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Getting Hubby Interested

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I'm new to this, so please bear with me. my husband and i have recently rekindled some of the lost passion in our sexlife. he works long hours an so do i, but things couldn't be hotter right now. (i'm 26, he's 27 and we've been together almost 10 years) my question is, how do i get him interested in some "aides." the man is an excellent lover, fantastic on the foreplay issue (most of the time) and can usually get me to orgasm at least 1x every time we make love. but it seems to be a standard number of positions. he is very reluctant to use anything, be it a vibrator, dildo, role playing, fuzzy handcuffs, etc. we've already discussed it in a nonsexual atmosphere and i've explained that he is more than adequate, i just want to add to his pleasure as well as mine. still, no dice. i own 1 vibrator and i use it when he is not around. any suggestions would be helpful.

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thanks for the thoughts, howard. i appreciate the input; i probably wouldn't have thought of that myself. a little gentle persuasion. kinda set the mind goin in new and interesting paths. hmmm. it does present a bit of a challenge, though. we work opposite shifts. but, i am a girl excited by a challenge. ;) i'll keep you posted.

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OMG! Thank you, thank you!! i think his mind has begun to change. :lol: i actually tried a little different strategy, though. i used a flavored lube to start him on a handjob/BJ. that went over VERY well. and it tasted really good. (sextarts strawberry punch, yummy ^_^ ) then i climbed on and introduced him to my "friend" and proceeded to show him how we would use it for both of us. he seemed to be all eyes and ears. in any case, he then had his hands free to play with my nipples and wow! howard, i have never felt that turned on in my life. it was a HUGE success and i think he is much more open to "playing with toys. this forum is awesome. i never in a million years would have been able to ask anybody else about these things. thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

on a side note, i told him he could expect a lot more oral attention from me. he kinda laughed when i told him i couldn't wait to try out some different flavors of oral gels and creams. i am really excited. he jokingly asked if i was trying to give him a heart attack. i just smiled and asked if he thought he could handle it. so begins a new chapter. B)

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