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Posts posted by zxandyr'smommy

  1. sorry it's taking so long to reply, as luck would have it i got called back to work and have been trying to get as much overtime as possible.

    thank you all for the posts. i've tried talking to him about everything. i just want to figure out what HE wants. it didn't work. i cant get him to open up at all. all he says is he wants the old me back. i'm not even sure what that means. when i think of the old me i see an immature, selfish teenager with no thoughts of the future. i've grown up alot since my son was born and i'm proud of that. I love him more now than i did then and i don't know what to do. this no sex thinkg is really getting to him i try to please him and he sees it as foreplay and tries for more. i hate telling him no but i have to. then i have do deal with an attitude for a few days because he's so frustrated with it. i'm at a loss as how to make things better.

  2. thank you for the ideas, i think this might be a good time to do some talking too. since our son was born we've kinda fallen into a rut. we always talk about getting out of it but other than special occasions we never do. I was thinking of doing a little something each day or a few times a week untill the time comes. Little things like an email, phone call, sending him sexy pictures. stuff like that.

    I haven't forgotten about his needs either, I assured him that i won't forget him and he will get more blowjobs than normal because i can't please him through sex.

  3. A couple days ago i found out that i have precancerous cells on my cervix. i know that after my surgery next week it will be forever (like 4-6 weeks) before SO and i can do anything but foreplay. My question is does anybody have anyideas for me to surprise him when i do get the ok from doc? Poor guy almost cried when i told him no sex for awhile and i'd love to be able to do something special for him when the time comes.

  4. Thanks for sharing your stories everyone.

    I being a virgin, still, after reading some of those posts...is even more petrified to eventually lose mine....I'm scared it's going to be horrible. Bah, now I'm frightened...I don't have any experience, beyond kissing. I would like to have sex someday, but now I fear it will be the worst experience of my life.

    it isn't all bad. you just have to find the right guy. although my first wasn't the right guy for me he was the right guy for the situation at hand. we had only been dateing a few days but knew eachother a few months. i was tired of losing boyfriends because i wasn't ready. so i agreed. he was really sweet about it all. we were in his apartment and he kept asking if i was sure, ready and if it hurt. he explain everything he was doing so i expected it and could prepare for it in any way necesary. he went slow. it hurt a little and i had very little bleeding. i was a little ashamed after wards as i had always wanted to wait for marriage. but looking back i'm glad i agreed when i did. after two months of us going out. he raped my best friend. i felt so bad for her but still kinda glad it wasn't me as it probably would have been. i think that first night we were together was probably the only good night of our relationship.

  5. That is terrible, i hope your kids are feeling better. our school busses didn't have seat belts unless they had preschoolers that needed car seats and they all road a small bus. i cant believe the driver is still working. if that were my hubby he'd lose his job, CDL and freedom. he almost lost it for another truck cutting him off i couldn't imagine him hitting a school bus. but then again he isn't that cold hearted about things. nobody is in that big of a hurry.

  6. Subject: A Newborn's Conversation with God

    A baby asked God, 'They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?' God said, 'Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.'

    The child further inquired, 'But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy.' God said, 'Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy.'

    Again the child asked, 'And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?' God said, 'Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.'

    'And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?' God said, 'Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.'

    'Who will protect me?' God said, 'Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.'

    'But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.' God said, 'Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.'

    At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, 'God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name.'

    God said, 'You will simply call her, 'Mom.'

  7. I am definatly giving both my boys a box of condoms when they first start dateing. But when i got pregnant i onoly figured i'd have to worry about the boy ( atleast for awhile). a girl has never crossed my mind. i know i was a hand ful growing up couldn't imagine having a little girl just like me kinda scares me. but then i look at my step daughter and although i've only been in her life for three years i knew instantly i was in for a wild ride she's so much like me it's terrifying, she even looks like me. well anyways thank you all again for the wonderful ideas. she and i will definately have a long talk about when the time comes. she's always managed to open up to me. i guess cuz i'm the mom that will MAKE time to talk with her when she's upset.

  8. What is your opinion on putting teen on BC? Growing up sex was "for married people" we never really talked about it i guess they just figured we knew, But asking them to put us on BC was a big N-O. they knew we were sexually active yet we never told them ( i guess thats a parents job), however now that my SD is 11 my DH and i have been talking about what we should do with her in the future. He wants to get her on BC as soon as possible but in my opinion it would give her the impression that it's ok to have sex when ever with whoever. I'm not saying sex is a bad thing i don't think that at all i just dont her to have sex because she cant get pregnant. i know it's also a communication thing, most likely me and her with DH nowhere to be found, but i was just curious what you have to think. any suggestions?

  9. I went to Illinois last week to visit with family over easter and while talking to a sorta cousin of mine (who babysits my neice and nefew) i found out that in the six months i've been in wyoming my sister and brother-in-law have been talking shit about me and my future hubby to her. Growing up my sister has always been the favored one and i used to try to be just like her or better than her. first it was cars, then guys, then parenting. Nothing i seemed to do worked i would never be good enough for my family as long as my sister was there. I finally just gave up trying. i admitted defeat and went on with my life. Now I have a great man who has given me the cutest little boy a great house and financial freedom ( almost). about a month ago, we bought a new car, 2004 midnight blue jeep, as my little 2 door sunbird was on its last breath. All i was thinking about was the safety of my son and family. Now my sister is telling everyone that we got it to make her jelous, and we cant save our money because we are always blowing it on stupid things that we don't need, even though all our bills are geting paid and we can take care of our children while she is three months atleast behind on rent and probably more bills. Now she is talking about trying to buy a house that they can't afford. Is she trying to show me up? I know it sounds like my whole life is a competition, and in a way it probably is. we have spent our whole lives trying to prove to our grandfather that we don't need him or his money to survive and i have finally accomplished that but in my book she is taking it too far. Am i over reacting? she has two children whom i love dearly and i think they are being hurt by my sister's over spending. I may be only 20 years old but when i got pregnant i Forced my self to grow up to an extent so i could properly raise my son. In my book she is being childish...How do i talk to her about all of this. she will just deny it all and it will force us apart again. I don't want to loose my neice and nephew over her jelousy. Any suggestions on how to keep the family together? thanks for letting me vent.

  10. I met my SO through his "nephew", whom i had a crush on, so the thought of falling for his 33 year old "uncle" never crossed my mind. His nephew and i had started hanging out alot once we both got our driver's license and once graduation was just around the corner he had started talking about moving in with him. So naturally that apartment became the teenage hang-out for all our friends. My So is and was a truck driver. So i rarely saw him and talked to him. Well eventually i became the babysiter so i got to know him and his kids farely well. i was dating another guy at the time so i wasn't looking for anything but friendship from him. eventually we started talking on the fone and he would compliment me and make me feel really good about my self. I eventually broke up with my then boyfriend, and for the last 3 year's have only wanted just the one. last year on V-day he Proposed and we haven't parted since although the first 2 years WERE off and on.

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