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Sex Issues With Pregnancy


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OK, so I knew going in that my hormones were going to be all kinds of crazy with being pregnant. I was not however, expecting this. Around here, the new motto is us it or lose it. When the mood strikes, I have better jump on it, because more then likely an hour from now, it will be gone with no signs of return. My hubby says I am plenty wet, but I still "feel" dry. Hubby can pour a gallon of silicone based lube in there, and it still feels dry to me.

I have also become extremely tight to the point where penetration actually hurts pretty bad. Also, forget about touching my clit. Hubby says it's twice the size it normally is when I am aroused. I can achieve an orgasm in an extremely short time, with my hubby barely touching me there, but after it hurts so bad. It feels like a knife sort of stabbing my clit. I have a doctors appointment the first week of January, and I am going to speak to him about this.

My hubby suggested trying desensatizer to see if that helps.

Does anyone have any other suggestions? Has anyone had or knows someone who has had something like this happen during pregnancy. I do not like it.

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yes I have sort of an opinion on that since I just went through that. sex will probably stop after awhile, you guys might have to stick to oral.

because sex with us stopped about half way through the pregnancy. we stuck to oral the rest of the way and even that stopped too it was too sensitive. not trying to sound like a buzz kill, with the baby sitting on her bladder and moviing around she will get very uncomfortable and not in the mood. He might have to service himself for a few months also what kinda helps is if he is servicing himself you can be right there with him that also makes it more enjoyable for him and you too also.

My wife says to me how sorry she is she can't pleasure me but I reassured her that she has a human being in her body and I am not upset. He will understand really soon that the sex part will slow drastically. just try to give him hand jobs or blowjobs or tell him when you need some oral and don't be shy and think you are being selfish to ask him and you can't give him back in return. for me I felt really good when she asked for it although I did not get anything back I still felt satisfied to give to her.

well if you have anything else I will try to give you more insight from what we just went through. i hope that kinda helps

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Essentially you are "swollen inside". During pregnancy the blood flow to the pelvis increases dramatically. In addition your blood volume expands as part of the normal physiological changes associated with pregnancy. So the blood vessels in the pelvis/walls of the vagina/vulva are dilated or larger thus giving the swollen sensation. Your clitoris engorges during arousal - so during pregnancy it engorges even more thus it can be (and usually is) larger then when you are not pregnant. Some women actually have vulvar or vaginal varicosities (essentially the same thing as varicose veins in the legs these just happen to be in the vagina or vulva) which can be very uncomfortable and maybe painful.

The hormone changes associated with pregnancy can lead to an increase in vaginal secretions, but not always. Because the vaginal walls can be swollen sometimes the amount of vaginal secretions decrease since the ducts are partially obstructed. If the lubricant you are using isn't helping - try a different kind - just because it's what you use when not pregnant doesn't mean it will work for you when you are.

As for the increase sensitivity - the reason for this is related to hormone changes as well as blood flow changes. For some women the increased sensitivity is significant for others there is little to no increased sensitivity.

As the pregnancy progresses there are a number of physiologic changes that increase the amount of discomfort a woman may have. The mose common ones include - increased pressure on the bladder as the uterus increases in size (this is most noticable in the 3rd trimester), round ligment stretching - pain is typically on the lateral aspects of the abdomen, may radiate to the belly button, the vagina, the vulva or down the legs - it can be worse during intercourse because the penis can hit the cervix and cause the uterus to move putting addition stretch or tension on these ligaments, a stretching of the ligaments that hold the bones of the pelvis, hips and knees together - again this is more common in the 3rd trimester - this stretching causes the joints to "feel lose" and can cause pain - particularly in some positions such as missionary.

Every couple need to figure out what works for them with respect to sex/intercourse during pregnancy as every woman experiences pregnancy differently. As always communication is key. Oral sex is often the "default" particularly later in pregnancy, but not always.

Hope some of this information is helpful.

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Essentially you are "swollen inside". During pregnancy the blood flow to the pelvis increases dramatically. In addition your blood volume expands as part of the normal physiological changes associated with pregnancy. So the blood vessels in the pelvis/walls of the vagina/vulva are dilated or larger thus giving the swollen sensation. Your clitoris engorges during arousal - so during pregnancy it engorges even more thus it can be (and usually is) larger then when you are not pregnant. Some women actually have vulvar or vaginal varicosities (essentially the same thing as varicose veins in the legs these just happen to be in the vagina or vulva) which can be very uncomfortable and maybe painful.

The hormone changes associated with pregnancy can lead to an increase in vaginal secretions, but not always. Because the vaginal walls can be swollen sometimes the amount of vaginal secretions decrease since the ducts are partially obstructed. If the lubricant you are using isn't helping - try a different kind - just because it's what you use when not pregnant doesn't mean it will work for you when you are.

As for the increase sensitivity - the reason for this is related to hormone changes as well as blood flow changes. For some women the increased sensitivity is significant for others there is little to no increased sensitivity.

As the pregnancy progresses there are a number of physiologic changes that increase the amount of discomfort a woman may have. The mose common ones include - increased pressure on the bladder as the uterus increases in size (this is most noticable in the 3rd trimester), round ligment stretching - pain is typically on the lateral aspects of the abdomen, may radiate to the belly button, the vagina, the vulva or down the legs - it can be worse during intercourse because the penis can hit the cervix and cause the uterus to move putting addition stretch or tension on these ligaments, a stretching of the ligaments that hold the bones of the pelvis, hips and knees together - again this is more common in the 3rd trimester - this stretching causes the joints to "feel lose" and can cause pain - particularly in some positions such as missionary.

Every couple need to figure out what works for them with respect to sex/intercourse during pregnancy as every woman experiences pregnancy differently. As always communication is key. Oral sex is often the "default" particularly later in pregnancy, but not always.

Hope some of this information is helpful.

I figured it was pregnancy related, since I never had an issue before. The ligament stretching I have had for the last 3 months. They are NOT fun. I will try a different lube as well. thanks

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I figured it was pregnancy related, since I never had an issue before. The ligament stretching I have had for the last 3 months. They are NOT fun. I will try a different lube as well. thanks

Hey sweetie sounds pretty common... have you ever read the book by Jennie McCarthy "Belly Laughs" So freakin funny! YOU are not alone!!


Click it!

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I totally understand what you're going thru. I had desensitation during my pregnancy too. I also came down with some sort of condition, where, literally, I had a dry "spot" up inside my vagina. Just a spot. And it would get sore & irritated each time we had sex, and for a few months after I had our daughter (via c-section). The OB/GY?N prescribed me some Estrace cream to apply once or twice a day (I can't remember), and it cleared it up. I can't remember the name of the condition, but it's prevelant mostly in young, white women.

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I totally understand what you're going thru. I had desensitation during my pregnancy too. I also came down with some sort of condition, where, literally, I had a dry "spot" up inside my vagina. Just a spot. And it would get sore & irritated each time we had sex, and for a few months after I had our daughter (via c-section). The OB/GY?N prescribed me some Estrace cream to apply once or twice a day (I can't remember), and it cleared it up. I can't remember the name of the condition, but it's prevelant mostly in young, white women.

I have one spot where it feels like hubby is "scratching" me with his penis. :huh:

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