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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. What IS it with men thinking that WE should be the ones to get "fixed" and not them?? Like it de-masculates them or something!! My dh is the same darn way! Not like women have enough physical crap to deal with: pregnancy, weight gain, PMS, periods......OK, I think I am done the rant, sorry! LOL :angry:

    I am so sorry for the losses that some of the posters have experienced. I have one healthy 3 1/2 yr old baby girl, and it scares the hell outta me, just thinking of something bad happening to her. :blink:

    My DH has a girl from a previous marriage, and says he wants to try for a boy. Both of his siblings died tragic deaths in their adulthood, so he's the only child left to give grandbabies. Well, there is no positive way to make sure we'd have a boy. Plus, HE'S not the one that would have to go thru another c-section, which I tore, and had a bad time of it all. Plus, the stretch marks, weight, and my sanity!! I don't want another one. One child is perfectly FINE with me. But most ppl look at me like :blink: since that's not really "normal" down here in TX to have just ONE, and NOT want more.

    I guess it's going to have to be a personal choice, as always. Just let your hubby know, that in the case of elective sterilization, for the man to have it done is cheaper, and so much faster! For the woman, it's a matter of being in the hospital at least over night, where the man is day surgery, in, snip, out. Bastards get everything easy!! LOL :P

  2. Well, I'm not really sure....

    For a woman, either Curvacious, or Mikalya.

    Howard does seem like the logical choice for men.....but since not too many men post....I guess I'm not really sure there.

    LOL Guess I will have to post more to get on someone's list LOL!!! ;) <_<

  3. :blink:

    Well, the original poster certainly "stirred the turd" didn't he?

    Wow! :o

    Anyway, everyone has the right to be ignorant, and some just abuse the privelage. I believe everyone has the right to their opinion. That man will just have an extremely hard time finding any woman that will put up with such a hypocritical person such as he.

    Maybe there should be a debate forum just for things like that.

  4. Well, congrats on the healthy baby girl!!

    I lost all of my sex-drive after my baby was born too. It's just now slowly coming back (and she's 3). But I think most of that has to do with my low body image of myself.

    Anyway....someone mentioned a possible "rape"? :huh: If this is the case, it could be your lacking libido is caused by not wanting HIM at all...resentment and so on.

    If not, talk to your DR/GYN and tell him/her what is going on. They can't help if you don't tell them. It's actually fairly common.

  5. I have to agree with Howard & Rob. Sounds like there is more to it than just "not liking sex". 14 yrs is a LONG time (esp these days) to be married. Most men can even have sex with women that they don't really like anymore. But 3 times a year is a bit sad, for the both of you. If he pushes you away, chances are, unfortunately, there is someone else occupying his sexual time.

    You will probably have to bring that up. Also, the counselling may be an option if there isn't anyone else in his life.

    He also may be trying to push you away so you will be the first one to leave. Some people hate "being the bad-guy" in the relationship (aka the one to leave).

    Good luck to you, and keep us posted.

  6. I have been PMed and hit on, and I have to agree with ChickenMom, I didn't come here to be propositioned, but for information. Where it is flattering to still be considered desirable (but let's be honest~how desirable can I be to someone who's never even SEEN me?), I don't go online looking to be hit on. TYVM, but no thanks!!

  7. Sounds like you've had a lot to deal with! You also must be a very strong person to be able to handle what has been dealt to you. :)

    No wonder you may be a bit "lagging" sex-wise!! Between the burns, and as of late, the hurricane!! I must commend you both for being so strong, especially together!! I can sympathize a bit with the hurricane trauma, cuz, I too, went thru that, but with Rita. We got hit pretty hard, but were very fortunate to be sure!!

    Howard made a great point with the pain meds. Also, have you had counselling after the surgeries? I'm not talking follow-up medical ones, but real counselling? Sound cheezy to say, and probably mentioned a lot, but it really does help. That, and having counselling with your wife, as well as some for her, to talk about her issues/concerns that she may have with it too.

    Be honest with your doctors about the sexual difficutlies. Don't be shy about it. If they don't know that it's an issue (possibly due to the meds you're on), then they can't help you fix it.

    Good luck to you!!

