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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. If any, what kind of erotica do you enjoy reading? Or just looking at? Magazines with just kinky pics? Magazines with pics and stories, Books about sex (How-to ones), stories about sex, romance novels, cheezy romance books, those "Letters" magazines about people's sexual encounters?
  2. I have to agree with Bondage on this one. A lot of us are either brought up thinking that masturbation is bad, the man is suppose to please you-and that's it, using sex toys is "wrong", the negative masturbation list seems to go on and on and on!! It's GREAT that you're not rushing her into doing anything that would make her uncomfortable. Some men, like my husband, are insecure about their women using toys, thinking that it will be a replacement, instead of enhancing. I'm slowly working on him though!! He's getting there!! It's wonderful that you are so open-minded and comfortable with yourself too!! If you want a couple of suggestions, maybe tell her, that instead of "watching" her the first time, or a couple of times, you want to "hear" her do it. Suggest that she use her toy underneath the sheets. Even offer to blindfold yourself . That would be cool! Then you could hear what she's doing, maybe even touching yourself as you get more and more excited. Seeing the "power" she has over your excitement may make her a bit more comfortable with it. And/or watch some porn together, and suggest that she use her toy, and you "watch" the tv, maybe sneak a glance at her starting to play with herself. Just give her some time. It's taken me almost 5 yrs with my husband!! He's from the south and was raised with "old school" beliefs too. But the end result is worth it.
  3. I'm glad our tips helped you. Asking questions is the only way you'll learn!! Keep the questions coming!!
  4. How awesome!! Happy Anniversary for joing & contributing to the TooTimid world!! Keep the great reviews and posts a'comin'!!!
  5. Oh, hon!! Mistakes happen in every aspect of life, including sex!! Like Mikaylal said, every woman I know of has given a bit too much of the teeth during a BJ. Some men like a little *light* scraping of the teeth on their organ, but the key is knowing how hard they like that. So, like everything, doing new things with your man, is a learning experience!! Try not to inhibit yourself due to an honest mistake. If your man is a good lover, he will be willing to teach you how to please him, what he likes, and doesn't like. And you should do the same. Don't fake it!! If he does something that you DO NOT like, tell him, make sure he gets it. Same with if he does something that YOU REALLY REALLY LIKE. Tell him, and make sure he gets it. There are "sexy" ways of doing this as well, without sounding like your chemistry professor!! Remember, as all of us say: Sex is suppose to be fun for BOTH parties!! You're only limitation is your imagination!!!
  6. This is my original listings, plus a few more: The lake/beach (with kids wondering what the hell we were doing) beach (sand does suck), in a little Subaru XT in the woods (very small, had to do it in the front seat), in a Chrysler(?) Colt Vista wagon (LOTS of room there!!), hot tubs, & pool, a small circular private 2-person pool at Ceasar's Pocono Resort, gave a hand job at the above mentioned "public" pool (with waterfalls), at an unused quarry (out of the water on the granite), in my Firebird, in 2 different Jeeps that were mine, A Ford Tempo, A Ford Thunderbird, on a 4-wheeler, the woods at a college, on the back deck of my friend's mother's house, in the woods (also took nudes of me with pine trees, very pretty), all floors of the rooms of the houses I lived in, in my bed at my mother's, in a boathouse, in my ex's Nissan 4x4 (he stood outside in the snow and I lay on the truck's seat), in the back of my friend's Chevy Blazer (my FWB), on the washing machine while it was going~WOW!!, bathtubs, in my current hubby's Jeep in a thunderstorm (probably not a great idea in the south in a corn field due to the big risk of tornadoes that time of year), the garage, the cellar, my best friend's bed (no, not with her) in a small prayer room in a Catholic Church in a porn shop's dressing room a fold-out couch at my Dad's camp, in a barn
  7. OK, I just got a silly song stuck in my head, Hank Williams sang it I believe: "I like my women on the trashy side". So, I was wondering, for flings, one-nighters, or just *^ck Buddies, which do you prefer? Trashy or not?
  8. Better late than never!! I would definitely consider a sex doll for a safe 3-some!! Definitely female. All the male ones I have seen look ridiculous, IMO. Hey, afterwards, if you didn't want to deflate it all the way, you could put clothes on it, and if you live in a big town, and someone sees it, you could always say you use it for the Carpool lane!!! Or that it was a gag gift, and leave it at that.
  9. How about little notes to him, like post-it notes on the regular letters to him, like suggestions as to what you want to do to him when he gets back? Maybe he could even "redeem" them like coupons? Or, when you call him, if he is able to get a few private minutes (I know soldiers have limited phone time), a phone sex quickie? If you have a digital camera or web cam, you could print your own naughty photos as well. Your only limitations are as far as you'll let your imagination run!! Have fun!! Happy teasing!
