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Is this a 24/7 couple relationship?

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There's this couple I am good friends with. The lady lets me dominate her man. Yesterday he called me up and told me he and his girlfriend were joining a local bdsm club. They were asked to fill a form where they were asked if they were in a 24/7 relationship reason because they had a specific and special evening for couples in 24/7 relationships

He told me he was not sure what to reply. He and his girlfriend both live together and play almost together daily. But when they don't play his girlfriend is used to giving him commands and they also have some rules guiding their relationships. Some of these rules I created for them. There's no written contract between them, just verbal words.

Sometimes they would come to my playhouse and his girlfriend would not allow him to wear any underwear. In winter he's only allowed to wear pajamas and in summer he's totally naked. He does the chores in the house. He gets spanked every evening before he goes to bed. Sometimes he's made to sleep with handcuffs and sometimes leg irons. He wears a ball gag every evening for at least 20 to 30 minutes for his mouth training.

When they are both at my place his girlfriend will make him stay naked. Not only my place but when his girlfriend's friends are visiting their home she makes him stay naked and closed in a room.

Now can they be considered a full 24/7 couple

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Newbie

I wouldn't think you need a contract to say that this is your lifestyle, and I doubt the club is looking for a contract.  They sure sound like a 24/7 couple to me since I am not in a relationship that takes the domination that seriously on a regular basis.  I'd tell them they are.

My husband is dominant only when we play; otherwise, we have a rather equal relationship.  I would most likely do those types of things if he asked/wanted me to, but it's not expected.

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