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Posts posted by greenkimmy35

  1. well for the most part it has been quit, only felt a few shakes today (3.0 and lower), They are telling people to have emergancie kits mad and to be preparied for a possiable 6.0!

    That was not what we wanted to here! I think I have slept maybe 6 hours in the last 3 days....

  2. Kim look into where the fault line is and past earthquakes in that area. If you can find a similar type of pattern then you can predict what is coming your way. The geologists in your area aren't going to say anything because they don't want people getting pissed off because they were wrong. Get things secured and fast! I'm talking stuff that can fall, breakables you know what I mean. I know you have been through quakes before but please remember be safe and if a big one is coming I suggest packing up the cars and taking a small road trip.

    We have falt lines all around and through us..... The problem is that they have never seen anything like this before and are stumped..... we are ready as can be if it comes... started preparing a few weeks ago...

    I finally went to sleep at 5:30 this morning and got up at 7:30 to a small quake and felt another one 20-30 min later....

    I am tired of jummping at every little movement.... I need a good nights sleep!

  3. dfe349bb.gif Do you live in a house that is quake-proof and have a plan for emergency? I would be hysterical.

    My house is my childhood home..... It was built in the late 40's early 50's. It is sitting on a full cement slab. We have beems that run through the house and the celing in all toung and grove hardwood. This house isnt going anywhere unless we get a big one.... That's what my hubby tells me any ways LOL.

    As old as this house is we have no cracks or anything like that, it's very solid.

  4. Do they thing these are a harbinger of "the big one"?

    They are dancing around the topic.... Some people are saying yes and others are saying that there is no way to tell....My gut tells me to be ready (wich we are) because were due for one.....

    Me and a family member were talking about it a few weeks ago and both agree that it's comming.....

  5. Wow. That IS scary. Has there been any information on the news as to what's going on?

    They arn't sure why so many are hitting us, or why they are getting stronger (it is usualy the other way around). The area that it is happening in is between 8-10 miles from my house. They have been having small quakes there sience Feb. (they are called clusters)... Everyone seemes stumped.

  6. I know my hubby should rock my world when were making love but holy shit does the earth have to move too???

    We were in the mist of things when we were hit by a 4.7 earthquake!!!! Scared the crape out of us... barley got robes on before the kids were at our door.

    Mind you now my kids are 22, 18 and 15...... LOL. I just finally got everyone settled down and back to bed (this all started at 11:40 pm and it is now 3:20 am).

    In the last 36 hours we have had close to 40 quakes at a 3.0 or higher. The big ones are getting stronger not weaker and has everyone on edge...This is why I am still on the computer after only 4 hours of sleep the night before .....

    I woke up at 5:45 am to a quake and 1 of my dogs growling and barking at the floor! He has had it with the earth moving! he spent tonight in my lap... he is a 55lb chow/pit mix.....ugh......

    Sorry for rambling but I'm antsy.. I have lived in Reno all my life, been through quakes even bigger than the 4.7 but we have had soooo many in such a short time that we ar all jummping at even cars driving by.....

    Thanks for letting me vent.....


  7. God's Flower Garden

    Tho' He takes the full-bloom flowers'

    Dropped and withered that need His care.

    Still He needs a bud or blossom

    To scatter with them, here and there.

    So he takes a few choice blossoms,

    Just the rarest He can find,

    And because God needs them up in heaven,

    Must comfort loved ones left behind.

  8. It sounds like the dogs are leading the pack instead of the humans. First , it is not very healthy for the dogs much less your relationship for this to be going on.

    Have you ever heard of Ceasar Millan ( The dog whisper)? He has a show on the National Geographic channel, I belive it is on Friday nights at 8PM. He also has his own web site (www.ceasarmillaninc.com). Their is all kinds of books and videos for training the humans and dogs.

    If she isn't open to hearing what you have to say about the dogs and your relationship try the

    (I heard about this show about dogs lets watch it and see if we can learn anything new to help our dogs).

    I know that for our family that watching this show and using this method has done wonders for tranning our puppies (2 chow/pit 10 months old). My 3 year old Nephew can control them and they respond.

    I'm just rambeling now... hope this helps a little.


  9. I personaly love guys with long hair (as long as it's neat and clean). My hubby had long hair for a quit awhile and ended up cutting it short for work (I don't know who cried more me or the styliset who cut it all off!). He has grown it out a couple of times but with age and changes in the hormones it never looked like it used to. Now it is short.

    As for the ladies I like long hair, but it realy depends on the face and eye shape, hair color etc...

    For me personaly I tend to go for the shorter hair because my hair type (very thick and tends to frizz) it also makes my big blue eyes stand out even more....lol

  10. Katpurr,

    I am so sorry to here about your son! It is the worst thing any parent worries about much less has to deal with if/when it happens. There are no words that would comfort you at this time ( my son died almost 19 years ago) so instead I will pray for you and your family. If you need to talk or vent please pm me and I will give you my other info.


  11. LOL Whiskeywoman, I have 5 kids also. My last was the OMW he was 10lbs and 15ozs and 38 hours of labor No drugs I had all my kids naturally. Have more kids HECK NO LOL!!!!! I use lots and lots of lube but it still happens maybe I shouldn't play so rough with things :)

    My last child was born 3years ago and I noticed that nothing has changed it still happens sometimes and yes sometimes a little bit of blood there.


    I had this happen after my first baby. I asked my Dr. about it and he said it was quit normal. He did show my hubby and I a great trick to use though. You use 2 fingers and insert them up to the first knuckels with them resting towards your bottom, then you gently move your fingers in a simi-circle motion. Gradually increase the preasure. Do this for about 2 min every day.

    The Dr. uses this to try and prevent women from having to get cut or tear duing deliveries.

    Wiskeywoman... I got ya beat on the short labors. 15 min, and I deliverd her my self.... sure was glad it was my 4th and not my 1st baby. Had to use the 2 finger thing (I didn't tear thank God).... Hubby blinked and missed it all (he was on the phone to 911).

  12. Well lets see....

    outside under the stars camping with people sleeping all around us and my mom a few yards away in the camper with a loaded gun (this was my first time i was 17 he was 21).

    in my boyfriends room with his parents home

    living room of friends house with them home (quit a few times)

    friends bathroom during a party

    coffee table, bean bag chairs, hot tub, washing machine (places where our kids were concived)

    church family camp - in the back of our truck, standing beside our truck and on the tail gate as the campe patrol drove by.

    kitchen counter

    dinningroom table

    our back porch railing

    drive-in movies

    all over our living room

    bathtub, shower, on the tolit and counters of both bathrooms

    in the woods just out of view where all our friend and kids were sitting by the fire

    desk chairs


    thats all that comes to mind without really thinging about it....

  13. Ok, I thought I would just put this out there for curiosity purposes only ;)

    How old were you when you lost your virginity? What age are you now, and how many sexual partners have you had?

    I was just shy of being 18 and he was 21.... i'm just shy of being 41 and we have been married almost 22 years now. hes the only one i'v ever been with.

  14. I am new and this is my first post :)

    I have only had sex with my hubby and I think about things I want him to do to me. Sometimes we actually watch porn and masturbate together. It is really erotic and strangley comforting at the same time.

    Welcome Tabby!

    I also have only had sex with my hubby and think about him and what I want him to do to me and what he has done in the past......

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