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Energy Drink To Keep Going?


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What do you think about taking something like 5 hour energy before sex. Do you think it would help? I was thinking about it and thought it could not hurt.

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Trying to think back to college days, and whether loading up on caffeine made it easier to whack off or harder. I think it was harder, but I really don't remember too well, and I would have been quite short on sleep, which might have had more effect than the caffeine.

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Many people young and old have experienced heart attacks and many, many other horrible effects including death from drinking these energy drinks. BE CAREFUL!!!! I would think very carefully before taking any energy supplement.

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As ladylove said heart attacks are something to keep in mind. I couldn't imagine this would help with sex, especially because all the items within the 5 hour energy are giving you a sort of "free energy" but this energy will come at a cost. First of all, when aroused and having sex your heart is beating faster, combine this with an energy supplement and youre really straining the muscle. Second the stimulant is particularly for mental awareness and I cant imagine this would help with sex.

A quick search on google mainly turns up that energy drinks + alcohol lead to more casual sex but it also brought another good point. Stimulants have an effect of limiting our fatigue even when we are exhausted (that is their purpose in the first place) and the sexual fatigue most people experience is when their muscles have no energy left, or their heart cant continue supplying enough blood. When you add a stimulant you are taking exhausted muscles and pushing them further. There is an obvious risk to this.

My suggestion is that if you cant keep going, have her take top or if you are both exhausted try different positions. Me and my girlfriend found that if we both got tired, going sideways, or taking a break where we were intimately together but werent moving as much we could relax enough to gain enough energy to keep going.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you are having troubles keeping up a good diet and plenty of exercise will help. Sometimes these signs are just letting us know that we need to take better care of ourselves.

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  • 5 months later...
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I never used drinks before doing sex..bt I heard that It will increase the possibilty of heart atack.. you can do normal also or using viagra...or u can consult with sex consultant that will help to you.

Well I will say about 6mths to a year ago there was an article on how there is an here increase in heart attacks and other heart realated complication in the 20 something age group due to the increase and flippant use and various every drinks. Complication of using viagra are stated on the package and is not prescribed if you are part of the population at risk.

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