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Posts posted by cidmichael

  1. I met my husband in high school my senior year. He was new, and I hadn't ever dated anyone before that. My parents were very strict and I would be grounded if they found out I even thought a guy was cute! Needless to say, if a guy even mentioned that they liked me, I beat them up so I wouldn't get grounded for it. Most of the time, I did feel bad about it, and they were generally confused at first because I was a pretty good looking girl (if I do say so myself), but then again, I just didn't like any of the guys I had grown up with. After all, I had seen them all picking their noses in kindergarden! Not very attractive, fellas! Needless to say, this new guy was kind of cute, but one of my friends also thought he was cute, so I ignored him. Anyway, we were on our way to a roller skating rink with a church group, and my 7 year old cousin was in my charge, but she was saying some very rude things about this guy, calling him names that would have gotten my mouth washed out with soap if I had used them. I tried to get her to stop, but she wouldn't listen to me, so I finally told her he was going to run over her at the roller skating rink and leave black marks across her face. I know... it was mean! But she got all the other kids around to start saying the same thing, and it wasn't appropriate at all.

    Needless to say, his brother (obviously also new to the area) happened to notice this little kid crying beside me and asked some of the other kids closer to our age what the problem was. They told him that I told her "the red haired guy up there is going to run over her face and leave black marks." UGH! He told his brother that I had told this little kid that he was going to hurt her. So, my now-husband got up and came back to reassure this little girl (that he didn't know was my cousin that I was supposed to be watching or that she had been saying things about him and getting other kids to join in) that he wasn't going to hurt her. Then he started chewing me out one side and down the other for making her cry in the first place. I found it incredibly funny. Everyone else on the bus got absolutely quiet and had their mouths wide open. It was a very small town, and I was known for beating guys up... but he didn't know that either. Honestly, I thought it was so cute that he had the nerve to stand up to me! No one else would have dared to at that time.

    At the rink, he came back up to me and started talking to me. We ended up spending the entire outing together, but his friends kept snickering, and I couldn't figure out why.

    Later that week, my father had popped off with a comment about how I needed to find a boyfriend or something so I'd stop beating boys up. After a lengthy argument about whether or not I would be grounded if I so much as thought a guy was cute, my father stated that if I could manage to get a guy to go out with me, now that I had beat every guy up, he would not get me in trouble at all (and he was rather sarcastic about it). Well, I decided to call my father's bluff. The very next day (a Thursday), I marched right up to the very same guy, took a deep breath to try to keep myself steady, and said, "Hi! Remember me? Well, I think you're really cute, and I want to know if you would take me out on a date this Friday. I don't care where. I don't care what we do. I'll pay for it if you want me to, but I really want to go on my first date this weekend, and I'd like to go with you! We can just go out as friends, or it can be a regular date. It doesn't matter to me, but please say yes!" He looked rather shocked, and I thought I was going to die of embarrassment because I hadn't realized all his friends actually standing around at that moment (I had a lot of tunnel vision going on at that particular moment so I wouldn't chicken out), and everyone was standing there with their mouths open. Totally embarrassing! Finally I said, "Well? Are you going to go out with me? Or do I need to ask someone else?" He stammered around a little bit, and his face was probably every bit as red as mine, but he managed to get the word "yes" to come out of his mouth. I thanked him and walked off to my next class, and proudly announced to my father that night that I had a date for the weekend!

    The weekend came, and he didn't show up for our date. That was very upsetting, but he called me on Saturday and explained. 1.) He didn't have my phone number, and was calling from one of my friends' houses, which was how he got the number to call me to explain. 2.) My friend had just told him where I lived, because I had forgotten to tell him. 3.) I lived 18 miles out of town, and he didn't have a car! 4.) Would I please forgive him, and now that he had all the necessary information, would I please let him take me out the following Friday... provided he could find a way to come pick me up, even if it meant he might have to have someone with a car go on a double-date with us. *Note: my father insisted that I could not drive myself to a date; a proper date would find a way to come pick me up at my house and return me home, so I couldn't drive my car on the first date. After the first one, I was allowed to drive into town to meet up with my date.

    Luckily, the next week, he showed up, with another couple we could double date with. (The other guy was scared out of his wits, and when my father asked my mother who it was, she informed him it was a guy I had beaten up on the front steps of the church, then dad recognized him and all was good.) My husband never asked me to be his girlfriend, but we became best friends... and then a few fringe benefits drifted nicely into the equation. Eventually, he explained to me why his friends had been snickering at the skating rink. Apparently, a few weeks before the trip, he had been painting a room in his friend's house. There was newspaper spread all over the floor, and he had noticed this picture on it that had caught his attention. It was a topic called "Senior Spotlight" that featured a different high school senior each week. He read the bio and apparently raved to his friends about the picture. He then tore it out, told them, "This is the girl I'm going to marry!" and tucked it into his billfold. It turns out, that senior was ME! He still has it in his billfold too. Oh, and he swears the reason he never asked me to be his girlfriend was because he felt I should have assumed it with the fringe benefits and all. (Pfff... I never assume anything!)

    Now how we ended up married was a whole 'other adventure considering I didn't even know I was his girlfriend for almost a year! (Though neither of us ever dated anyone else during that time) *Sorry for the length of this post.

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