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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. LOL Kace!!! No, I've had it for a couple of months. But I like black. I like how they look in this bra.
  2. Um, ow? I've never heard of a clit bleeding with a clit pump. Are you sure you had it over the clit and not your vagina, and maybe you started your period? I have 3 pumps, and one is QUITE strong, and where I've cause myself some pain due to the strong suction (the first time I used it), there was a release valve, and I could DEFINITELY tell when I had it too strong. I'm not sure what to tell you. I am very baffled by this one.
  3. Shockingly, doggie style was comfortable, so long as I propped a pillow under it to support it, & spooning. That was the MOST comfortable!
  4. I too, agree with Kace. Remembering when I had a newborn in the house, I remember feeling like I was all alone, especially since he worked nights, and slept during the day. Had I just asked him a couple of times to help me, he would've. I know that now. Does your hubby get paid by the hour? If so, he's probably trying to get all the over-time he can get so that he can provide for his family. He also may be a bit scared to be home, especially if this is his first baby. Something so small can really be that intimidating? YES! So can the wife, now mother's, role. He may not know he's doing that, so, again, go with Kace's suggestions. They're great, and he's a guy, so I bet his advice is spot-on!
  5. Realistic dildos come with many brand names. It's safe to say, that, for the most part, the "cyber-skin" feeling ones feel pretty real. They just don't have the warmth of a real man's penis. I have several types of the realistic dildos, which are all made from silicone, under different brand names like Cyber-Skin, Real-Feel, UR3, and many more. Each company has its own "mix" of cyberskin, so each one will feel different to a degree. Most are pretty firm, like a real man's erection, with a little give to it on the outside, again, like the real thing. The things to remember with the "cyber-skin"/silicone material is: never to use any silicone lubes with it. Nor should you store it in a drawer out of its original packaging. I keep all of mine in their original hard plastic packages, so they don't come in contact with any other toy that may have some other types of lube-reminants on it. I would also recommend that you wash them before and after play. Also, if you get them, TooTimid sells some Cyberskin care powder, which is basically talc. This keeps your toy feeling soft, supple, and real feeling. You don't NEED the powder, but I definitely noticed a difference when I used it on my toys during storage.
  6. Maybe on a subconscious level, we try to find a mate that will make a good potential parent. Why then, do you ask, would someone choose to be with someone that may be like an abusive mother or father? Because it's the only thing that person knows. I don't think everyone does this. My first (ex) husband and I never even wanted children together. I never would've had kids with him anyway. He believed firmly that children should be seen & not heard. His step-father was extremely cruel to him and his brother. No. Thank. You. My current hubby & father of my one and only child, is not very much like my father. Not to say my Dad was a bad person, he wasn't. And he got better with age & maturity, though he was ALWAYS responsible for all 3 of his girls. Maybe we do, and maybe we don't. Interesting & thought-provoking topic!!!
  7. May I suggest, that, for clit stimulations that can be more direct, and easier to manipulate, that you check out the bullets/eggs? If you like direct stimulation on your clig, you can go for a bullet/egg that has a point on it, like a rabbit's head (which is what I find actually works the best). Many of the more powerful ones have a battery pack, with a long cord, and then the bullet, so it's easy to adjust the setting if you hold on to it, and let hubby do the navigating! Don't be shy to let him know WHERE to put it either. Men don't just instantly KNOW how to stimulate the clit. Especially since, if he's been with more than one woman, each woman likes things differently. It's just as much of a mystery to them, as it is to us sometimes! I mean, I like a STRONG, DIRECT vibe, some women like a softer vibe strength. I mean, you have to teach him how to touch you, AFTER you teach yourself what you like. If you've never been able to find that spot for yourself, and it's YOUR body, how do you expect anyone else to learn? Makes sense, doesn't it?
  8. Oral pleasuring for him, hand jobs, are a good idea to try for him. If your breasts are sore (if you're breastfeeding or not), you can always have him "tittie-fuck" you too. That's rather fun, especially if you like your breasts stimulated. However, having a baby myself, I can honestly say that you should WAIT to have any sexual activity, down there. When they say no sexual activitiy for at least 6 weeks, they mean it. If you just had a baby, then you need to allow your body to heal itself, so you don't cause any damage, which could lead to a longer healing (and no sex) time. Especially if you had an apesiotomy (when they have to cut your vaginal opening near your anus to make room for the baby)-I probably spelled that procedure waaaaaaaaaaaaay wrong!! LOL It's a small sacrifice to do for having such a wonderful bundle of joy! Congrats!!!
  9. Well, I'm not sure if accidently getting off counts? The bass in my other car was really strong, and, well, my jeans were sitting just right, and I was sitting at just.....the.....right......spot, when along came this song, hard with base, and, well, thank gawd I was on a small road where I could pull off (and get off) without worries!!!
  10. I will be a guinea pig if you need one!! LOL
  11. Yeah, you could probably guess I chose HARLEY!! LOL Though I do love variations too, but strong definitely is my choice of choice!!
  12. While sitting in the car the other day, hubby was getting mad at this slow driver. He yells out "Give it to her! Give it to her! Punch it hard!" I almost died laughing. He took a few minutes to click to it!!! LOL
  13. No, not now since I work at a school and wouldn't be comfortable doing so. But, I sometimes think about it. LOL But, years ago, I worked at a drive-thru liquor store, and my FWB & I had sex there in between customers a few times. Does that count?
