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Posts posted by Kace

  1. There is an actress who's only known moniker is "Seven" who I think has the most amazing breasts and genuine expressions on-screen. (She's the curvy blond bombshell) She's on a video called "Clearly Sex" directed by Sydney Masters. I've been unable to find any other mention of other films she may have done. But I would looooove to find more. :)

  2. I guess I'll jump in.

    If I'm indulging in a porno at the time, I focus on the sensations I think the receiver is feeling and how close to orgasm they are. Most of the time my own body will become synced and release at the same time as whichever on-screen actress I'm focusing on. This may be why I have a pretty good success rate achieving a simultaneous orgasm with my wife. :D

  3. Oh wow, I had no idea Shauna O'Brien existed! Thanks for the tip. I saw you mention Lady Chatterley's Lover and I thought she was playing the lead in a movie based on the D.H. Lawrence book! That would have been fantastic but alas, it's a completely different story. I think I know why her looks appeal to me so much. She looks an awful lot like my favorite Playboy bunny - Wendy Hamilton (Miss December 1991). Here's part of that pictorial: http://www.oocities.com/ssrobss/wh/WendyHamilton09.jpg She did some softer "posing" films for Playboy. Maybe I should hunt them down... :)

    And maybe I ought to upgrade my cable plan to include Cinemax.... :D

  4. Thanks WendyNY! I'm trying to get her out of the house this weekend since she's off. We've been meaning to visit some family that's about a half day's drive away. But rather than stay at their house I'm shooting for a hotel, preferably a swanky one. Work has me travel enough that I've got points coming out my ears. :P We'll see how it goes. I got an inspiration from another thread on this site for Valentines. She works a long shift today so we can't do dinner - that's postponed until some undetermined future date. On the bright side, we won't have to fight the crowds! But for today I'm going to take the backup set of her car keys and leave a card and massage gift certificate on her seat during my lunch hour. Hopefully that takes the edge off her stress?

    Ladylove, that's a good book! Both of us have read it. She took the test and her love language was "quality time" by a huge margin. What's strange is lately she hasn't sought it out and doesn't seem bothered by it. I'll take your advice and see if I can't steer her away from the computer for dinner. The laptop might have to go down for "maintenance". :rolleyes:

    When I took the love languages test, my results were baffling. I had a 3-way tie between "quality time", "acts of service", and "touch". That seems pretty spread out and no single one really stood out amongst the others, not sure what it means. I guess I'm easy to please. All I need is the slightest bit of effort. :)

  5. Kace, I just came across this (even though you wrote it awhile ago )

    OMG---the description of what you did to her was SO HOT and I feel so badly for you.....

    I hope things are going better between both of you...........


    Unfortunately nothing has really changed, though she is pregnant now. It's like life is stuck on a loop - she gets home from work and immediately turns on the TV for background noise and camps on the couch behind her laptop reading Facebook and Babycenter until 11-ish. Then she'll announce that she's tired, shower, then crash. I've asked her why we aren't more intimate and her answer keeps changing. The excuse now is that she's pregnant and tired. Ok, I can understand that. But before that it was stress, then vvs, then I'm not "romantic enough" to get her in the mood. That last one's the kicker - not sure how I'm supposed to do that when her body language makes it obvious that she doesn't want me too close while she's on the computer. It's always something.

    Bringing it up is another toughie - I figured I'd try to get her to watch an episode of the Dr Laura Berman show to break the ice but it's never been a go. Everyone tells me that her libido will pick up 2nd trimester but I doubt it. I can't imagine what it'll be like once the baby arrives. I want to be excited about it. I should! But it just isn't happening.

  6. Well, I have to say that I thought this past weeks episode was the best one so far !! The couple featured this week had been together for awhile but weren't married. She had 2 children from her previous marriage. Her present boyfriend wanted very badly to be married (SHE did not as she had serious trust issues and had been brought up by an abusive mother ) I was amazed that HE wanted to be married so badly AND he wanted children of his own. (Usually it's the other way around ) It was very obvious that he loved her very much.

    Huh? I think my DVR must have hiccuped or something - don't remember this one airing! :( I wonder if they have past episodes online anywhere...

