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Life, Death, Sex And Everything In Between


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Recently, a post from a valued member of our board has struck me with quite a few emotions......sadness, happiness, thankfulness, anger...and a renewed thankfulness for the people of this board.

We talk about sex here, we talk about marital problems, we talk about sex toys - but we also talk about serious issues - life, death and everything in between.

I am positively HONORED to be a part of this site - a place where people can talk about anything that is on their minds or hearts - and that is a invaluable gift in my opinion! Many people have no where to turn when things happen in their lives, with their spouses, children, parents - and this board is a true sounding board for everyone's ailments. We have become a community of sorts, getting to know each other through our posts about sex - but in those posts we reveal a little of who we are, were and want to be!

I am glad that there is a place for us to talk about all these things. I am happy to discuss sex - masturbation - lingerie - or anything else, but I am also glad to talk about our real selves - our lives.

While I don't expect or want this board to turn into a "here is my life's problem" board - cause that is not its true design, it is sincerly nice that people do let out a little of themselves when they need to. For that I say, "thanks."

Mikayla :blink:

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I couldn't agree more.

I've begun to feel very close to a lot of the people on the board here. I have recommended this site to all of my friends, and even some family!!

I love the fact that this is a "safe" site, where you are pretty safe from people hitting on you (you can't control everyone), and still talk freely about sex, toys, and fantasies/desires.

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Too true Mikayla.

Yes, there are moments when I have used this board as a method of venting real life problems.

For example, when I was having issues with the crotch licking incident, or when I needed some advice on how to prepare myself to have THE TALK with the girls.

I try to keep things mainly sex/relationship oriented when I post and use my blog for more serious real life issues.

I did start the smile thread because lets face it, every one needs to sit back and smile and laugh once in a while.

I am honored to be part of this board, and even more honored that you have allowed me to vent and rant and rave on occasion and not booted me from the board because of it.

Thank you all for being supportive and allowing me to do what I had to do.

God Bless you all.


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it is a great place to come and feel welcome and you get a lot of good advice great opinions and ideas if someone has a problem it is guaranteed to be taken cared of.

nicely said Mikayla :)

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I agree 110% with everything everyone has said and I am glad that Io found this site because the day I joined I was looking for sex toys mainly something like a strap on because I wanted to play a joke on my GF because I've wrote her letters telling her that if I were a man she has my "dick" hard when she comes around.

But when I first posted on this site I got alot of good advice from everyone I look foward to checking for new post, reviews, and topics so yes we talk about "everything from life, death, sex, and everything in between"

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