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The Sqweel


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Sqweel1_01.jpgI know what your thinking - WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT? That, my friends, is a SQWEEL. This little gadget is an oral sex simulator and more. The 'wheel' has 10 tiny, little, soft cyberskin-feeling 'tongues' that circle around and around to pleasure whatever area you please. You can use it on your nipples (very nice) inner thighs (equally nice) his shaft,cock head - wherever you want to be mini-licked.

I was really excited to try this toy - because, quite frankly, it intrigued me! I popped out the wheel (for easy cleaning) and washed it with soap and water, then replaced it easily. Inserted 3AAA batteries and I was good to go. I settled in for playtime and began. I used it to tease my nipples - and when held a bit away from the actual nipple it was a very interesting sensation! A little dab of lube and it was like multiple tongues lapping away furiously. Very nice. The sensation was equally fun on my stomach, thighs and outer vaginal lips.

However, when it came time to get down to the nitty-gritty I was not immediately impressed. The little tongues didn't seem to 'hit me' where I needed them to. I spread my pussy further open - and still they didn't seem to do the trick. I dabbed on some lube and the tongues did their twisty magic much better. Lube is MUST.

There are 3 speeds - and I went almost immediately to the highest one. I turned this toy around to get the 'backwards' lapping motion, then sideways,then forward. I was most impressed with the sideways motion (which, is sort of realistic if you think about it). I found the toy easy to hold, the noise level is not too bad - but it certainly is not whisper quiet - and the speed was pretty good. It definitely was better than other oral sex simulators I have tried.

In the end I did have an orgasm, but it took a while. I am not surprised - I need a very high vibration level to orgasm quickly and this just doesn't have the speed or pressure I want. I did go for round two using a glass dildo for insertion and the orgasm came MUCH faster. This is much like real life, I prefer to have some insertion during oral sex.

All in all I think this toy is very clever. It has some pros and cons. I think if you like a gentle touch during oral - this toy would be perfect. It does feel very 'tongue-like' with the additon of some lube. However, if you are like me and really like a high vibration level, then I would not suggest this particular toy. This is probably best for newbies or those who do not want an insertable toy. It is great for foreplay - and I would be interested to see what my HB thinks of these tiny tongues on his balls, shaft or cockhead!

My best suggestion: use lube. IF you don't, the feeling is not as realistic and the tongues seem to grab and stick.

Overall I was not 'sqweeling' with pleasure - but, the toy does promise and orgasm and I had 2 - so I guess the Sqweel did its job - it just took a while.

Want to Sqweel

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Great review Mikayla. I've been waiting for this one. I'm glad I waited for it; it answered my questions. Thanks!

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Overall I was not 'sqweeling' with pleasure - but, the toy does promise and orgasm and I had 2 - so I guess the Sqweel did its job - it just took a while.

LOL that was great! What are the dimensions of the thing... like can you straddle it or better hand held... just trying to get a visual! ;)

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It looks like a small, personal fan! LMAO

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