  7. Can't say I disagree with any of your picks. :) I'm not keen on breast augmentation unless it's to correct a physical deformity that would cause mental anguish over it. I like them natural, often on the smaller side. Porn is supposed to be a stylized medium that exaggerates things but huge silicon bags where real breasts should be screams FAKE to me and kills the mood.

    As for porn actresses that look like they're too young - I can see your point. I don't perceive such actresses as underage though but as possessing a body that appears youthful. In my head it's the body she was born into and she's making the most of it. The female form is beautiful period. I've known women that were 18+ that looked like they were in their early teens and it *really* bothered them because they were treated like children and not taken seriously. I have female cousins that have had that same problem despite being in their mid 20's/ early 30's! So I guess I apply that mental note to young looking porn actresses and just enjoy what I see onscreen. :D

    And if you like porn actresses that can have some "edge" to them (not "soft" in your words) then look for Stoya. I know she's gone fairly mainstream now but her early "gothy" videos were great. I think they were called "Razor Girl" or something similar, I forget. She may be hotter than ever now, but I don't care for the directors she's working with at the moment since they're dumping out fake looking mainstream porn and using Stoya's appeal to drag viewers in. They've got her doing obviously fake moans now and it's distressing. :rolleyes:

  8. Hmm, does it have to be just one? :) I tend to enjoy amateur and independent films rather than big budget productions but here goes:

    For sheer exoticness, it would have to be a tie between Ally Mac Tyana and Emery Yoshikawa. Ally is a petite French/Malagasy stunner with loads of on screen charisma. Emery is a curvaceous Japanese/Dominican beauty with an intoxicating smile. :kiss:

    For redheaded glory, Heather Carolin. :D

    For endurance, Audrey Hollander. I often can't believe how much she can take and just keep *going*. :blink:

    For her contribution to better sex, Nina Hartley. She's good onscreen but what I admire is her how-to series! It's obvious she loves her work. :D

    For her mind-boggling oral skills, Heather Brooke.

    Honorable mentions to Justine Jolie and Rebecca Linares - especially for the scene they did together as an English teacher and Spanish speaking student. It was probably the hottest thing I'd ever seen.

    Oh yeah, and pretty much anyone filmed by Abby Winters. Sorry. I love flicks where you can tell the participants are genuinely enjoying themselves, smiling, laughing, having real orgasms. There's nothing better.

    I'll shut up now.

  9. The best I can discern is that 'gamahuching' is a euphemism for cunnilingus....yea, it's all erotic until the name 'Ethel' comes up...I mean, come on, ETHEL!!! Who wants to think of their grandma with toes pointing to the ceiling screaming, 'Oh God, Floyd, don't stop gamahuching my cunt!'

    Excuse me now, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

    I'm desperately trying not to fall out of my chair laughing! :lol:

    Can't wait to use that line - "Oooh, care for some gamahuching?" :P

  10. Hyokahey said it all. Count me in for "tell him". AND you should ask about his sexual history too! I know it's not particularly sexy to ask if he's had risky sex before or contracted any STD's but you've got to protect yourself. As for being a virgin - If he's any sort of decent guy I really doubt he's going to think less of you for it. If I were in his shoes I'd feel honored to be someone's first time and I'd be sure to take it slow. Don't worry if it's awkward the first time - that's par for the course. It DOES get better afterwards. ;)

  11. I don't think the benefits of prostate massage could be said to have scientific certainty since that would require extensive medical studies - $$$. How many men would honestly sign up for such a study for fear of being seen as less of a man? Taboo is a powerful force. <_<

    The predominate thought is that when done properly, regular prostate massage keeps seminal fluid flowing properly instead of collecting and congealing in the tiny ductwork of the prostate and seminal vesicles. These secretions can become thick and clog the plumbing. This *may* be one of the factors for BPH in older men which is a painful inflammatory condition of the prostate. Prostate massage has been recommended to men who already have BPH as a way to alleviate the pain, swelling and urinary problems associated with it and is drug free and less invasive than surgery or prostate injections. (OMG OUCH) The Aneros didn't start out as a sex toy - it was originally conceived as a medical device.

    In my own experience, prostate massage has increased my own sexual sensitivity and reduced my refractory period. I don't know if it's having a real medical benefit beyond this but it's enjoyable enough that I don't really care. :D

  12. 1. Get a pack of lube shooters. They look like syringes with a rounded tip rather than a needle. They'll get lube up inside rather than relying on what little bit is left after it's "squeegied" off during penetration.

