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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Well, I hope that y'all are able to talk about his issues. That point, that when it's you doing the work with yourself, is a great one.

    And, the whole ego thing, is VERY true. My husband is JUST now starting to accept that I like adult toys. But I've always been upfront and honest about that point too.

    Just keep telling him that it's not a replacement, but an ENHANCEMENT to your sex life. He can have fun with it as well as you having solo time with it too. If he throws it away, then he has some serious issues himself. With self-esteem, and possibly control ones as well.

    Some men, you can never convince that it's them you want, but having some enhancing things is a GOOD thing for a relationship.

    It said on your personal blurb under your Avatar, that you have 3 sex toys. So, are the other 2 OK with him?

  2. So, therefore, in my opinion it is not technically cheating, but in the long run because of your feelings it can and probably will be more destructive or as destructive to your marriage as if you were cheating physically.

    Just my opinion

    Mikayla :unsure:

    I have to agree with this and "Chickenmom" on this too.

  3. I like a nice, firm, small butt, with a bit of a round shape to it. Nothing says EW more than a flat ass!! And a great fitting pair of OMG jeans!!! I must say, with all the flaws my hubby has, he has a GREAT ass!!! :P

  4. I've done this. My partners seem to have gotten a lot out of this, and I guess I'm good at it. I take both breasts, and squeeze them around their cocks, so they get that fully enclosed feeling. But, as mentioned, the sensations I get are getting enjoyment from theirs.

  5. OK, well, "Smurfing" is when you get hit with a dick, anywhere really.

    My hubby does this to me, well, just cuz he CAN. Most men are like that. Do what? Why? Because they CAN.

    Anyway, at the mention of this to a friend, she told me I should "Smurf" him back. And we both came up with the idea at the same time to use a dildo. Yay us!!

    So, I got out my Jessica's Strobing vibrator, the one that's curved with the nubbies too, and is BIIIG, that I got from TT, and I whacked him in the head with it. :lol: Why? Because I could!! ;)

    I've gotten him a couple of times with it now. Since he's Smurfed me repeatedly, I even did it infront of the friend that had helped me come up with the idea. She LOVED it!!

  6. :P Well, for Valntyn, I know your hubby works at a pharmacy, and he should *know* that when he mows your awesomly big yard, to fully cover up and shower RIGHT afterwards!! LOL :P

    Poor guy!! I also know, by experience, that sweat does spread that stuff too. Maybe he should slather on some some sort of cream before mowing too, something to get rid of poison ivy of course.

    Just a thought!! Hope it helps!!

    Much lovin's!!

    P.S. Nothing to stop you from playing by yourself with your Heart-On! ;)

  7. Just to add a little something too:

    If you use saliva regularly, stop. Saliva tends dries things out. Ever stick a strand of hair in your mouth, cuz you're bored, and when it dries, your hair is stiff? Point made. :)

    Good luck!

  8. I have to agree with Mikayla, get it checked. Be persistent. It's YOUR health, not your DR's. Switch DR's or go to an OB/GYN, these dr's specialize in women's health. If your DR is male, maybe switch to a female DR. Not to sound sexist, but I've found that some male doctors "brush" off a lot of women's questions, just because they've "been to school, and have the degree and you don't". They have that "I Am God" view of themselves.

    I had some tearing with the first "well-endowed" man I'd been with, and after I was well-lubricated, we'd be fine. My GYN even said I had some scarring up there while I was with him, due to the ripping and bleeding. But, after we were together a while, I stretched a bit to accomodate him.

    Definitely go back to your DR and voice your concerns again. Better to be safe than sorry!!

  9. I am so sorry that your husband is so reserved. How old is he, and how old are you?

    Sounds like he is either very insecure, or very controlling. Maybe both? Does he want to please you, or just get his nut, and he's happy? :huh:

    Any man that doesn't want his partner pleased in the bedroom is selfish, IMO. I was with a guy like that, briefly, and dumped his butt. I wanted someone that would care about me and my O too. :)

    I'm not trying to sound harsh, but jeez! Let's lighten up and have a little fun!!

    As far as finding things around your house, all of the posts above are GREAT ideas. If you like to go "Antiquing", there are old narrow glass bottles that are out there that are the perfect size and shape for such fun too. Be careful of chips and such though.

    Bottles for Balsamic Vinegar, and things like that are good shapes too. Veggies, and such as well.

    I hope you're able to sway your husband into a bit more open-minded sex for the both of you!!

  10. Well, I agree with most of the posters here too.

    There's nothing wrong with waiting until you are FULLY ready to have sex. No matter what your age, woman or man!

    It shows you were just NOT ready to have sex. Now that you're searching, asking questions, and curious, it shows that you are probably ready to have sex.

    Only you know how you're going to be. Do you get easily attatched to people? Does doing things with others make you feel closer to them?

    Most women get strong feelings towards their "first". So only YOU are going to know whether or not you'll be like that. It's a normal thing. It's rare to NOT have those feelings towards your first, IMO. That's why the normal advise is "find someone that you find special to have sex with for your first time". Having someone you know and trust for your first time, since you will always remember it, makes it a bit more "special". Thank evolution for that.

