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Do You Talk About Sex Toys With Friends?


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Well, do ya?

You can be sure I do with most of my friends!! :P I've even shown a few of mine to them too, always making sure they KNOW that my toys are always clean! ;)

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I just did this the other night!!!!

it was a bit weird at first... i was telling her that i was having a toy party....and she said that was great timing she needed a new vibe...then we went on on how i did a challenge for myself....(i can post that somewhere else if interested)

Anyways that helped my desire to be sexually active with my DH....and then somehow it got linked into..her liking a bit of anal..and her DH was NOT interested..not sure if it is because he is not American.. but he frowned on that....but she slipped out her thin vibe and stick it in her ass and he was in her pussy and he was in LOVE!

It sounded so intriguing...i kind of want to do something of that nature...but it is working up the kahunas to do it....

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I'm workin' on it, actually! :) My friends all live out of state (or country), so it's not like I have daily conversations with them. One girl friend and I talk about them no problem and I just recently told my guy friend that I was a reviewer for and involved with this community. He's still in the "it's new to me, so I've gotta giggle and tease her" stage... but we're getting there and I FULLY plan on buying him something once he's a little more comfortable with the idea. ;) Great question!

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You can probably guess that in my circle of friends I am the resident "sexpert" and proud of it. I have interviewed my friends for articles and podcasts and they seem to love my openness and willingness to discuss sex! Someone has got to do it, right??

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i do to the ones that dont turn their noses up and are willing to try new things i am pretty open and i explain that i am in the learning process also and my husband loves it. so a lot of them have question and some even call me a sex freak! :lol: BUT hey my HUSBAND loves this side of me and so do I :P

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yes, absolutely. My wife and I have many married friends and the girls inevitably talk about sex, and most of them ask me to help their husbands pick out a vibe or something to add a little adventure to their time between the sheets. I have no problem, but my wife usually can tell them what they are looking for and I just point them in the direction of Tootimid.com. works out great for everyone!

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Yep, I have friends who I can talk to about toys and sex in general. It is kinda weird at first, but you get over it. I have even gone toy shopping with a few of them.

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I'm such a toy lover!! LOL I will go to an adult toy store with whomever wants to go with me! :P Take me to one of those, or a book store, and I am completely happy!

I also steer people to TooTimid ALL the time! I belong to a Mommy board, which, we have a Confessions forum, and I am now the resident toy expert I guess. I get some ideas for new posts over there from here often! I try to get the ladies to come over here, but I'm not sure how many have actually perused the site.

I've shown some of my friends some of my toys, and they even ask me what toy I would recommend. I should put a sign out on the front of my house to give my elderly nosy neighbors a fright: Resident Perv...Got a Sex Question? C'mon in!!


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do to the ones that dont turn their noses up and are willing to try new things i am pretty open

Ditto that. Some online friends (who have turned into real friends) and I talk in vivid detail but my real life friends never seem to open up that much. Oddly enough, it is usually the men I talk about sex with :blink: I am sure their wives hate hearing "well they do that, why cant we?" :lol:

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