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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I'm glad this toy rocked your world, vibeless even! LOL I have a few dildos (ok, more than a few) that I LOVE for various reasons. Whether it be size, shape, or feel. I'd also recommend either getting talc or Cyberskin RENEW, which is a powder you put on after using your realistic toy, to keep it nice and real feeling.
  2. "We got to drill it hard, deep, and drill it fast"-oil rig talk.
  3. You're very brave, not only leaving the marriage, but also talking about it with others face-to-face. That's also the best way to heal!! Good for you!!! You're an inspiration to many that will read your story & know you!
  4. I LOVE the blue dragon one. Not sure how practical they are (or comfortable) for a sex toy, but definitely works of art to be sure!!! Thanks for sharing that link.
  5. Yep! Welcome back! No more Mike's for you!!!
  6. At the very least, they should come up with something with a kickstart!!! LMAO
  7. Yes, it does!! And I've been told I'm the Queen of Multi-Tasking! LOL
  8. Hmmmm, which session to choose.................. I've had sex in a church rectory room, had sex right off a trail at a college in the woods, in a car in a store's parking lot, in a lake at a public beatch.............OH! I know!!! I've had sex in an adult store's changing room! I was trying on lingerie, and wanted to show my BF what I was trying on, if he liked it......apparently he DID cuz he took one look at me in a strappy leather and chains deal, turned me around, bent me over, and took me right there! All with the attendant right next to the fitting room! And, yes, we bought the lingerie! And I'm sooooo suuure they had NO clue why I came out of that fitting room looking a bit wild, breathing heavily, and saying huskily "We'll take THIS one..."
  9. California Exotics has always been a fave toy company of mine, and this toy just proves that they’re still topping my list! I LOVE wearable toys! Being a busy mother & wife, sometimes life does get in the way, and the only time, and energy, I have is when everyone’s asleep, and/or hubby’s on the road, so, what’s a poor, horny girl to do? Grab a wearable toy, crank it up, and either sit/lay down to buzz your way to orgasm, or get up, do some stuff around the house, and, have an orgasm, just for you! The Rotating Venus Penis V is a wearable vibrator and clit stimulator. The toy part is made of reddish Crystalessence (jelly) Material. It’s in the shape of a VERY well-hung butterfly. The comfortable, fully adjustable straps are for your waist and legs. The pink hard plastic controller has 2 slide controllers, one for the body vibe, and one for the rotating shaft. The toy had that “new toy smell” when I first unwrapped it, but after a good washing, the smell died down a bit. The realistic-looking, rotating shaft is 3.5” of insertable length. The “beak” of the butterfly is nice & pointy for clit stimulation. The cheap-looking, basic controller is pink, and has 2 slide controllers, one for the vibe in the body of the butterfly, and one for the rotating shaft of the well-hung butterfly, with 5 levels of vibes/rotations. The wings help stabilize the butterfly, and even when standing up, are very comfortable, and don’t cut into your body. Enough of the technical stuff, let’s get down to the buzzing! Strapping this toy on is simple, 2 straps, one for each leg, then the one that goes around the waist are fully adjustable, and will fit many shapes & sizes of women. Snap, snap, snap into their perfect length, and I then lube the shaft & adjust the butterfly to that special area that all of us women love. Oh yeah, there we go. Walking around the house, just picking up here & there, getting ready for the next day, I’m buzzing and rotating at top speed, which is very impressive (and for me I like the hard buzzing), and not hearing it much at all. It feels really good, but I wasn’t like WOW! at the time. Then, about 10 minutes into my enjoying my Venus Penis, I stop to watch something that catches my attention on the TV, holding the back of the chair, my body wants to thrust my butt out a little, and, almost instinctively, I cross my legs. Without thinking, I start to thrust against the butterfly’s shaft, clutching & squeezing my legs together. OMG!!! I had a rockin’ orgasm gripping the back of the chair! After coming down from my orgasm, and detaching myself from the chair, I slowly shut down the now respected controller, took off the toy, to wash it off, and put in a top area of my toy box! I give this toy a rating of 4 Tyger Paws straight up in the air, tail up in the air, and a resounding HOWL of pleasure!!!! You GOTTA try this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Did you have a question and are too shy to ask? We love the questions! That's what we're here for! If you're wondering if anyone has squirted here, the answer is yes! I have. It was a total shock! I used a clit stimulator, a glass curved toy calle The Blue Swirl, and I was watching a very exciting adult DVD.
