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Posts posted by corky

  1. Well I would say some woman are just attracted t the man and some maybe the fetish just like a man being attracted to a woam with hair or eyes with color.

    As for the picture without a second thought it is far simpler to put up a picture than standing nude in front of someone you do not know IMOO

  2. Shy Niecee: Your husband does not deserve you. With that much insecurity, he needs professional help. If he continues to accuse you of looking for someone else, his prophecy is more likely to come true, since no matter what you do or say, he will never trust you. That becomes insulting to you, and will kill any respect or love you now have for him, sooner or later. Its degrading to fine men and women to have spouses always accusing them of being interested in someone else, and predicting that they will leave them. I flirt and flirted with other women right in front of my wife, and she knew she had nothing to worry about. If any of those women took me serious, I would be the one seen running for the hills, and she knew it. Flirting was just a way to keep the skills sharp, and I always flirted with her far more than I ever did with anyone else. She worked with a young girl who broke up with her BF one night, and was really down the next day when I met my wife for lunch. I heard all about it over lunch, so on my way to meet my wife after work, I stopped off and bought flowers for both my wife, and this young lady. When I gave her the flower she was shocked, and then so happy that she began to cry. She asked my wife the next day if my wife was offended that I had given her a flower too. My wife told her, not at all. She knew I was simply trying to help this young lady heal over this broken romance, and get past all the tears, and depression that comes with it. The girl really had never had a almost stranger treat her that nicely before, and not be expecting something from her. My wife said, just smile at him and say hello when he comes into the bank next time. If you remember it, thank him again for the flower. That will make his day.

    And it did.

    My wife loved me even more because I had done that little extra to help someone she worked with and knew far better than me, to get over her loss.

    Did I smile and flirt with her every time I saw the girl after that? Sure! She loved it. And she was very jealous of my wife, and told her so, which my wife loved! The girl would notice how my wife and I looked at each other, when we met, how we hugged, held each other, and kissed in public, and she knew that what we had together was real, with nothing phony about it.


  3. Everyone has a place that Mainstreamers would consider just plain inappropriate to have sex. So, where have you done the Nasty that people go :o too?

    For me, it'd be in a Catholic Church's meeting/storage room. There were plush chairs, a platform, altar, and other stuff set up there like a small meeting area, plus other religious items placed around and also stored in there too. We did it on the velvet couch that was almost in the middle of the room.

    That shows real class. You by chance are not Catholic to be in a church doing that are you?

    Do me a favor. If you are, Just do not answer.

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