to stop are 2 different things. Sounds like he doesn't WANT too, so he makes it sound like he just CAN'T stop. Makes it sound better and he's trying to give you an ego boost as well. Yay on the ego, bad for the buttho'. I've tried anal sex a few times. The last time (years ago) the guy didn't stop and put lube on, so, of course, I bled too. I was sore for almost a week, and MAN!! I didn't want to go to the bathroom AT ALL!! Have a talk with him, away from the bedroom, and tell him how it's gonna be. No more hinting, or suggestions. ITS GONNA BE LIKE THIS, AND THIS IS WHAT I WILL AND THIS IS WHAT I WON'T DO! Because apparently, since he keeps doing the things you've told him you don't like, he's just not getting it. Good luck!
  17. Just like some women, some men were brought up with the same beliefs that masturbating is wrong wrong wrong!! Maybe he is one of those men? What I think is kind of an oxi-moron in a way, is that some of these people (me included) thought masturbating is wrong, but pre-maritual sex is fine!! Once I put those 2 together, I laughed at myself, and mentally opened myself up a bit more!! What makes one so bad, and the other fine? I'd say the MAJORITY of men on the planet masturbate. Maybe there are a few out there that don't. I've never met one yet! Now, if it comes down to masturbation or having actual SEX, then almost all men would choose SEX over jerking off. Everyone has preferences with likes and dislikes. But if there is a time where, for some reason, you can't have sex, and he's getting sexually frustrated, and you can't be there to help him, suggest he get himself off. Maybe try phone sex, or sexy letters to help him.
  18. I have to agree with both Howard and Mikayla1 10000%!!! They pretty much covered everything I wanted to say too. Any man that actually SAYS that he won't go down on you because you smell bad is a real jerkoff! Especially, when you've gone to the doctor and have been "medically" cleared (some infections can cause a woman to smell funny), and also, think back to your past lovers.....any complaints on odor then? Of course not. He's just being a lazy SOB. His whole attitude towards sex seems to be take it or take it. He's not even the "Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma'am" type, because I see no "thank you" there at all!!! It sounds like he wants a maid, bookkeeper to make sure his bills are paid, and someone to take care of him & keep him warm, when he's in town. Sounds like he's a dog that travels the neighborhood or something!! I mean really!! "Feed me, pet me, love me bye now!!" He doesn't do anything for you except maybe help with bill paying, take up space, let you down, and make you worry!! What good is this relationship except being destructive for you emotionally and sexually? He's a waste of your space and time. And he is also a BIG liar!! If he can lie about having an orgasm (which that in itself, is pretty serious), and your "odor", then what else can he lie about? As far as not being sexy or attractive. Well, honey, being in this type of rut for as many years as you've been would even make Anna Nicole Smith feel unsexy!!! You're never stuck in an unhappy marriage. And, face it, it's also a form of an abusive marriage: neglect and emotional!! If he wants to be "serviced" and is a truck driver, let him pay the Lot Lizards to visit his cab. His WIFE should be treated with respect and love. Especially if he's gone on such long stretches of time!! He should be pouncing on you when he gets home!! I have to agree, the other wives in his past can't all be *bad* women as he's probaby portrayed them to be. What's the common factor here? He is. They probably got tired of his lazy ass (and dick and tongue), and threw him to the curb!! As they should have! I hope you find the strength to drop his ass and find yourself first, then someone that will help make your life happier. I feel that nobody can MAKE you happy, YOU have to do that, but YOU can choose the people in your life that are positive or negative for you. Good luck!!
  19. Depending on where you live, some of the adult stores also carry costumes as well. This is a GREAT time of year for stocking up on that sort of thing!! Also, if your sewing-machine-inclined, you could go to your local Jo Anne's or similar craft/material store and find patterns and make your own. Happy Dressing (and Undressing too)
  20. If I smoked, I'd need a cigarette right now.......
  21. Well, if I am remembering correctly, you're TRYING to get pregnant, correct? Anyway, dropping that amount of weight while pregant, probably isn't a great idea. Because it would be very hard for the doctors to monitor how much weight you've put on for/from the baby. You MUST talk to your doctor before doing any sort of dieting, which many women DON'T do. But if you are pregnant (and if you're not sure if you are or not, then act like you ARE), then you definitely need to consult your doctor. S/he may recommend a nutritionist as well. But please don't take our words for medical advise, because we are just onliners, and you don't KNOW us, and we don't know your physical conditions either. We're just going by what WE know and have been thru. I lost weight doing the whole salad thing, and bone/skinless chicken. Exercise is the key though. If you have a lagging energy level, no matter how much you diet, the plateau of weight loss will be lower. Unless you are physically restricted in some way, most OB/GYNs and doctors will recommend that you DO exercise, moderately and lightly, while pregnant. It will help keep you fit, and not fat, while preggo, and will increase your stamina for labor. Plus, after, you will have the energy to restart your exercising, and loose any baby weight. Good luck to you.
  22. Shocking, that if this guy is your age group, he's never kissed a girl before!! Oh, what fun, and how scary at the same time!!! Scary because of the unknown...... Fun because of the fun you 2 will have in delighting each other. Each time you start a new relationship, whether with a virgin or not, is almost like "breaking in" a new man. Experienced or not, each of you is going to be learning what the other likes, and doesn't, in and out of the bedroom. It's great that you're both aware of what you went thru in your bad relationship, and aren't rushing things, or just jumping into bed. That shows a great deal of maturity & patience too. (I'm SOOO glad you got out of an abusive relationship!!) There's no rush for anything. Just let time heal your wounds, and also let the timING be right for the both of you to have sex. Depending on how he is, I wouldn't break out all the things you've learned with your ex all at once and scare the boy's wits out!! Just kidding, sorta. Gradually, if/when you DO start to have sex, make little suggestions as to what you would like to do, and get him use to the idea. Good luck and have fun. Stay safe!
  23. I have BAD bladder infections. Mine get so bad, that I bleed after 2 days or so. It's called Cystitus. It's bad. Lotsa pain, quick symptoms, lenthy recovery. I feel your pain!! When I was pregnant, I had 3 bladder infections in a row, and had to go on suppressive therapy for bladder infections: Macrobid once a day the entire time of the pregnancy. You may want to ask your Midwife, and then OB/GYN about that.
  24. Tyger


    I like 80's Big Hair Band love songs. Cheezy as hell, I know, but that's me!! I also like things with lots of bass!! A good beat, and lots of bass. Some songs, fast or slow, will just do it for me, but depends on the song, beat, and the mood I am in.
  25. Well, see topic!! Just plain ole lube? Scented stuff, stuff that warms up, or tastes good? All of the above? Is there a favorite brand?
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