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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I stopped worrying about if my spouse will have an affair or not. Let me explain, cuz that sounds like I don't care. I'm on my second marriage. My first husband accused me ALL the time of cheating, which made me think he was the one cheating, since I knew I wasn't. Yep, he was. Found proof. Before that, in most of my relationships, the guy cheated. Even though they SWORE that it was stupid, and that they weren't sure why exactly they did it, they had. I had only one long-term relationship (4+ yrs) that ended nicely where neither one of us had cheated, we just grew apart, and because of that, to this day, we're still friends, and respect each other for it. I learned with that one, that, no matter how much I stress, worry, threaten, or act psycho, if someone wants to cheat, they will. There's NOTHING I can do, short of tying them up, blindfold, and lock them away, to prevent them from cheating. I do make it clear that if I find out cheating has occurred, then the relationship is over. O.V.E.R. I've done the whole stress-out thing. And all that did was make me, and my BF at the time, miserable. I'm just enjoying the moment.
  2. I'm on the hunt....for another perfect g-spot toy. Unfortunately, as some hunts go, this one failed. I'll get to the basics: I love the color, which goes from clear at the head, to a nice, pretty purple at the base. It's 7" of 100% silicone, always good, since it's easy to clean, non-porous, and has some give to it, making it a more comfortable toy. It also makes it non-smelly, another plus! The tip is curved up, to help stroke the elusive g-spot, and the shaft is ribbed in the middle, and textured at the very base of the shaft for easy gripping. The package says that it's "totally bendable", and the toy is waterproof. The cap at the bottom easily twists off to insert only one AA battery (not included), and the push-button on the very bottom turns it on, and you can adjust the speeds with the twist off cap, from a low, to a medium high. Grabbing the 2 Tone, I insert the battery, replace the cap, turn it on, and, well I'm a gal that prefers a strong vibe, and when I turned this toy on its highest setting, I wasn't that impressed with the strength. OK, well, for me, vibes aren't all that important when it comes to my g-spot. "Totally bendable" intrigued me, so I start bending the toy, here, there, in different positions. Yes, it does bend, but it bends a bit too easily. Then, POP, the middle section comes off its hinge. Well, crap! I was able to pop it back on no problem, however, when I got down to "business", the toy felt good inserting, and stroking, however putting it in a stay-able position, to stroke the g-spot was a 2-toned failure. I give this toy a 1 out of 4 Tyger Paws up, for how it felt, but that is all.
  3. Tyger

    Remote G

    Good to know that some remote toys actually work well!!!!
  4. Do you think porn is degrading to women? Why or why not?
  5. It's hard for a man to ask for help, but I think that in these cases, if it helps, there's nothing wrong (and there's never anything wrong with asking for help) for asking for information/help. Doctors know that a happily married couple lives longer & is generally healthier.
  6. Well, I guess if you wanted to, um, delve into it (sorry for the pun), you could hollow one out, then, use something like a turkey baster, with the bulbous end at the base of the dildo, fill the baster with warm water, and when you're ready, squeeze the ball? Just a thought. I think it'd be safer for you, the toy, and all around, to just purchase an ejaculating dildo/vibe: The Shooter
  7. Good Point ToyQueen! If it's a new purchase, they usually but something in between the batteries, or just slide in a new pack of batteries in the plastic case, so that it won't turn on accidently.
  8. This is good advise. Also, it sounds like you may be trying too hard. You know how, when you REALLY NEED to go to sleep because you hafta get up early the next morning, and you....just.....can't......seem.....to.....go........to..............................................sleep? Same same! The other thing is, is if you can't give YOURSELF an orgasm, then you haven't learned just that right thing that sets you off, so you really can't expect anyone else to do it for you either. It's like with anything else, you have to learn for yourself before you can teach others.
  9. It looks like it unscrews near the base of it (near the string). Unscrew that, and notice how the batteries are in it. Usually, it's the flatter end pointed up towards the opening with those sorts of batteries. Good luck!
  10. I have to agree with Thurisas. Sounds like he may definitely have an addiction to porn. Having to add memory AND download it to a 2nd computer is not usually a good thing, unless you're an adult film director at home working on a film. The problem with porn, though I watch a lot of it myself, is that sometimes, men, and women, get the wrong idea of what sex should really be like, and how a person should be during sex. It's fantasy, unrealistic, and you'd be surprised at how "boring" an adult film star's sex life truly is in real life! If he can't orgasm without the use of pornography, then I would definitely seek some professional help with him. Sex toys and porn should be enhancements, not replacements, when you're in a relationship. There's nothing wrong with spicing one's sex life up with toys/adult films. However, when they get in the way of the relationship, it's time to curb it down......alot! Good luck!
  11. I have to agree with Thurisas. Sounds like he may definitely have an addiction to porn. Having to add memory AND download it to a 2nd computer is not usually a good thing, unless you're an adult film director at home working on a film. The problem with porn, though I watch a lot of it myself, is that sometimes, men, and women, get the wrong idea of what sex should really be like, and how a person should be during sex. It's fantasy, unrealistic, and you'd be surprised at how "boring" an adult film star's sex life truly is in real life! If he can't orgasm without the use of pornography, then I would definitely seek some professional help with him. Sex toys and porn should be enhancements, not replacements, when you're in a relationship. There's nothing wrong with spicing one's sex life up with toys/adult films. However, when they get in the way of the relationship, it's time to curb it down......alot! Good luck!
  12. I just went to the dr. this week in fact. OMG! This lady was soooo rough! I almost told her to at least kiss me first! Holy crap! Anyway, I use the correct terminology. I'm not sure if I will go back to this one, because I told her a couple of things, and she barely even acknowledged them, for example, vaginal dryness, and I don't think she spend enough time with me before we had the exam. She did cover my need for birth control fairly well though. I know that they're busy, but they really should allot time for new patients to feel comfortable with them. I may go back to the man doctor I had. He made me feel comfortable, listened to me, though I wasn't overly comfortable when he did the exam (I've always had women doctors for that). Just some stuff for me to think about I suppose.....
  13. Considering I don't have the qualifications for President, that's out the window. Plus, I'd pass laws like "Anti-Stupid Act", LOL. But, I wil proclaim proudly that I did NOT vote this President in!
  14. Bullets are not all the same. There are some that just have one speed, some have several, some even have 2 bullets with them. Most of them are pretty quiet, though sometimes you think that they can be heard down the block. LOL My suggestion is that if you are worried about noise, when you get it, turn it on, go outside the bedroom, and shut the door. Usually, with all of the other household noises, you won't hear it unless you strain to hear it. Some bullets have no extras, like just an egg-shaped bullet, others, like the ones that I like, have pointy parts to it to stimulate the clit more directly. If you know what you like with a bullet, try little variences of it.
  15. I too am curious to know what was decided on, and if you've gotten it, how it worked for you/her?
  16. I was SOOOOO happy to see that $40 almost filled my car. I mean, I was stressed that the big oil/gas companies families wouldn't be able to afford the mortgage on their 3rd homes, or exotic vacations. mean, I was loosing sleep over their situations, and possible loss of million dollar bonuses! Silly me! And I LOVED that Obama said that we should "just get use to high gas prices and trade in our cars for hybrids". Yeah, I can afford another payment, sure, why not! Considering he gets paid, oh, what? About $400K each yr he's President, then about what? $180K after his term ends JUST for being President (wish I got that kind of perk from the job I got let go with)! Not to mention that, at this point, he doesn't even PAY for gas cuz his ass gets carted around (as does his family for the sake of National Security), on OUR dollar, so why would he feel the sting of higher gas prices. What an ass.......
  17. Tyger