  14. One of the best places I've ever gotten in on, well, there are actually 2 that stick out in my mind. One of them is with this guy that was a FWB. We'd gone for a walk around the local college and got a little frisky feeling. We ducked into the woods, waited a few minutes, that way, anyone that saw us walking in there, would've been gone by the time we got busy, and that's exactly what we did! We had to be quiet, which made everything heightened. I braced myself on a pine tree, bent over, and he did me doggie, in the woods. It was totally wild & invigorating, in more ways than one!!! The other one was with my now hubby. We went for a drive in his Jeep. Decided to duck into some farmer's field of corn. We parkec behind the old homestead (the new one was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up the road) which was falling apart, and we started having our fun. Little did we know that there were severe thunderstorm warnings for the area! Thankfully, he had a bikini top on the Jeep, and while the wind was whipping around, lightning flashed, the thunder drown out our yells of ecstasy!!
  15. OK, so, I will say it, I am WRONG. It is right at the opening. HOWEVER, there is a hole in the center of it, which small/thin things can pass thru ok, like a tampon, and so that the blood from your period can come out, and other fluids. Penises (and toys) are wider, and that causes the tearing that everyone is so nervous about.
  16. No, it's not right at the opening, it's up inside a bit. Not exactly sure of how high, but it's up inside. I'll research & let you know.
  17. Awesome recommendations ladylove. I agree. Also, try checking out the reviews on some of the items you may like, and read the reviews. We're all pretty open & honest, and many of us tell whether a toy would be good for a beginner, advanced toy user in the review as well. I would check out the reviews on the forum too, since, a while back, when we wrote reviews, we only had a certain amount of characters we could input into the site's review part. It's worth the time to do some research, finding out what some other women like on here, and see if they coincide at all with what your wife may like. I will recommend that you start off a bit on the lower $$ side, since, until you really learn what your wife (and SHE learns what she likes too) likes, so you're not out a lot of $$ if she doesn't care for it. Some women like stronger vibes, others softer, harder materials, or more jelly-like/softer materials, ones with multiple options, or the KISS kind (Keep It Simple Silly-KISS). Get her involved with it. So she can be active in it, and say yes or no. When she does get it, don't be upset/jealous if she uses it solo. In fact, I recommend that she does first, so she can see how it works, by herself, and isn't shy about it. Some women feel guilty the first time, because they don't want it to appear that they like it better than their lover, which is not the case. Sex toys are an enhancement in the bedroom, not suppose to be a replacement. But she should feel free to use it when she wants too, whenever she wants too. So, read on. I hope that you & your wife find something she will like. Good luck!!!
  18. I'm glad that you aren't having pain anymore. I just wanted to clear up a misconception about tampons. Tampons are safe for virgins to use as well since they don't go up as far as you might think, so they don't tear the hymen. Most virgins don't care for them, because it feels "weird", but you can safely use a tampon and still be considered intact. It's a common misconception, so don't feel bad.
  19. So, what do you like? C'mon!! You know ya wanna share!!!
  20. No, I don't have a problem with it, unless he's shaved it all off, and has a couple of days scruffy growth, then it can rub like sandpaper. Right now, hubby has a moustache and goatee.
  21. Sounds to me like you may be hitting part of your G-Spot, which is a good thing! If it's not due to nerves, then I would say that you're probably slightly tearing at your hymen then, but not all the way. So, it doesn't hurt WHILE you're playing? As a virgin, your body has to get use to things going up inside you. How long have you been experimenting with larger, deeper penetrating toys? And, yes, even for us, um, ahem, more experienced people, a rough night of sex can leave us pleasantly sore in the morning as well, so that's normal. And, yes, we can still even bleed if it was rough.
  22. Once you get the hang of changing the heads, it's not so bad. Slide one edge of the prong in the lip of the attachment, then, push it on. Usually is pretty easy. You will find reviewers have different tastes. I do try and let people know right up front that I PREFER a strong vibe. I'm talking putting a behive to shame strong vibe! I want a Harley of a vibe!!! ;) But, that's me. For some people, stronger vibes hurt. Some people prefer gentle vibes. For those that like gentle vibes, this toy is a winner. I think if this toy had a few settings on it, it'd be better. What does it for me, is a bullet with a pointy part on it. Every. Time! I'm sorry this toy didn't work out for you either. But, think of it this way, at least you have tried another sort of toy, and that helps pinpoint those kinds of things that you do like. Process of elimination!
  23. It's sounding to me like you could be tearing your hymen, but just a little bit here and there, especially if you're continuing to see blood after playing. You have a couple of choices here (in my opinion). One, you could just "pop" your own cherry, so to speak, and then after a moment of slight pain, the hymen will be gone. If you're nervous about the pain/blood, this could also be why you're experiencing pain as well. If you're nervous and not fully aroused, you can cause your muscles to clench, and with you being a virgin/small, that can cause you to have more pain. Try to learn to relax. Just remember, when the hymen breaks, yes, you probably will feel a slight pain that ebbs away after a few minutes. When I had sex for the first time, it hurt for a bit, kinda like when you scrape your knee really bad, then burned for a bit. I was sore the next day, and after a few more times of sex, the pain was gone. But, when you're having sex by yourself, you can hold yourself back, instinctively, because you're scared of the pain. How long it takes depends on you. Each woman's body is different, so nobody can say for sure how long your pain will last. Though, it's not as bad once the hymen is gone, since there's nothing left to tear/rip. Again, you'll probably feel a burning (where the edges of the hymen are) until they're healed up. Your vaginal area heals rather quickly, and shouldn't (in many cases) take more than a couple of days of healing, if left alone to do so. If the hymen's still htere, you'll probably still have pain. The other option is to go back to smaller toys, and wait for a man to come along that's right for you, and, eventually, having sex with him to fully break your hymen (among other deep things). But, I'm not suggesting you just go out and find a guy to "pop your cherry" just for the sake of doing it by any means!!! Anyway, I hope this helps.
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