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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Well put Mikayla. I have to agree AND disagree with jhard. Yes, some men DO go to a prostitute if their wives don't satisfy them. Why? No other real relationship where the girlfriend gets bitter and calls the wife, and vice versa to deal with. It's anonymous. No strings. But there ARE a lot of "happily married men" out there (and women) that just want that thrill of not being caught, and with a prostitute, more than likely, the risk is extremely minimal that you would get caught (so it's a safer risk you might say). But the thrill's still there. As a woman, yes, jhard was a bit harsh, he DOES have a point, however, not to stir up the debates, but, it's not ONLY the woman's job to please her man, it's also the MAN'S job to communicate his unhappiness to his wife. Most men don't do that, unless they are, what I call, whining. They're not constructively trying to have a discussion, they just say "OMG, it's been a while since I've gotten laid." or to some extent like that.
  2. WOOT! Thanks Rob! You da bomb! Congrats to the winners!!! Have fun, and let us know how your new toys do for you, and if they lived up to your hopes & dreams!!!
  3. I really enjoyed that article. I can see their points too. Very informative. Thanks for sharing!!!
  4. Also, anal sex takes an ENORMOUS amount of trust. You having control of the toy, vs. someone thrusting in you may be too much for you to deal with, at this time. Besides, I NEVER recommend that a newbie start out with a penis for anal play. You need to train yourself, and your anus to relax, and accept things UP inside of it. Let's face it, it's meant to push things OUT, not have them put up inside! There's a kit, Julie Ashton's Anal Kit, that has about 4 plugs in it, of various sizes, that will help your body get use to different sizes. I wish I could find the lube that it comes with sold seperately, cuz that stuff ROCKS!!!
  5. Well, you got some great advice already. To help comfort your fears, my hubby had worta the same thing happen, One testicle wrapped around the other one, and choked it off (killed it)and they had to surgically remove one testicle. He ejaculates, and has a great sex drive with just the one. The only thing that they dr.'s screwed up on, was that they told him he never could have children. Of course, this was in the early 70's, so they thought he couldn't heal as much as he did. He has 2 kids now. So, assure him that that really has nothing to do with his sex drive, just sperm production, as Mikayla said. ~Best Wishes!!!
  6. If you can find it, the series Sparticus Blood and Sand (it was on Encore) was FANTASTIC! Bloody, but really good!!!
  7. Some people (men & women) don't like the hard plastic or glass toys for anal. My hubby's one of 'em. He prefers something that has some flexibility with it. He also doesn't like the "plug" type toys. I would recommend either jelly or silicone toys for you too. Remember, with silicone toys, you can't use silicone based lubes (which is very popular to use with anal play since the anus isn't meant to self-lubricate). Hope that helps!
  8. I have to agree with what Mikayla said about being with a male partner. I have yet (but hope to) experience it with a woman as well. I've always been curious to know what it feels like for a man to cum, as in, how it feels for THEM.
  9. Nope, no flyers, mailers, or anything else. Just what you ordered.
  10. Well, I DID breastfeed our daughter for a year, & I am very proud of that fact. I HATED pumping, because it takes FOREVER to pump, and it made my breasts/nipples too tender to actually have her suckle off of me. So, we did it the ole fashioned way, and stopped pumping. I did have back up formula, but, she only took about 4 bottles of it LOL. I was VERY discreet on how I fed our daughter. We always asked for a booth in the back, I always had 2 blankets with me, always wore a nursing bra, and tried as hard as I could to have my back towards the public. I don't think that it's really appropriate to just flop out your boob and feed the baby. If you have small breasts, it is easier to feed a bit more discreetly, with minimal effort, I've noticed that with a friend of mine. Yes, I know that it's the most natural thing in the world, however, there is a form of basic courstesy that should be followed, and, how we did it, I think was the best way to do so. I only had ONE woman give me a dirty look, and, being drained, tired, and just exausted, I actually spoke up and said "Would you rather me have the blanket, and not seeing anything and KNOW what I'm doing, or hear the baby cry for about an hour? Cuz I'm willing to do that too." And I gave her THE LOOK. LOL She left me alone.
