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Well I would like to thank everyone for everything. When I first came here I was having problems in my sex life in fact I think I called it boring. :lol: that is was but sure isn't anymore. I must say I also had a great time writing reviews and testing products, but I have come to the conclusion that I have decided that it seems like no matter what I write or say or the opinion I give it just isn't good enough, or the products I test and find amazing are also knocked down by mostly one person alot. I don't mind being critizied but when it is everytime I think I will pass. I will still continue to shop here from time to time, but for now I think it is best I leave. Take Care.

Good Luck to you all and I will check back from time to time just to see what all is being talked about. Take Care.

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Katprr, I am most shocked to see you go! I think many times people come here, get help, then leave never to be heard from again. I didn't think that would be YOU!

I went back and looked at most of the reviews you have printed, I can't see where anyone said that the product was bad, or disagreed with your reviews - so on that note I am very confused!

I think your advice has been welcomed by many, many people here - so I woud ask you not to go, unless there is another reason you need to.

I hope to hear from you again soon!


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i have read many of your reviews and i enjoy what you have said and how somethings are i dont think you should leave one thing i have found out since i have been on tootimid people are going to be peolple and you cant let a few people chase you away. there are some of us who really enjoy your views so please stay and keep posting

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Holy shocker!! Katprr, you can't leave us! :( Well, you can, obviously, but I sure hope you don't!!

I love your reviews; I always find them very helpful and a great read and I quite often write a reply to tell you that. I've even told my husband in play that I wanna be like you when I grow up. :D Hehe.

I really, really hope the actions of one person don't cause you to leave. Hopefully you'll take Rob up on his offer and talk with him and get everything situated. If not... :( .. take care, girl.

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Katprr, seriously, you can't go. You give some of the best advice on here. And I love your reviews. I've bought stuff based on your reviews. You can't let one person, or a couple people, run you off! That's not cool. Just ignore them, and continue to post for all of us that really value your opinion and insight!

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Katprr, I too respect and enjoy your opinion. Don't leave. Address the issue with Rob and Meg and please stay around to offer your adivice and toy reviews.

I know I don't post much, but I feel that there are several people who can benefit from the things you have learned about spicing up a sexlife when you feel it's beyond help. You are valuable to us.


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You are going to let people whom you have never met control what you do in life? Don't go. I get a lot of information from your posts. Heck, I bought a certain g spot toy based on your review.

Knowing we all had similar issues has given a kind of bond/camraderie to quite a few of us. There will always be those that disagree with you or you with them. It's part of life. That's what makes us human. It's okay. Keep posting and let the naysayers be darned.

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I too went back and read some of your reviews and couldn't see what you were talking about. But, then again, we can't see any possible PM's either.

I hope you don't go. I think you do great reviews as well. I love reading them.

Everyone has a different style of writing and voicing opinions. Please don't let one person spoil it for you, since you obviously enjoy what you do and lots of people enjoy reading your posts. I hope you take Rob up on his offer to let him know what's going on.

Best wishes whatever you decide to do.

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Hey Kat, Please dont go, I love reading your reviews and I love your advise..you have given me and hubby some very helpfull info. If you do feel you have to go, then we cant stop you so thanks for everything and best of luck hun!! I know we will all miss you.

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You are a very good reviewer and I enjoy reading all of your reviews. Please try to work something out with Rob. I have read some of you reviews and as Mikayla has said I didn't see anything negative in responses from others. I am a little confused myself.

Whatever you decide to do I wish you good luck, but I do hope you change your mind.


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Well needless to say I am touched. I think I may have taken it a little to personal. Yes it happens in the pm by one person mostly and I have yet to see this person post or anything else. I think with the death of my son I have taken things a little to personal, It has not been by any of the members that review or post I think that critizism can be good in alot of ways in fact it helps you to become a better person to.

So therefore I think I took it way to personal since losing my son. I have taken a break from reviews though due to this emtional rollercoaster I am dealing with right now, but I wanted to let you all know that it nothing personal and has nothing to do with any of you all.

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OMG Katprr....I didn't know that your son died??? The one that was so sick for so long?

I am SO EXTREMELY sorry.....please, please take the time you need to heal and we will be here for you when you need us!


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Holy shit kat,

I know I havn't been on the board much lately, if you posted about your sons passing, I am soooooo sorry I missed it.

I will PM you with my email addy and phone number,

If you EVER need to talk, or vent or just to have a shoulder to cry on, You are more than welcome.

I know EXACTLY what you are going though hon.

I lost my son 4 years ago come December, so I know how hard it is.

Keep your chin up hon, you will be fine.

Your still in my prayers.



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I am so incredibly sorry! Please know you are valued here, I know I don't post very much, but I do enjoy reading all you have to say. I will keep you and your family in my prayers! God Bless.....


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I am so sorry to here about your son! It is the worst thing any parent worries about much less has to deal with if/when it happens. There are no words that would comfort you at this time ( my son died almost 19 years ago) so instead I will pray for you and your family. If you need to talk or vent please pm me and I will give you my other info.


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Well needless to say I am touched. I think I may have taken it a little to personal. Yes it happens in the pm by one person mostly and I have yet to see this person post or anything else. I think with the death of my son I have taken things a little to personal, It has not been by any of the members that review or post I think that critizism can be good in alot of ways in fact it helps you to become a better person to.

So therefore I think I took it way to personal since losing my son. I have taken a break from reviews though due to this emtional rollercoaster I am dealing with right now, but I wanted to let you all know that it nothing personal and has nothing to do with any of you all.

I am so sorry to hear about your son. I can't say i know how you feel, but i do know that you do need time. i will miss your comments & reviews while you are away.

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Well I would like to thank everyone for everything. When I first came here I was having problems in my sex life in fact I think I called it boring. :lol: that is was but sure isn't anymore. I must say I also had a great time writing reviews and testing products, but I have come to the conclusion that I have decided that it seems like no matter what I write or say or the opinion I give it just isn't good enough, or the products I test and find amazing are also knocked down by mostly one person alot. I don't mind being critizied but when it is everytime I think I will pass. I will still continue to shop here from time to time, but for now I think it is best I leave. Take Care.

Good Luck to you all and I will check back from time to time just to see what all is being talked about. Take Care.

I just got here and don't have any idea what anyone said to you but I am so sorry to hear that you lost a child...my heart goes out to you. I read a couple of your post and don't see anything wrong. It seems to me that your opinion is just as valid as everyone else. I don't know you but I wish you the best and hope you will come back..... I need all the advice I can get when it comes to sex and relationships. You are important.

Good luck.

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Healing thoughts your way, dear Kat. I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

Oddly, I just looked up the thread about your son the other day to see if there were any updates...

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I'm so sorry for the loss of your son! I can't even comprehend the saddness you must be feeling.

After a death, I don't know if it's possible to take things TOO personally..

Take your time, grieve, heal, rant, whatever YOU need to do to go thru your grieving. We're here when you need us!!

Many Bright Blessings to you and your family.

Many cyber hugs!!


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