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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. If someone I just met or an early date said this to me, it's fast tract to the nearest exit and a do not call me.... I would think he has no respect for me or women, and absolutely no decorum in any way. That being said, if my DH of over 20 yrs said that to me, it's fast tract to the nearest bedroom.
  2. Seeing one of those old tines would have been fun. I'm sure by now you probably threw them away.
  3. (are you using the thesaurus again? ) HORNEY!
  4. No problem, I'll take care of the first 2 WW, spanish inquisition, very little persian and a few others... I still want you on my team, the other stuff easy to figure out.
  5. (are eastbound?) Yes. TPBM - is traveling for pleasure?
  6. I hate them too. However, I can and do see the need to use them if you are not in a committed relationship with someone who doesn't have any STD's. I never understood the wallet thing.... to difficult to get to, a pocket is so much easier...
  7. I want you on my team if there is ever a history debate. You sound as though you are incredibly well read.
  8. So is it more exciting/stimulating to be spanked before sex as fore play or during sex? Love to hear from both sides.
  9. Is excited about the fun filled days and nights of NAUGHTY....
  10. I guess some have to jump through hoops to get a little something... a shame. Will it make you hot I made you jump through hoops to get a little something?
  11. This is the first thing you need to do for yourself. I think you need to separate your anger and hurt to decided this first, to be able to make a clear headed decision; Can you and will you want to work hard enough to get through this if you/he deem it fixable. If you decide to stay will you both be able to move past this and not hold on to any of the hurt and pain in the future.... so much to consider. If you would prefer to pm me, or not it's up to you. However I do believe you need to separate your feelings first before making any life changes. Separating your hurt from your anger is a very difficult thing to do. Remember there are 3 sides to everything, yours, his, and the neutral. If you think you have already done this, have you tried to see thing from your mans point of view and not yours, has he tried to see things from your point of view? Will you consider going to a marriage councilor or clergy for marital help? In the long run what's best for you, for him and your child. If you decide you no longer want to be married, who will get custody of the child. You have all kinds of difficult choices and decisions to make. II know you've been living this for a long time, just things to consider.
  12. Right. The "pressure then release" motion is very pleasurable whether it's gentle of rough. Just depends on what mood I'm in.... I've experienced some of the most intense G-spot O's that way. Love it!
  13. Yes, it sounds like you were stimulating here G-Spot, is that correct.
  14. (Thurisas, plan a day trip or overnight with your Love, you are long over due) YES! TPBM - is working hard?
  15. define 'physical labor'..... probably not. TPBM - is frustrated!
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