    My daughter was only 7 at this post's time, so, no she can't use the riding mower safely. I do, however, ask her to help me feed the pets, including the horses (which we've reduced to only having 2), picking up after herself, putting her laundry with the others, and taking care of her toys when she's done. I will say that things have gotten a lot better since hubby was able to go back to work. He's a truck driver now: he got cleared by the doctor to do that since now, by law, they have to get out and rest for a few minutes per how many hours they drive. Those laws are pretty strict. He is also driving flat beds, so he does have to get out and check his load, which gives him the opportunity to stretch more. He's gone for long periods of time, and I make sure that he picks up after himself (unfortunately, usually by nagging). This time he was home he changed out my car battery (since mine was DEAD), mowed the lawn, and found out what was wrong with our big screen TV (needs a new bulb). And he was only home 2 days. So, that was a help. He also got to watch DD's karate fundraiser! I've been stressing to my daughter that I can't remember everything it is she needs for all her school & karate activities, and that she needs to remind me to help her do this, that, or the other. There have been several times where, trying to remember everything, I forget my own lunch I made! LOL I've also been trying to put myself out there more socially. For the last several weekends, there's always been something to do, free, that we've been able to enjoy. Things are still tight, $ wise, but we will catch up soon. Thanks again for all that read!
  18. LOL Another soda machine story! I caught myself one day, getting frustrated with one, and kept muttering, "C'mon! You KNOW you wanna take it!" :lol:
  19. Neither have I, and especially if you didn't feel anything wrong........did you give yourself a "hickie" down there too? Maybe it was something like that, and it pulled too hard on it?
  20. Many women, myself included, LOVE watching girl on girl scenes. I freely admit to it. However, even if a woman likes porn, she may be hesitant to admit to liking it. Why? Because then our lovers may think that we may want to actually be with a woman instead of them, which is normally not the case. Does this mean something bad? NO!!! It doesn't. I think most of us women are, on some level, bi-curious. Meaning that she may wonder what it would be like to be with another woan. Let's face it. For most men, even the most "studly", the woman's body is a mountain of mysteries. No 2 women are exactly alike. We aren't like cars, where all the parts work & respond the same. Our equipment may be the same, but it may take a different kind of technique to get us off from your last lover. Women that sleep with other women KNOW what a woman likes, and aren't afraid to ask. Is it a bad idea to ask her about it? Depends on how you ask. If you have an accusational tone to your voice when you ask, then you risk shutting her off to porn all together. I think it's fantastic that she's open-minded and willing to watch porn. I believe, and this is my personal opinion, that women are brought up to believe that porn is degrating to women, and that if you enjoy watching it, then there's something wrong with you and you aren't on the "Feminine Bandwagon" so to speak. If it were me, I would find an all girl DVD, put it in as a surprise (cuz most of us women KNOW that men like to watch girl on girl action), and see if it triggers any response from her, verbally and physically. She may want to watch just that one! Where The Boys Aren't has a bunch of levels to it, and I have about 3 of them. ALL girl on girl action. Also, there's the Hot Pink series, I believe there are 2 of those, and those are really good as well. Good luck!
  21. I would love to be riding the trails on my horse with my hubby, and have sex ON the horse with him, with hubby inback of me. Oh yeah!
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