  11. Everyone take care. Be safe. I still have friends and family up there, so I'm worried. They told people to do that for Katrina, Rita, and Ike down here too. People don't think it's overly serious until it's too late. Emergency responders can't get to you in situations like these, so be smart!!!
  12. I'm BAAAAA-AAACK in the saddle again, and I'm feeling "pumped" up! Yes, bad pun, but I couldn't help myself! My first toy I got to try out was the Passionate Purple Pussy Pump or the PPPP, P the the 4th power? Anyway, the key features are the E-Z Squeeze bulb, which you squeeze to get the suction from the Vaginal Suction Cup which not only has nubbies on the inside for added stimulation, but VIBRATES too, which is controlled by the Remote, which is on its own cord, & takes 2 AA batteries (not incl.). The Remote's easy to use, and has a slider control, which goes from low to medium low, and the bullet in the Suction Cup is rather quite even on the highest setting. All of which are simple & self-explanatory for the experienced & beginner alike. The picture on the box is pretty much a map of what you do with it as well. I'm a big fan of Nasstoys products, so I was definitely looking forward to trying this lil' sucker out!! Hubby & I were preparing for a night of lovin', so I thought, why not tease & pump myself up while I waited for him, for more sensitivity? Grabbing my 2 AA batteries, I slid open the controller's back, put them in as the case instructed, slide and snapped the backing back on, and slid the controller up a bit to turn it on. Vibes were impressive, so I wet the edges of the suction cup with my tongue, to create a better seal, placed the cup on my vaginal lips, turned on the vibes, and used the bulb to get some suction. The process, yes, process, was a bit frustrating. I'm not sure if it's due to how my pussy/body is shaped, but I couldn't get a decent, continuous suction no matter how long, or hard I tried. The whole point of these types of toys, is to create decent suction to pull more blood to the sucked on area for greater sensitivity. No? Ok, how about the nipples? Um, negative. This toy created more frustration than sensitivity. So, I thought that I may as well try it on my clit, but, again, due to the lack of suction, even though the vibes felt nice, and the nubbies were nice, it just, well, it just sucked! And NOT in a good way. I'll give this toy ONE Tyger Paw slightly raised, for the attempt and the color of the toy. Live, Learn, & get Sucked?
  13. I have to disagree with the first response. I would definitely be upset if my husband/BF had videos of himself having sex with someone else from the past. I'm as open-minded as they come, even been called "liberal in thinking", and I'm all for adult videos, however, I wouldn't tolerate someones reminders of sexual exploits as so blatant as a video. Why does he keep them? It's the past, with someone else, why would he WANT to keep them? You can't have a full future with someone if you reminisce to that extreme, IMHO. It's WAAAAAAAAAY different than keeping a few photos of someone, like a couple's pic, or random casuals of times when you had fun. If it were me, I'd insist on them being disposed of.
  14. So there! Thanks for the honesty. Better luck next time (hopefully!!).
  15. WOOT! Thanks for the great review!!!
  16. I agree, sex toys shouldn't be "child-like" in appearance. I also had one that threw me off my "game" too, and just couldn't get over that. Thanks for your honest review!!
  17. Yes, I have. I think it's pretty normal. So long as you both understand it, and try to make it less frequent, and as Kace said, pounce every once in a while.........
