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Silicone Duotone Balls


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I thought these looked great. After I removed them from their packaging they got a nice warm bath with anti-bacterial soap. Now they were ready to rock and roll. Each ball measures approximately 1 3/8 inches in diameter. Each ball is covered in nubs and the inside is hollowed out and has what to me seems like a weighted marble that floats around inside as the ball moves. In between the two balls there is 1.25 inches of a silicone-based string. On the end is also another silicone-based string retrieval cord.

Now on to enjoy the fun. I covered them in a little bit of water-based lube as they are not compatible with silicone lube. Then I inserted them and went on with my day. I decided to have fun at work. So I was still at work for about an hour when I inserted them and then moved about the office. You could definitely feel the nubs when the marble moved around which provided a very nice sensation . . . along with the feeling of doing something that no one knew about. The day was done and time to take my walk to the train. I walk about 15 minutes and ride the train for about 15 minutes as well. The walk was much more enjoyable with these inserted. Once on the train it got even more fun as the vibration from the train intensified the feeling. Once I walked in the door at home I had to take care of business as these had turned me on

so much.

These are great to feel an interesting sensation or for remembering to practice your kegels. I highly recommend these to anyone . . . beginner or advanced.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I am not sure I was quite ready for the balls experience, but here I was looking at them in the package thinking you’ve got to do this, come on, don’t wimp out, what’s the worst that can happen. After three kids I was thinking This is never going to work!! It won’t do anything for you. Being wrong isn’t so bad

It is a little bit disconcerting to use these, I wasn’t even sure what would happen. I had to wait to try them till everyone was in bed and mommy was doing her chores.

I washed them off and was a little surprised at how they are made, little balls with what looks like a marble in them. According to the package its a weight put in for more pleasure. We shall see if that is even close to true.

The nubs covering the balls are a nice touch, nubs always feel good so I am definitely a fan of that part!!

I used a water based lube, (because this is silicone). Covering each ball and the cord in between them, insertion was much easier then I had thought it would be. The feeling I got when I first stood up was a little shocking. I could feel the little weights moving inside the balls as I moved around. Soon though I got used to having them inside, I was able to finish most of my chores before the feeling became too much and I headed for my room to use my favorite bullet. I left them inside as I used the bullet on my clit and WOW the intensity of my orgasm was outstanding.

My next worry, is this little string attachment going to be strong enough not to brake when I pull these out. The o ring on the end made removal very easy, Just a little tug.

I think I will stop worrying so much about little things and just go with it from now on, can’t wait to use them again when I can shock my husband into knowing I’m being naughty all day!!!

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  • Review Team

So glad you both had such a good time, and thanks for the great reviews!

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So glad you had.....a BALL!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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