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Posts posted by kinkyhusband

  1. I think it's wonderful you have addressed the problem head on ( :)) and your actively taking responsibility for your sexuality and well being. I'm can assure you, your wife/partner is extremely grateful. Snicker if you need, there are many no matter what their age, that hide their head in the sand and refuse to believe they could have a problem. I believe "mind over matter" was the exact phrase that was used. I think it's dreadfully sad some have this stubborn thought process. In the end it hurts everyone. I have the utmost respect for your and your pro-activeness.

    Thank you.

  2. I love kissing my girl when she has my cum in her mouth and cleaning her after sex has become almost a regular activity, however tasting my own cum from masterbating or whatever hasnt ever appealed to me...it's the mutual love and sexual union with the result and the cum play that excites her even further that increases our love for each other. Don't see anything wrong with eating your own cum...just doesnt do anything for me......I need her for me to enjoy it.

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  3. Square hit the nail on the head. The idea of taking all my juices is a real turn-on before ejaculation. It does lose some of the "hotness" factor afterward. But, that doesn't stop me from either kissing her mouth when she sucks me off, or cumming inside of her. I guess the same thing happens to most guys, but to a different degree...

    I was the same way with my exwife, I wanted to clean her so badly but always chickened out. I talked to her and had her talk dirty to me while making love to her about how she wanted me to lick her afterwards...that helped that and a few drinks lol! It took a few times and generally after a nights out I started doing it to her and she really came hard! I kind of like the taste of us mixed together...have no intention of tasting myself solo, but this is the result of us making love...ect. After we divorced, amicably and for different reasons, I introduced it to my present GF. They both love having it done to them. If you can get over the squeamishness you will find a hightened sexuallity to your woman that you will love. My ex still calls me at times and complains that she misses that part of us! LOL

  4. okay, my husband gets freaked out after he's "finished" he'll clean me up, but he doesn't want to come in contact with his cum, which i do not understand, because it's from him!!! why is this and what an i do? (i have talked to him with no results) if he was young, i could perhaps understand, but he is a grown man!!!

    Do you mean clean you up...with a wash cloth or orally? It's two different things. If it is with with a cloth then I'd say it's a messiness issue ingrained in him and you will have trouble changing it. If it is an oral thing, then with some talk and patience he may learn to love it....I did. Good luck.

  5. good evening...

    i'm dating this guy for more than 8ys now. and i sometimes feel that i want a bit more challenge in our sex life.

    he was this very hot and sexy friend that i really like and wanted him to invite for a 3some with us.

    but seams like he's not in the same page...

    i don't know if i should insist. or just give up on this fantasy. or maybe i should just think about another girl that's not his friend.

    im getting really confused, cause he wants to do everything for me, but at the same time he's not making any move to be with her...


    Sometimes a fantasy should just remain a fantasy. One night after a few drinks I brought up a fantasy with my GF and she said she would do it....It caused a lot of problems in our relationship, we even broke up for a while over it. We are working on trying to repair

    our relationship but it is going slow. I advise you to forget about it, unless HE brings it up...don't push....TRUST ME ON THIS.

  6. My boyfriend is also a diabetic and has erectile dysfuntion but was still able to become erect but maintaining the erection was a challenge. We have been together almost 2years and have found ways around it through the use of mutual masturbation, sex toys and talking out fantasies. However, over the past several months not only have we almost stopped having any kind of sexual contact whatsoever but when we try, he cannot even become erect even for a short time. It's extremely frustrating for me because I am a highly sexual person and he just doesn't seem to be trying anymore. He has seen a dr and was given viagra, but he's only taken a 1/2pill once and hasn't mentioned doing it again. I'm just at my wits end with it. I love him very much and want to stand by him but it's frustrating as well as heartbreaking. .....upon rereading, this post sounded really selfish of me. My biggest problem with the situation that we're in now is that he doesn't even seem willing to do the stuff we used to do to deal with our needs. I've talked to him until I'm blue in the face but am just not getting anywhere with it.

    I dont have diabetes but do have high blood pressure and was having trouble maintaning an erection, doctor gave me a sample pack of Cialis and while the 1st time I felt embarrased to need help...OMG, the difference it made really helped both the hardness of my erection and increased the length of time before ejaculation. They are kind of expessive but I am of the mind set now of Thank God for modern medicine! Have him talk to his doctor next time he's there.

  7. When I was quite a bit younger I was curious enough to frequent the aduld video arcades that used to be prevalent, it didn't happen much but I sucked a few men off. The one that has always stuck in my mind was a guy that I sucked and sucked trying to bring him off, usually I sucked a bit and moved to a different booth as I was uncomfortable. This particular guy I wanted in my mouth and did everything to his cock that i enjoy...lots of tongue action while it was in my mouth, licking the tip as I slid it out, caressing his balls as I sucked...finally he pulled it out of my mouth and started to cum, I stuck my tongue out and he blasted my tongue and into my mouth as I swallowed. I haven't ever be penetrated by a man and even though I loved that encounter and still look back fondly at it, I didn't feel that the homosexual leanings were strong enough as I prefer women.

