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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. Yes, I have gotten that too. Some one recently dubbed it "Mommy Porn".
  2. FlyMe, I hope you find your happiness. I really don't know what else to say.
  3. LOVE the new TT Home page! It's sexy & sophisticated. I think it will attract a new market share.
  4. phone, cell phone, email, UGH!!!! I say block all users who's intentions are about sales for other companies.
  5. Although some looked very luxurious, I think I'll stick to a hotel with staff to attend whatever "whim" I may have.
  6. Sunday and Randy, Does it excite you also, to do this to her?; or is it just about establishing dominance.
  7. True - TPBM - is working on tomorrow?
  8. I would love to, but when we have a ladies night out we're all sworn to secrecy. TPBM - would love to share their wicked thoughts?
  9. Thanks Everyone. Wendy: Do you feel the same way SS does about being spanked or is it different. Have either of you ever spanked your SO?
  10. Probably in between reads. I'll let you know what I think when done.
  11. me too, but we need a man!
  12. Always keep them on hand... TPBM - I expecting something in the mail soon?
  13. Many of you get spanked or spank your partner during sex. The thought of getting a spanking, sounds like punishment and erotic at the same time, very confusing. There are time I think yes, lets try and other times the thought is not sure. I keep vacillating back and forth, not sure how to incorporate this or even what sort of pleasure is derived, I don't like pain. So for those of you who do enjoy getting spanked or enjoy spanking your partner enlighten me. Tell me what you get from this. I would like to here from both sides here.
  14. Is the 2nd Grey as good as the first?
  15. If you want to have sex in the shower you have to be relatively clean. Don't run 10 miles, do yard work, play in the mud, wash your cars, etc...... and expect any of us to jump in the shower and have sex. Get clean, and we'll be very willing.
  16. That kiss should eventually make him forget...... hopefully.
  17. yes TPBM - is looking forward to a quick getaway?
  18. E, did you just have a first kiss with someone special???????
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