  10. Well, being an avid shaver for going on 14 years now (OMG!! ), I will give you and your wife a few helpful tips!! First, if you have a tub, best to soak in that first, allowing the hairs to soften up. Get a REALLY good razor. I've found the best razors are the refillable kind. I, myself, prefer the Venus Vibrance (go figure, a vibrating razor!! ) At first, I thought that this razor was kinda silly, but I got a coupon for a free one, so I got it, and BOY HOWDY!! Does it work!! Now, I think the man's equivelant is like the Gillette Endurance, or Fusion. I can't remember. But look for a razor with a battery!! If you don't have a tub, then shower, with warm water, wash up first, wash the hair, and everything else. Get a good steamy shower going (more moisture makes the hairs get softer!). I read a tip on here a while ago, where some avid poster uses hair conditioner instead of expensive shaving cream. I thought, "Hey, why not?" So that's what I've been using, and lemme say, that it really does work wonderfully!! No bumps, great lubrication for the razor, and my skin feels oh, so silky soft afterwards. I use the Tresemme' Extra Moisturizing conditioner. I got the BIIIIIIG bottle!! Shave carefully in the genital area, but thoroughly. I check myself by rubbing myself against the "grain" of the hairs. Shave more if needed. I do all of this for my legs & bikini area as well. Rinse well, with warm water. If you're in the tub, soak a few minutes afterwards, washing away any dabs of blood. It soothes the skin. I don't add any lotion afterwards, since you've opened up your pores with the hot water AND shaved, since I have sensitive skin, and especially in the genital area, I don't add a thing. There is bound to be a little blood here and there. Lotion only irritates, and creates a heat down there that is NOT pleasant!! Plus can give you rashes or whatnot. Pat your towel on the shaved area, don't rush and swipe off like people normally do. Patting allows the moisture of the water to soak in naturally. A good shaving experience for the first few times is what sets the pace. If it's painful, and uncomfortable afterwards, that person won't want to do it again. I hope that helps a bit!
  11. Those sound GREAT!!!!! *Adds to her Want List*
  12. Some toys use to intimidate the hell outta me!! Like the anal ones, and the really huge ones!! Some of those still do, but now, I am more curious as to what's out there, available, and how well they work!!
  13. And boy, lemme tell ya, it really blew his mind (and load)!!! And, let me reiterate: be GENTLE when doing this!! In case you missed his post, here's what I did, per his instruction: I Started by gently sucking and nibbling his entire cock. This is not only a great foreplay act, but it gives the cock a bit of "lube". You don't want your teeth to catch, and actually BITE him after all!! Then, I *gently* started nibbling, with the teeth, up and down his hard shaft, like eating, obviously, a corn on the cob! I went all the way around, occassionally even nibbing at his balls. I had to suck it a little bit, here and there, for that added lubrication. He then, HAD to break out one of my fav toys, and have his way with me!! All in all, a great time was had by us both, and THANK YOU TO HOWARD!! For giving this tip!!
  14. A helpful hint: If you threw out the package that your toy came in, the product itself usually will say if it's waterproof or not, usually on the dial or controller of the item.
  15. I'd like to add what Mikayla said: If you've only been off the Pill since August, a mere 2 mos now, you need to give it some time. The hormones are still in your system. Hopefully, you stopped taking them at the end of your Pill cycle (the sugar Pill time). If you just quit them during your hormonal cycle, then you could've thrown your body out of whack, so to speak. It takes a bit for your system to fully regulate itself. It will do better if the Pill was stopped at the end of the regular Pill cycle. Make sense? My doctor suggested that I wait at least 3 mos to concieve after stopping the pill, which we did, and concieved successfully as well. Be patient, let your body adjust, and this will also give you time to speak to your children about it, and for them to adjust to the idea. If you stress about it, then the stress may delay the whole process. Good luck!!
  16. As soon as my husband gets paid, I am going to order this loverly!!
  17. I'm Debacherous!! 43% pure. I'm a bit disappointed in myself!
  18. Well, I guess it depends on how far you want to go to try it. There is a "tonge" sex toy out there, That is suppose to simulate the actions and feelings of a real one. I've never tried one, and each man has a different technique. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...x=21&Search.y=5 I did a search, and this is what I came up with for you.
  19. I could almost see Mik's hands rubbing together *muahahahahahahaaaa*!!!
  20. "I don't ever want women to think that it is their "role" to sit and be the receptacle for his penis - that is simply NOT true. I say this not as much for YOU, but for the other, impressionable women who might read this post as well!"~Mikayla That is funny!!! I love the wording there!! OK!! Lemme add some of my tips too!! I also love to *gently* grasp my DH's balls, while he's inside of me, and *again gently* massage them~DRIVES HIM CRAZY!! Although, I can't do it for long, or right at the beginning, or he'll cum too quickly, and where's the fun in THAT!!?? I also, as cliche' as it sounds, love to talk dirty. And grabbing his hair, and cute, firm butt too. Nibbling and nipping the neck and ears is great too. I also will *clench* my muscles (gotta love Kegles) for him, but, again, can't do that too often or in the beginning or when I know he's *close* cuz that sets him off EVERY time. I do that when he is coming though, as well. Hope these help!!
  21. I love you for that!!!! Some men's toys are kind of silly looking, I will agree with you on that. But if your GF can use a dildo or vibrator, some of which look very much like a real penis, what is the big deal of a SIMULATED pussy? What's good for the goose....and all that jazz! If you look around, you can definitely find some interesting male sex toys. Oh, and BTW, most porns are geared for men, and there are more male geared "adult" mags out there. So maybe it just evens out in the end? *No pun intended there*.
  22. I have had BFs that have experienced this as well. Due to friction. The other posters pretty much covered it all! If it doesn't bother him, don't let it bother you (unless either one of you get too sore to enjoy each other).
  23. I'm not a big "religious" follower. Call me more spiritual than anything. VERY different. If you have questions as to what your beliefs constitue "Sexual Impurity", then I suggest you go to the religious leader of your church and ask them. Each person's take on it will vary, so best to go to the one knowlegeable to your specific beliefs. I hope that helps a bit.
  24. Well, I'm sure lots of our posters would agree with this: Have your DH perform oral sex on you BEFORE intercourse. That way, you can "get yours" at least once, more if you're lucky, and then the actual intercourse. This may help for YOUR orgasms, while boosting his ego as well. I don't know a man out there that ISN'T proud when he gets his SO to come during oral sex!
  25. Thanks for the dilligence in quality membership!!!
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