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Scream And Clean Toy Cleaner


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Clean Toys Are A Must!

Everyone knows that you HAVE to clean your toys! To not do so would be, well, icky and also dangerous! Sometimes, however, you need to have a cleaner on the go - or - you want to make sure your B.O.B. is all sanitized for storage. This toy cleaner is absolutely fabulous for taking your toys on the road, for adding an extra level of sanitation, or for a quick squirt before play.

This cleaner smells fresh like lemony-citrus. The universal smell of clean. It is alcohol free and one squirt, a wipe and a rinse will keep your favorite play buddies all clean and sanitized. Now, if you have an anal toy, this would NOT be your only line of defense you would still want to use hot, soapy water. However, before storage just spray a dab on your items and pack them lovingly away. In a convenient spray bottle, this toy cleaner can go where you go!

You need to take care of your toys so that they can take care of you!


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