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Kind Of A An Odd Questin

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Hi everyone,

I'm a 20 year old virgin. I'm in a relationship at the moment and we've talked about sex. I just have one hang up, my tightness down there.

To give you an idea, I can fit one finger in my vagina and that's a tight fit. I've seen my boyfriend naked and I'm doubtful I could fit his penis in me, even lubed up.

I know first time sex is rarely comfortable for the woman, I'm more worried that it's not possible. So, how can I loosen up down there?

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Yes, your are correct, the first time you have intercourse will not be great. Rest assured you vagina will accommodate your boyfriend. The vagina is a muscle that will stretch and go back to what it is now. Just make sure YOU are ready.

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Like LL said, the vagina is an amazing thing that can and does change to accomodate. Take it slow and make sure you are fully aroused before you try anything, and make sure you are emotionally and mentally prepared. The strongest sex organ in the body is the brain - if it's not ready, nothing else will be either.

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If you were nervous when you inserted your finger, then it would be hard to do, or if it was your first time to do so, then your muscles would be tight, in an instinctual response.

However, the previous responses are absolutely correct! The vagina is a wonderful, stretchy thing! Yes, the first time will be a bit uncomfortable. If you've seen his penis for the first time, any of them look HUGE. My "first" seemed like he was a HUGE man! He was actually only 6" long, and less than 2" in diamater. Trust me, that's about average size.

Think of it this way, most all women's vagina is able to stretch out to accomodate a baby passing thru, so, something, in comparison, that's much smaller than a baby's head will be very possible.

I recommend that you use lots and lots of lube. Some boys/men may think that needing lube is because they don't excite you enough, which is B.S. Sometimes, no matter how excited you are, you just need a little extra help, especially when you use condoms. Even condoms that are lubed will have the lube wear off, or may not be enough. Lubes are very helpful, especially for virgins.

Condoms and lubes. Those are VERY important!

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