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I've been offered a position with the County Dept. of Public Social Services pending my physical exam and background check. :) Here I am at 38 1/2 years old starting what I feel is a "career". It will mean regular hours, weekends off, paid holidays, and MORE TIME with hubby. :)

Also, today I see a new OB/GYN and hope she'll get me tested to see if I'm truly in perimenopause or just in hormone hell. The nightsweats are getting horrible and I had a co-worker (male) ask me the other day if I was alright. He said my face was red and looked "moist"...HA. I informed him I was in the middle of a hot flash. Gawd, it was horrible.

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Congrats, CL. It is great to finally embark on something you've waited for. And benefits--YAY!!!

Keep us posted on the whole hormone thing. It sucks to start getting older.

I saw my new OB/GYN today. I think my prejudice, now deceased grandpa would have freaked: Not only is she female, but african-american at THAT!! *giggle* GO DR. G~V!

Dr. G~V did order me a blood panel and I went and donated 4 tubes of blood....not those lil dinky ones either. I'll know the results in 2 weeks. She feels i'm going into perimenopause too. TG, she listens!!

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Hurrah for doctors that listen and want to help, eh? :) Congrats on the upcoming job and here's hoping you get to "feeling normal" sometime soon!

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I am SOOOO happy for you CL - remember, it is never too late to start anything in life!

I too was (am) in perimenapause - just starting - but got pregnant so now I am in remission. LOL

I am sure your Doc will get to the bottom of it!

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Hey CL,

Gratz on the big career move, and the awsome new doc!

Remember ladies, they are not hot flashes, they are our own personal summers.

Use teh litle safety booklets on they give out on the airplanes for those, they make terrific fans...

Mikayla, remission of menopause due to pregnancy, OMG, I know its true in a way but its a hoot the way you put it.

Sorry, guess my sense of humor is a bit on the seriously warped side.

but seriously though CL, gratz again on the fantastic new job!!

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