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Could someone PLEASE help me out here when my husband and I have sex it last no time he has to stop a few times if not it's all over

with he cums too fast if I'm not mistaken it's like 5mins into it give or take what can we do for this not to happen or does anyone know of a good product to use to help him out I will say Thanks to all that can help me on this matter

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a. Grabbing the base of his cock in your thumb and forefinger, with one digit on the urethra ( tube) on the underside of his cock, and squeezing hard. You have to squeeze hard enough to cause him pain, but it will stop his climax, if you do it soon enough.


I would think any sort of pain WOULD cause a man to stop his climax! :P Howard gave some great tips. I would also recommend getting him some multivitamins, to help give him an extra boost, since most of us don't get all of the nutrients we need. This will help him feel a little better, and help give him stamina. Not knowing his physical fitness level, also having him work out will increase stamina, and make him a bit more aware of his body.

There are also creams that are suppose to desensitize a man's penis for a longer lasting love making session, but, having never tried those, I don't know how well those work.

He needs to learn the moment before he looses all control, and stop himself from moving, so he can "calm down", and allow you to have a bit more time.

And, he must learn the fine art of FOREPLAY. You should be having at least one orgasm during foreplay. Especially since he's a Quick Shot. While he's inside of you, either you or he should be stimulating your clit anyway. 80-85% of all women need clitoral stimulation to get off anyway.

Good luck to you.

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My partner and I, due to current issues with our locations, tend to go a couple months between encounters. As a result, when we're back together again, the first few times we have sex he's a bit quick to climax. My solution to this has been to perform oral to the point of climax to get that first one out of the way, and they go back to some nice, drawn out foreplay until he's ready again. His second erection always lasts much longer, and I am completely satisfied by the time we're done. So, perhaps that might work for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Wow I am glad someone asked this question. We had the same thing happen all the time. We finally decided that we would have foreplay first and than move on once he got off once. There is times that I feel sick (I am pregnant) I dont want much, just the love of his touch and I dont want him to not get any, so having intercourse for him to get off than is good for us.

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