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Push It Out.


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This is King koopas girlfriend. I have a question. Im new at sex. Koopa is my first. I keep getting really close but i dont know how to just push it out. Im always there for a really long time but i can never just get to that exact point where i burst. :( I don''t know how to do it. Any help?

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This is King koopas girlfriend. I have a question. Im new at sex. Koopa is my first. I keep getting really close but i dont know how to just push it out. Im always there for a really long time but i can never just get to that exact point where i burst. :( I don''t know how to do it. Any help?

Well while the experts will be weighing in soon, the best I can tell you is relax. Have you ever had an O on your own? If not that's your first step is finding and exploring your hot buttons. Second step is guide him, it's really very very hot to tell him exactly what you want and how you want it. Last step? Relax and enjoy, if your thinking about it "okay it's going to happen now. ANy minute, why isn't it happening?" It'll never happen, you'll just keep pysching yourself out.

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Hello and welcome!

OK, so, I need a bit more information. Like, your age and your 'sexual' experience. You mention this being your first 'sex' but what about masturbation? Do you masturbate? If so, do you orgasm or only get close then too?

The thing is, when we women are new to sex, we need to take some time to relax with it. The first times are especially 'traumatic' in the sense that our bodies have to adjust to the new activity and we have to learn how to relax a bit with the whole process.

Now, if you are getting close - but can't get over the hump - that is very good. You are obviously enjoying sex, and that is fantastic. So, let me ask, do you employ clitoral stimulation during sex? It is a well known fact that most women - upwards of 85% of all women will NOT orgasm without clitoral stimulation. This can be via fingers (yours or his) or toys. If you are not stimulating yoru clitoris, then try it during sex and see if that doesn't push you over.

Also, as SuzyP remarks, relaxation! Relax and don't pressure yourself. Try to have fun and be together and enjoy the experience, not necessarily the end result!

Good luck and please post back!

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I'm with Mikayla, we need a bit more information here. However, I will say that if you are just "trying to push it out", like it's a thing to be forced, then it won't happen. The other 2 are absolutely correct, you have to relax. The harder you try to orgasm, the harder it will be to do so. It's not something you can just tell your body to DO.

Another thing, and, this is just from my experience, as well as some of the others I've talked too, and, of course, no offense to Koopa in the least, but, it's very rare, that you orgasm with your first few sexual experiences. You're soooo worried about how YOU'RE doing, that you don't give your body a chance to fully orgasm. Trust me, it's not a YOU thing, it's a NORMAL female thing.

It CAN happen, just let your body go with the flow, relax, listen to your body, and have FUN!

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I'm with Mikayla, we need a bit more information here. However, I will say that if you are just "trying to push it out", like it's a thing to be forced, then it won't happen. The other 2 are absolutely correct, you have to relax. The harder you try to orgasm, the harder it will be to do so. It's not something you can just tell your body to DO.

Another thing, and, this is just from my experience, as well as some of the others I've talked too, and, of course, no offense to Koo pa in the least, but, it's very rare, that you orgasm with your first few sexual experiences. You're soooo worried about how YOU'RE doing, that you don't give your body a chance to fully orgasm. Trust me, it's not a YOU thing, it's a NORMAL female thing.

It CAN happen, just let your body go with the flow, relax, listen to your body, and have FUN!

Well everything said already is quite good, but I will add a few cents worth of info from a guys point of view OK...

I would think you best thing you can do is to try and not think and or make the orgasm your focus... if possible find the spot on your own and not wait or expect your partner to find it for you ok, now I agree with the others in the fact that some more information is needed, are you able to orgasm on your own is a big one!!

Take the time to get to know your own body, heck its yours... explore it, ok..! Next before you attempt it alone or with your partner go to the bathroom, make sure you pee or at least know... that you do not have to alright..! Once you start go back to not worrying about the orgasm and what is going to be like, I am guessing that you are getting to the point of no return and then all the sudden you feel like your going to pee all over the place.... and you stop cold or are scared so much that you are going to that you block it, this is where it is important to allow yourself to let go and go over the top of the hill.... If needed take a towel and put under your butt just in case ok..!

Now the last thing is being the first time you are doing this, I have to assume you have never done it b4... So... While you have to allow yourself to relax you do have to keep a little bit of edge to your body as well, the orgasm is something that is a balance of relaxation and tense eagerness when first exploring them so take it easy on yourself and allow your self the time to do it.

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Ok well this is really embarassing. But I never knew I could do it to myself till I met him. So i've never done it on my own. I usually am relaxed the whole time but after were doing it for a long time it begins to bother me. So then i start to focus on it unintentionally. And the masturbation thing is kinda uncomfortable to me... if that makes any sense.

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Nothing to be embarrassed about sweetie. Nothing at all. This is how we learn. My best advice: get aquainted with your own body. Spend some time taking long baths, feeling all over, masturbating. Get a little toy, use your fingers, use the massaging shower head. I don't know, just find a way to pleasure yourself. I wrote a few articles on Masturbation and achieving Orgasm - check them out. Once you get familiar with yourself and how to please yourself, then the orgasms will come much more....naturally to you.

Good luck!

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You have gotten good advice, I think - I'd just like to add that I was having sex for months before I ever had an orgasm! Even though I enjoyed it, I just never got there and actually didn't know what I was missing. My first orgasms came when I was just beginning to date a new boyfriend, and didn't want to have sex with him too soon - I think because we spent a huge amount of time in foreplay! When we finally went "all the way" my body was just begging for him in a way that had never happened before, and the orgasms began then and have never stopped - only gotten better with age and knowledge about how my body works.

So my advice to the two of you is to spend more time in foreplay and teasing (I'm talking hours not minutes - maybe even an entire evening or two with nothing more than that) and see if that helps you. Good luck, relax, and just enjoy the sensations.

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