  18. GET WET! WET makes some of the best lubes on the market in my opinion. Made in the U.S.A., this water-based gel lube is gentle, odorless, greaseless, colorless, non-staining, & is tested by some of the highest standards of the industry. This 3.8 oz bottle is not only designed for just holding the product, but also for easier gripping, and applying. The flip-top is off to the side, for easier access, the bottle is curved in on one side, with 3 indents on the other to help you keep your grip better, especially in those fumble-around-in-the-dark moments. The pretty metallic teal color is also a stand-out feature. I love the simplicity of the label, so it won’t cause too much attention to it, yet will still stand out for you to find. I love water-based lubes for their versatility. You can use them with any sort of material of toy, is the easiest on a woman’s body chemistry, and is condom-friendly. I was excited to try a new type of lube that said “gel” in it! Taking the seal off, I squeezed the bottle ever so slightly, and a lot squirted out. It’d didn’t strike me as a “gel” consistency, but I did feel a slighter thickness quality to it. The sniff test proved that, indeed, there was no odor, and the lube is clear. I wiped it off my fingers, and it wiped off clean, with only the slight feel of residue left behind. Grabbing one of my favorite rubber dildos, I dabbed some on my hand, then rubbed it onto the dildo. It was very nice and slick. Insertion was a BREEZE, and it felt soooo good!! The lube lasted for the entire session of solo fun (about 20 min.). Afterwards, I didn't feel "gross" or sticky, and didn't have the feeling of having to rush in and clean up fast. I did clean up though, because we all know to keep our Va-Jay-Jays clean & happy! I give this lube 4 Tyger Paws (out of 4) STRAIGHT UP in the air in orgasmic splendor!!!
  19. You're very much welcome! Everyone has their own way of writing, some is clinical, some is just the facts, others try to make it light and fun (which I try to do) while still informative. If you continue to share your experiences in the form of reviews, you'll find your "groove" so to speak. It'll come to ya. Having your first experience with a sex toy put in a review is very brave, and informative to those that haven't done it yet, but would like too/are curious. I love the added information!
  20. Very good!!! If you're looking to possibly be considered as a reviewer in the future, a couple of things to keep in mind: Descriptions are key. LOTS of adjectives! I liked that you put the smell, length, and noise level on there. As you become more familiar with sex toys, you'll learn that the vibe strengths vary from toy to toy, you may want to mention that. And, batteries. I've had a few toys that have been advertised as taking AA batteries, and come to find out, they take AAA batteries. And how you put them in. Some are super-simple to figure out. But, there are a few that are quite tricky, and if you had a hard time with them, someone else probably will too. Also mention what excited you about the toy. Why did you buy it? That sort of thing. Shape, ease-of-use, that sort of thing. I hope that this is helpful. This was a great first time though!!!
  21. Very good!!! If you're looking to possibly be considered as a reviewer in the future, a couple of things to keep in mind: Descriptions are key. LOTS of adjectives! I liked that you put the smell, length, and noise level on there. As you become more familiar with sex toys, you'll learn that the vibe strengths vary from toy to toy, you may want to mention that. And, batteries. I've had a few toys that have been advertised as taking AA batteries, and come to find out, they take AAA batteries. And how you put them in. Some are super-simple to figure out. But, there are a few that are quite tricky, and if you had a hard time with them, someone else probably will too. Also mention what excited you about the toy. Why did you buy it? That sort of thing. Shape, ease-of-use, that sort of thing. I hope that this is helpful. This was a great first time though!!!
  22. I'm friends with her on FB too. I'm glad she's doing well. Let this be a lesson to anyone thinking of rooming with others, especially 2 single girls: get EVERYTHING in writing. Boyfriends usually come into the picture and ruin a well-running roommate situation. Setting up the rules of rooming should be FIRST. Both sign in, and expect both to adhere to it. It also helps with issues that may arrise in the future, especially if court becomes involved.
  23. The Black Bra (as told by a woman) I had lunch with 2 of my unmarried friends. One is engaged, one is a mistress, and I have been married for 20+ years. We were chatting about our relationships and decided to amaze our men by greeting them at the door wearing a black bra, stiletto heels and a mask over our eyes. We agreed to meet in a few days to exchange notes.. Here's how it all went. My engaged friend: The other night when my boyfriend came over he found me with a black leather bodice, tall stilettos and a mask. He saw me and said, 'You are the woman of my dreams. I love you.' Then we made passionate love all night long. The mistress: Me too! The other night I met my lover at his office and I was wearing a raincoat, under it only the black bra, heels and mask over my eyes. When I opened the raincoat he didn't say a word, but he started to tremble and we had wild sex all night. Then I had to share my story: When my husband came home I was wearing the black bra, black stockings, stilettos and a mask over my eyes. When he came in the door and saw me he said, (You'll love this) "What's for dinner, Zorro?"
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