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Losing Feeling In Head


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  • Review Team

You might want to be more specific. Do you mean your head? Or the head of your penis? Those would be entirely different issues.

I am assuming you mean the head of your penis. In which case is it numb and tingly? Or you cant feel a thing? Is this after youve gotten off? Or just sudden without orgasm?

More details means people can help you better.

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  • Review Team

Does this happen only during sex, or during masturbation as well?

From what ive learned from my research (different sex techniques etc.) is if this can happen even when youre completely relaxed on your own, it may be an issue to talk to your doctor about. If it happens only during sex its not your body, but instead your mind. Are you stressed out during sex? Is your partner causing you to be stressed out? Are you thinking you may not perform well?

Our mind plays dirty tricks on us, and even sometimes when we are really excited and really into our partner, we overthink things and go limp. Many times ive been so excited to have sex with my girlfriend only to go soft. Its not her, but instead i worry i may not be able to please her, or something happens in the house, or she says something, and i get distracted.

I suggest trying to orgasm alone, use pornography if youre comfortable with it, and see if that works for you. Or alternatively use pictures/thoughts of your partner. Dont think about the issue, just try to enjoy it. If you can, and you do orgasm and it doesnt go limp, try talking with your partner about the issue. If you can orgasm alone it is an issue you have to work out as a couple.

I hope this helps.

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It only happens occassionally. happened one morning last week, last time was several months ago. just wanted another opinion or to see what others have expirienced with the same issue.

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I would definitely seek the advice of a doctor. You are 43, which is young by most standards, and if you are having erectile issues, along with the numbness, you may have a circulatory issue. especially if this is a new issue that has just arisen. I agree that it can be psychological. What is your relationship status? Are you having this issue during masturbation or during sex with a partner? If with a partner, how is that relationship? Have you noticed any other issues? Do you smoke? Do you drink? Smoke pot? All of these answers can help me (or a trained professional) point you in the right direction.

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Have you had an abdominal surgeries?; invasive tests to the groin area? Even if you haven't I think you should seek professional advice from a Urologist.

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only during intercourse, no need to masterbate, married to a very sexy woman, love of my life, relationship is great, no smoking, no pot, occassional drink... no abdominal surgeries, no invasive test to groin area

all opinions are appreciated

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I have never experienced anything like this.

I'm in the "best to see a urologist" camp.

If you've always been like this, maybe not so urgent. If this is a new problem, I'd be on the phone in the morning to make an appointment.

What about Google? I'd still go see a doc, but sometimes Google can help with basic info. (Lots of info out there on the internet, and some of it is even true.)

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Yup....on to a urologist you go (but make sure he also specializes in sexual dysfunction)

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