  11. I too, don't mind either one. I would love to get a "perk-job" since I proudly breastfed my daughter for a year. However, they look pretty good anyway. I don't like the look of freakishly large boobs that you can just TELL that they're fake. As far as watching any women in adult movies, I don't like seeing the ones where you can SEE the silicone/saline filled bags, and the boobs look wrinkly around the edges. I don't like it. Ever watch the second kid's movie Madagascar? Where Motomoto sings "I like 'em round, I like 'em plumb-aye"? That would be what I prefer. LOL
  12. Well, it's rarely the same each time. Yes, I have experienced/done all of that, and I've also experienced total darkness, and the feeling of "it's just a f*ck" too (non-spiritual, more animalistic).
  13. If this started due to the heat wave, then, yes, this happens a lot during the summer months. Your crotch doesn't get a chance to breathe very much. Which can breed a number of feminine issues, such as heat rash (owie), yeast troubles, and more. Wear breathable clothes, cotton, skirts, and such. Clothes that allow the air to flow more. Satiny panties are nice & sexy, but I don't recommend them a lot during the summer. That material doesn't breathe well. Also, some women use powder down there, not only to smell good, but, like on a baby's bottom, it helps absorb moisture as well. If it's just due to shaving, what I use is the Tressemme conditioner for dry hair to shave with. It moisturizes, soothes the skin, and you can get a LOT in that big bottle, that goes a LOOOONG way! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Coochie Creme here on TT. When shaving, soak yourself in the tub if possible. Warm water helps soften the hairs of your legs and pubic area. Makes it easier to shave. It also helps soften your skin, which helps aleviate razor burn. DO NOT put lotions on right after you shave! It irritates the skin & pores. After all, you've already traumatized your skin by shaving it, lotion can sometimes irritate even more. ~Best wishes!!!
  14. It looks like a small, personal fan! LMAO
  15. I hope you have a fantastical, wondiferous, specialiscious, radically birthday! I love ya, and glad to count you as one of my great TT friends! *MUAH*
  16. I'm just wondering WHY those laws had to be passed in the first place....things that make you go hmmmmmm!
  17. Glad I read thru the thread! It really DOES look like the Lucid Dream #14! I have the LD, and I LOVE it!!!!
  18. I must say that this is STILL one of my favorite bullets. This is my "go-to" bullet (when all else fails or I want a quick Orgasm).
  19. I think the one thing that I really WANT from TT is the Esse in either purple or leopard. http://shop.tootimid.com/esse.aspx One reason is, that, at this time, nor in the foreseeable future, can we afford to get this. Also, both of us now have bad backs, especially hubby. This could give us the positioning variances more easily/comfortably for the both of us. It would really help put some zing back into our sex life. Hubby's had to endure a lot of pain since this happened, and our sex life is, well, to say the least, a bit slow, due to his pain & having to take muscle relaxers. The less pressure on his back, the better. PLUS, we can utilize it as a piece of furniture! And, unless you KNOW what it actually IS/where it came from, strangers/friends/family coming in and seeing this piece wouldn't have a clue that it's really SEX FURNITURE! LOL
  20. Thank you all sooooo much!!! I had a great day, with lots of friends and family. My daughter even made me a pair of earrings all by herself (I helped make the loop though LOL). It was fantastic!!! I'm so glad I met y'all too! Love and smooches to everyone of you!!!
  21. I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV (sometimes I've helped the nurse at school, does that count? LOL). Anyway, I have a few friends that suffer from depression. The ones that have been on Zoloft have complained about that very same thing. Mood killing to the max! Have your friend talk with her doctor who prescribed the meds. Obviously, their main goal is to make sure that depression doesn't effect her life as much as they can, and her sex life is one of those aspects. Too many people just think it's something they have to put up with, but it's not. Good luck!
  22. I have found that those small, bullets have some FANTASTIC vibes. Most women need clit stimulation to get off. I usually like a bullet on my button, and something thrusting in & out of me. I like very STRONG clit vibrations. Inside of me though, doesn't really matter much to me usually.
  23. My ex had one. Unfortunately, I didn't really feel too much of a difference. It was ok, and a visual turn-on, but nothing that I would say "OMG YOU HAFTA GET ONE OF THOSE!!!". :0
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