  8. Having sex?

    Was it no big deal, or were you a bit shocked?

    For me, it was a bit surprising, and almost gross. And I was 13!! But she never talked to me about sex, and I never really "thought" that she did that. Now, being older, I know better, but it still kinda makes me go :blink: to think about it! And to they know that you saw them? My mother doesn't know, thank goodness!!

  9. for myself and my husband, i am the adventurous one. i'm really game for just about anything, but he seems to be more reserved. to be honest, i played that part for a while, but that just won't work. i did receive the religious teaching about sex, etc; but its a little hard to believe when your 13 and find your mom's dildo (monstrous, like 13 inches, scared the sh* out of me) when you're folding laundry.

    LOL Diamond!!

    I was shy, and my mother never really discussed sex. Starting my period was just "another thing". But there was one day that showed me that Mom could get her freak on too!! It was enlightening, as well as disturbing!! :huh::blink:

  10. There are SEVERAL!!! I can be so picky!!!

    My hubby smokes (he quit for a long time, but started up again during the whole hurricane Rita drama we went thru), and I HATE it!! He has to shower and brush his teeth before he even THINKS of coming near me!!! :blink:

    I also hate men that scream like women when they come!! :unsure:

    And men that are SO insecure about their penises, that they obsess over your past lovers and try and compare!! (My ex dh was like that.)

    Dirty, unclean men.

    And, to sound a bit on the materialistic (as far as looks go), I don't do bald men.

    Confidence is a good thing, but being so cocky (no pun intended), that they think they don't need to exude any effort, is SO irritating, I never bothered.

  11. Actually, in the new house, we broke in the living room first!!! :P

    We got most of our stuff moved in, but not all of it, and DH has been working all sorts of hours at 2 jobs, so he hasn't had time to get the rest of it. Lucky me!!! I get to deal with MORE of that, plus get unpacking, when I get home. PLUS unpack the stuff from our trip, AND clean out that shed in the back for all of our crap. Not in that order, but still!!!

    Thanks for the responses so far, and I am lovin' catching up on the board!!!


  12. Well, I have the egg with wires, and I LOVE it!! I think it's one of the best adult toys EVER!!!

    Tips for batteries:

    Go to a jeweler, with just the battery size, and see if they have it.

    Also, around Christmas time, lots of places have all sorts of batteries available. Lots of kids toys, and keychains have the smaller celled batteries, so you can find them.

    The people you ask don't need to know what it's for, just tell them a toy, if you're embarrassed about asking someone.

    Hope that helps!!

  13. My husband doesn't seem to "think" that it's OK for him to masturbate infront of me, and he has the "old southern boy" way of thinking that if I masturbate, that he's not doing "it" for me, but I keep telling him that that is just NOT the case.

    I've been working on his way of thinking for about 4 yrs (takes a loooooong time to get someone's life's views to change), and it's working, slowly but surely!!

    Good luck!!

  14. I've been pretty open to most sexual ideas, but I was really "shy" when it came to it all....at first!!

    With each man, I became more open with my ideas, and willing to try theirs.

    I can say, that if you're stuck with the same man for a long period of time (unhappily), then you tend to just want the sex to be over and done with. Especially if he's just in it for HIS nut, and doesn't care if you (as a woman) get yours. :angry:

    I'm glad she is so open and willing to experiment with you. That's GREAT for her!!!

    I hope you introduce her to this forum too, so she may see how great this place is for the people, ideas, and products as well!!!

    Happy Exploring!!!

  15. The visitations are going very well here in my home state of Maine!!

    I am getting lots of people seen, doing a bunch of stuff, eating foods that can't be found down south (yes, even had LOBSTER up here about 2 wks ago!!).

    My mother is kinda "prudish" and so I haven't been able to get on this board til now....plus my daughter, where this is still all "new" and out of her ordinary schedule, is velcroed to my side a lot more.

    I've been able to see lots of family too.

    My sister's wedding is this Saturday, then a few more visits. But this next week is pretty much open, and I don't plan on rushing around my last week here.

    Then, when I get home, I plan on pouncing on my hubby, and getting back online, and hopefully adding to my "collection" as well!!!

    Just wanted to let y'all know that I am alive and doing well!!

    *smooches* :P

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