    However, I occasionally (25 years later) feel the desire to suck a cock from time to time and feel the cum spurt into my mouth, it would be hard to explain that one to the wife and I probably won't act on it....but no, you aren't alone in wanting to suck cock while in a heterosexual relationship. I too would just want to service his cock, no kissing ect.

    Hope this helped some.


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  8. It took me a long time to where I was comfortable with the idea of eating my cum. I have my wife to thank for getting me over the hurdle, she can be pretty straight laced at time but she absolutely loves having me lick her out after intercourse. She tends to like being on top quite a bit now, she will bring me off as fast as she can and basically throw herself onto my face and have me bring her off as I eat her.

    As for the threesome, if that was something she wanted I wouldn't say no but that would be up to her...having her screw other men is a door that couldn't be closed again and it is the act of love between us too that brought the desire on me...I've had fantacies about her in a gangbang but it is nothing I'd push, but if it was something she wanted then I'd be more than willing to do whatever she wanted.

    This cum fetish thing may not quite be mainstream but it sure helped our marriage and sex life, we sure love it.


  9. We talked about this, and my husband says it's the one thing he will absolutely not do. He says it grosses him out. I'm not sure how I feel about it.

    Hi Aiden, I'm sure it's not for everyone and that's fine...but it sure re-energized our sex life to another level. My wife loves it so much that she initiates sex more and more often. It took me quite a while to get used to it, but I've come (no pun intended) to really enjoy the taste...and it's a damn good thing because I think I've awakened a monster!! (LOL!).....She totally digs it.

    Thanks again for the help all.....Philip

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  10. Garters and white stockings do it for me...something about a woman in virginal white, and being a total slut in the marriage bed just drives me wild!! Add some totally sleazy eye make up.....WHEW!!


  11. I have mentioned in ither posts about my desire to lick the wife after cumminbg in her so won't talk much about it here thought it knd on pertains. What I truly want is some advice on how to guide my wife into a more increasing Dominate role in the bedroom. I love to have her tie me up, whip, and hurt me... painfully stretch my testicles, that type of thing. I almost have to beg her to do it though... once she gives in and starts hearing me moad, her breathing quickens and she getts so wet it actually wets her thighs, she will force me to eat her during and my God is she soaking (!!) and cums almost immediatly. It's obvious that she gats off on it and during normal forplay she has taken to painfully squeezing my balls and digs her fingernails into my cock. But I mention whips and she says thats just not me though I know she digs it once we get going. I would love for her to use a strap on on me, but any mention of anal penetration and it's, "there's no way that I am doing that!"

    Any advice for me to help her open and relax so that the true Dominate side that it's obvious that she is capable of can come more to the forefront?

    Thanks, Philip

  12. I have mentioned in ither posts about my desire to lick the wife after cumminbg in her so won't talk much about it here thought it knd on pertains. What I truly want is some advice on how to guide my wife into a more increasing Dominate role in the bedroom. I love to have her tie me up, whip, and hurt me... painfully stretch my testicles, that type of thing. I almost have to beg her to do it though... once she gives in and starts hearing me moad, her breathing quickens and she getts so wet it actually wets her thighs, she will force me to eat her during and my God is she soaking (!!) and cums almost immediatly. It's obvious that she gats off on it and during normal forplay she has taken to painfully squeezing my balls and digs her fingernails into my cock. But I mention whips and she says thats just not me though I know she digs it once we get going. I would love for her to use a strap on on me, but any mention of anal penetration and it's, "there's no way that I am doing that!"

    Any advice for me to help her open and relax so that the true Dominate side that it's obvious that she is capable of can come more to the forefront?

    Thanks, Philip

  13. Years aqo I had a GF who ran around on me and would then come home wanting me to go down on her. Almost immediately I realized why, she was full of another mans cum! This went on for a while until we broke up...the other man thing bothered me though I still did it. I had tried flirting/exploring the homosexuality thing in video arcades when younger out of curiosity, but it didn't do much for me though. Years went by and was married, found creampie sites and that awoke the perverse thrill that at times I sometimes got when eating the earlier woman. I wanted to do it badly to my wife but for some reason couldn't get up the nerve. We had talked about it and she knew that's what I wanted and eventually took the upper hand and helped me over the hurdle. I love to be tied/handcuffed up and have her hurt and whip my testicles and cock, she enjoys biting my nipples then also....she gets super wet doing this but I have trouble getting her to take a Dominate role, but she's getting better at it and is starting to enjoy iy more.

    But the biggest thill I get is when she is laying there with my cum running out of her, looks at me and says "lick me" It's a fantasy that I have finally realized and God help me...I love it!!! Sorry for being so long winded.


  14. One fantasy that I have with my wife that I wouldn't want to see come true as it would be too degrading, would to be watching her have a huge (willing) gangbang. The thought of her being penetrated over and over, with cocks in each hand, making love and oral to them, man after man as I watch the expression on her face as she repeatedly climaxes just drives me nuts.

    She's a good woman who loves me, and I would never ask her to do such a thing (we have talked fantasies before) but it still excites me.


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