    Women are geared to feel more maternal, and to stay put, take care of the "cave" so to speak. Men are geared to go forth & mulitply! ;)

    If you're not an overly emotional woman, then, maybe finding a friend that you like and trust, but don't have feelings for would be the thing to go for. But, try not to over-think it either. Sex is suppose to be fun, for both parties! Just a little warning though, for women, during their first time, they're more worried about the impression they're making, and the twinge of pain of the hymen breaking, then enjoying the sensations, so don't be overly surprised if your first time isn't the best on the planet.

    But don't have sex, JUST to "pop your cherry" either. There are several STDs out there, that just make it a bit more risky to just go have sex. Gawd!! I sound like your mom!! Just be sure, no matter WHO you decide to have sex with, that you're safe (condoms, condoms, condoms!!) :huh:

    You DO have the beginnings of being a good lover. The desire to please, and to ask questions, it's a great thing!! It's a big step to ask questions. Whether it be in person, or as slightly anonomous as the internet allows you to be.

    Sorry to sound so contractory, but those are the things to think about, IMO.

  11. Any woman that does a breast increase (or even decrease) FOR a man is doomed to low-self-esteem, IMO.

    I'm now a 36D, and fine with that. Although, I LOVED when I was a 36C (weight gain), but they're still pretty perky, but I feel better in a bra. I don't feel comfortable without one actually. Probably due to all of the breast-feeding I did when my DD was a baby.

    I have to agree with the poster that said that fake breasts look GREAT in a shirt, but lousy naked. I can appreciate a curvacious woman, in or out of clothes. But when I see a teenie tiny woman with like 44DDD boobs, well, DUH!! Unnatural!! I know lots of strippers (politically correctly called "exotic dancers") get their boobs done for better tips, so IMO, men LOVE to see huge boobs, fake or real, no matter what they may say. Now as far as what they'd want in the bedroom, that's another story.

  12. I couldn't really find what that IS from the link you sent. The pics of it look awful though!! :o I hope your son's isn't as severe as some of those.

    If it's not too upsetting, what is it, and what causes it?

    I will think positively for you and your family. I hope all turns out well!!!

  13. I haven't seen any, though they may be out there.

    I use to live in Maine, so I SO feel her discomfort there!! Not nice to be all hot and bothered and then *shocked* :blink: down there with a cold toy!! Not nice!! :rolleyes:

    For a quick, spontaneous suggestion, I would recommend having the lube warmed up by putting it in a warm bowl of water, or even the toy itself, so long as it is water-resistant (it will say right on the box).

    You can also try the K-Y self-warming personal lube too.

    Or, while playing, you hold the toy in your hands, or place it on/under you so that your body heat will warm it up. Or, she could do some extra teasing and give the toy some oral action, infront of you. More eye candy for you! ;)

  14. No, I don't think it does make a right. Though it may make the guilty party feel better about what they did. And if they want to continue the marriage/relationship, and that works for them, then who's to say it's right or wrong.

    In the case that was given as an example. No, this didn't make everything right. In fact, it sounded like the woman wanted a reason to "legitimately cheat" again. Make sense? And, her going back while her husband slept, was just another cheat.

  15. My FWB and I, I believe anyway, started having feelings for each other, but we never expressed them, and in so-not doing, went our seperate ways. Sometimes I wish I'd been more honest with him about it all.

    If you decide to be more open, then definitely do NOT sound like you're accusing. Just tell him that you think that this relationship is starting onto a next level, and if so, are you both willing to explore that? If he (or you) just wants to continue to have sex, maybe the person NOT growing more deeper feelings should go elsewhere, since someone could probably get hurt sooner rather than later.

    Good luck!!

  16. I too, read the post of not wanting sex after the baby was born first, so NOW that makes a lot more sense.

    Honey, he didn't ALMOST rape you. He did rape you. You asked him to stop, and he still had sex with you. Anal intercourse is still rape as well. AND he did this while pregnant, which shows, IMO, he is not only a bastard, but he will get progressively more violent as time goes on.

    And who's to say that, sober or drunk, he won't turn that onto your daughter? Because, sooner or later, the violence WILL stream down to her. BIG if here, but IF he never hits her, but she sees you getting hit, she will think it's OK for a man to hit her too, so there goes the cycle over and over some more. Do you want your daughter growing up thinking that that kind of treatment is OK?

    You have to be strong for you and your daughter and get the hell outta there. I don't care WHO he thinks he is in and out of the bedroom. NO MAN is worth getting beat up and raped for. Never.

    BTW, if he truly loved you, he'd never hit or rape you, EVER!

  17. I've been totally bald *down there* since I was about 20 I guess. So, 13 yrs. The initial shaving, almost feels "cold" down there, and a bit wierd. But after that, it's all maintainance. and not bad, just kind of a PITA at times. Although, I feel really good about myself down there! ;) I don't recommend soap, but a good, thick cream, and a really really good razor, like the Venus Divine (I have the vibrating one~go figure, and it's great!!) and if you need too, after-care cream for bumps.

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