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First off, don't feel stupid. I noticed that you only have 1 sex toy. So you're probably not familiar with how they usually work. Generally, where the knob is for vibe control, is where you unscrew it and put in the batteries. There are, of course, some exceptions to that, but that's the "norm" anyway.

Most toys don't come with directions, and there have been several times I've verbally said WTF as to how batteries go in, why something isn't working, so on.

I love the toys that do come with directions, and some even come with instructions on usage! Which shocks me every time I get one that does.

Plus, if you don't ask questions, how will you learn?

I hope you got your Clitterific going, and had a clitterific time!! Let us know how you liked it!! I don't have one, but it definitely looks interesting, IMO.

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