    2. Start off with a gloved finger and go slow. Then try two. Then move on to a small buttplug or dildo. It'll take some warming up so your anus stays relaxed. It shouldn't hurt at all and if it does then something is wrong. You may need more lube, a change in angle, or stop clenching. Relaxation is key!

    3. Use the shooter *and* coat his penis. Can't go wrong with lots of lube. If it's your first time, have him lay on his back and lower yourself down on him. This lets *you* control the angle and speed of entry. You'll also be able to control the thrusting too so you can go as slow and deep as you want. After all, it's *your* ass. :P

    4. After you've gotten through step 2 you'll get an idea of what angle of entry works best. It's different for everyone and half the fun is discovering what works for the two of you.

    You don't have to do all of these steps in the course of a single night either. Get comfortable with being penetrated first and when you graduate to his penis it'll be a great experience for you both.

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  13. http://suicidegirls.com/

    It's primary nudes of goth/hipster/alt stylized girls. Mmmm, lovely :kiss:

    I don't know a lot about the modeling world but you might want to try asking some models you admire about who they go to. Be aware that a lot of "modeling agencies" aren't quite legit and are scammers looking to take advantage of attractive women looking to get ahead. The reputable ones have been around a while and their clients will speak highly of them. Remember, never do anything you aren't comfortable with and if the agency insists on pushing it, walk.

  14. I gave her head first back when she was apprehensive about having full-blown intercourse for the first time. I never thought it was gross or repulsive in any way. She was initially embarrassed that I spent so much time admiring, exploring, and caressing her vulva. After assuring her that I thought it was all beautiful she relaxed and really enjoyed it. Oftentimes that's the biggest hurdle. I still really enjoy giving head, just wish she'd return the favor sometimes. C'est la vie. :rolleyes:

  15. We'd tried anal sex twice. We went slow and it didn't hurt her either time but she said it didn't do anything for her. Though there was a time where I've double penetrated her with myself and an anal vibrator and she seemed to really enjoy it. So I guess the answer with whether she likes anal stimulation is a "maybe"? I think I'll stick with a standard rabbit type thing for now but I do plan on slowly re-introducing a little backdoor play at some point. :)

  16. It's hard to know what her preferences are because she herself doesn't really know. When I've asked her in the past I either get a "I don't know" response or she implies that she'd rather just do missionary. Now from observation, she tends to like mid level vibration and higher frequency rather than the "throbby" type vibes. (Figured this out by the vibrating cock ring she prefers above all else) She really likes penetration in combination with clitoral stimulation hence why I figured a rabbit vibe would work well. She can climax through clitoral stim alone but she considers it teasing without penetration. She also doesn't like toys that have a lot of girth to them - definitely not a size queen. Even though she's told me she doesn't like g-spot massage (says it makes her feel like she has to pee) her reactions have told a different story. With light,even pressure on her g-spot she'll go off like a rocket. With mid to deep pressure she'll stop because it's too much.

    Is that enough info? We have some toys she likes but I'd love to expand her horizons a bit. The Strawberry Shake looks interesting, may put that on the short list. The "We Vibe" also looks wonderful since she wants me inside most of the time. It's spendy, but looks like it's got more power than little vibrating jelly rings. Anyone have any experience with the We Vibe? It advertises as a toy that sits in place even during penetration but I'd like to hear what you all think.


  17. I'm after a very well made rabbit vibe of whatever variety to surprise my wife with as many of my female friends absolutely adore theirs. I'm trying to get her more interested in toys to spice things up a bit. The goal here is quality materials and none of the nasty, cheap, Chinese made jelly junk. If it has a funny smell or will dissolve other toys in the box I don't want to be anywhere near it.

    Years ago I bought what looked like a nice rabbit vibe and I introduced it to her one night. I went slow and used lots of lube. She really enjoyed it at first but after a minute her eyes got wide and she ran to the restroom crying. She said it felt like the whole length of her vagina was on fire! :o I felt terrible about it for weeks. That toy went straight to the trash. :(

    Any of the gals on the forums have a rabbit they really like?

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