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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. No, not my thing... well, the whale mating sounds or Ukranian gypsy brass band music. TPBM - has had an erotic dream lately?
  2. Really, is that what your thinking? My mind is wondering in another direction completely.
  3. You of all people should know everything is possible, but not probable.
  4. Thanks! Someone has to set these hens straight. And if I remember correctly you were once my student.
  5. (interesting view point) ALWAYS! TPBM - is day dreaming?
  6. "Think of all the possibilities!"
  7. ( No dictionary necessary) sensation
  8. So am I/we to understand: In your experience you find your original posting information to be true due to your personal experience? If this is the case, no one can argue your wrong, that has been your experience. However I will tell you, your experiences are not of the norm. According to a public health study, in Medical News Today: Highlighted below are some key facts revealed by the study: 3.5% of the US adult population is estimated to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual 0.3% of the US adult population is estimated to be transgender The two findings above imply that there are about 9 million gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender adults in the USA Bisexuals make up a slight majority among those who identify themselves as gay, lesbians or bisexual 1.8% of the adult population identify themselves as just lesbian 1.7% of the adult population identify themselves as just gay A higher proportion of bisexual females are likely to admit to their sexual orientation, compared to males. In eight of the nine surveys the researchers examined, bisexuals made up over half of the lesbian and bisexual population among females, while gay males made up over half of the gay/bisexual male total in seven of the nine surveys. Approximately 19 million American adults (8.2%) say they have at some time in their lives engaged in same-sex sexual behavior 25.6% (11%) of US adults admit to experiencing some kind of same-sex sexual attraction. http://www.medicalne...cles/221871.php As far a beauty, it's in the eye of the beholder. As far as heterosexual women being fat: Obesity as well as morbid obesity is a national concern. It effects people of all races, age, religion as well as sexual orientation. As you can see, your limited experience has given you an inaccurate view or what the norm is, however I am confident as you age and gain experience you will come to know what is true. In the mean time open your mind to what you don't see, the possibilities are endless.
  9. her hand has an auto lube capabilities....
  10. Not any more.. TPBM - thinks independence in underrated?
  11. Never said those words. However I did ask; Who did the studies on this, and where are the facts to back up your claim"? I do find it hard to believe, and would like to know the source of your information.
  12. Hey Ready isn't this profiling in a way?; and isn't profiling against the law? Raymond who did the studies on this and where facts to back up your claim?
  13. No TPBM - is celebrating, nut not the easter holiday?
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