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Butt Plug

Guest Guest_misty_*

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Guest paul vall
Why do people use butt plugs? What do they do? Why are some labeled beginner?


people who use butt plugs are trying to experience the sexual stimulation of their rectums and anus, with constant stimulation. You ' wear " a butt plug, as it is designed to be retained in the rectum until you remove it. Some people are preparing their bodies to accept anal sex, or at least sex play with toys that enter their rectums. For women, anal play can be very stimulating and lead to intense orgasms. For men, the same is true,with the added benefit that stimulating the prostate gland will increase the amount of release of seminal fluid on ejactulation, leaving them with the sense of complete draining and release of tension. Hookers have long known the trick of putting their finger up a man's rectum during oral sex to stimulate the prostate to make him cum early, and completely.( time is money, you know.) All women should be taught this trick( no pun intended) and understand that even with men who shy away from anything going up their asses, these same men can receive a great deal of pleasure if the anus is stimulated with a finger or tongue on the outside. If you are going to try a vibrator, or butt plug, start small, and begin with a finger and then two, well lubed. Then use a small, thin butt plug, again well lubed, and leave it in for awhile. Walk around. Both men and women report being extremely aroused, and men often can't get their erections to go down while a plug is in place. This can lead to some interesting games with lovers. :D

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