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Posts posted by solidman232004

  1. I want to thank you all for the great responses I have recieved from my previous posts. I welcome the insights of anyone who will share.

    I could not even wait to post this. I know that my story has not been a minute by minute drama posted here and I say, as always, please check out my blogs or past posts if you want to be filled in on the events up to date.

    They have finally made the leap...My brother and wife spent the night together and had sex for hours. They have been spending more time together and have been becoming closer and closer. Last night he came over and we all hung out together for a while just talking. When it was late we all went back to bed together. after we settle in and all was quite I quitley made my way out of the room and went to sleep on the couch. shortly there after I heard some rustling around and I could only assume of what was going on. I peaked in on them a couple hours later to find them both naked and sweaty and clinging to each other. They were still kissing and smiling so then I let them be. As I typ this message they are still sleeping next to each other naked.

    I will be ure to follow up with the details when I can.

  2. It has been a while since I posted but I have some exciting update from my last post (as is outlined in my blog). It seems the tables have turned and my brother has begun to pursue my wife. He is not being aggressive with it and I still think he is hesitant. My wife says that they are enjoying allot of fun time together and are enjoying the flirty loving relationship she always dreamt of with him. I am happy that it is all coming together and that they are having such a great time with it all.

    No pressure though, just let it be what it is. Very cool, I think! What about you? what do you think. Please share :D

  3. Thank you all so much for your very in depth and diverse replies to my question.

    To touch lightly on some of the subjects raised....

    First and foremost, our child is the most important thing and we would never do anything to put that in jepordy.

    should any of the actions we take grow in to a larger "long term" type of relationship we would have to find a way to explain it all, it would be very alternative but we are a communicating family.

    I am the Eldest of 7 boys (2 are my blood and 4 are step) The brother I am referencing is my youngest blood brother. We have always been very close and I guess this could be another way to perpetuate that relationship. On top of that my wife has been attracted to him for many years now and they have a very good relationship (outside of any sexual acts) and it just seems to fit that we all move on to the next step.

    My wife and I have a very strong relationship and we both make communication and sharing the corner stone. A few years ago when we first really began to share our fantasies it became apparent that she has felt strong desire for other men. Through much inner thought I came to the conclusion that the social bounds of marriage need not apply. That this is something alot of people contend with and it destroys couples when they do not address thier desires outside of the relationship or such desire is seen as "horribly wrong". We discussed it in length for several years. We had even experimented a bit with it. We have had situations with"less than stellar "results and we also had experiences that were extremely gratifying.

    A couple of years ago the idea came up of my brother, and it was highly enticing. We decided to bring it up and see what happened. Well the rest is history as is marked in my blog .. not dead forever , just for now.

    The one main thing is that anyone involved be comfortable.

    Thanks again for your input everyone


    Before my wife and I were married she had never been with a man, to date she has been with ( including me ) 5, 6 if you include the oral sex with my brother.

    Just so that you know we are not newbies to the whole sharing scene.

  4. I can see that no one has visited my blog on here and if you want an example of what Im talking about you should check it out. Anyway, am I a freak if I get turned on at the thought of my Brother and my wife having sex? I have often Fantasized about other men having her and still do but is it at all incestual to let her be with my brother? I become aroused at the thought of him but really only in context to being with her!

    I would like to hear some opinions

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