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Wife Is Tootimid!


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Any help here would be great...my wife has never used any type of sex toy and i want her to get over her timid feelings about this.

I've just placed an order for the "Blissful Berries" (mini vib. with jelly tip) and was wondering if there was anybody out there that has any advise (most likely a female) on how I can get her to let me try and please her with this. She's very shy about this stuff (maybe embarassed to use it)...but she loves sex.


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I too was a bit too timid, but after I decided to just bite the bullet and not worry about it, now I have a too timid husband.

I prefer the wireless stuff myself. The bullets that have cords just seem too, wrong for me. But I say you just spring it on her one night during sex. If she loves sex, that's a good thing, she should be too "in the moment" to worry about you grabbing something, just learn it before hand, and have it hidden and ready to sneak into your time. Just one girls opinion though. :)

Of course, if you both have talked about it in the past and she is against usage, then don't spring it on her, but you need to honor her wishes. :(

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The Blissful Berries toy IS a bullet Howard, it just has a little, removeable cover on it!

I would say to you, that if your wife loves sex in your opinion, then she has a LONG way to go. People who truly LOVE sex, are more open to all things sexual. Does that mean that you have to love 20 inch dildos to love sex? Of course not. However, when women are so "shy" about even considering a toy, they have some sort of issue (moral, body image, religious) that causes that hesitancy, and that is what makes them not love sex and pleasure as much as the other gal.

The Blissful Berries vibe is a good vibe for beginners - she will like it. My suggestion would be to either do what Howard has suggested - or to just use it on her nipples, neck or belly first. Show her how subtle it is, tell her you want to pleasure her in many different ways and that she is safe and loved with you. If she is adamant about NOT using it period...then you have some discussions to have outside of the bedroom.

Does she like oral sex? Giving or receiving? Anal sex? Does she only like the missionary position, or is she open to others? How about orgasms? Does she have them? Does she touch her clit to get them? Answering these questions will better explain to me how timid she really is!

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  • Newbie
The Blissful Berries toy IS a bullet Howard, it just has a little, removeable cover on it!

I would say to you, that if your wife loves sex in your opinion, then she has a LONG way to go. People who truly LOVE sex, are more open to all things sexual. Does that mean that you have to love 20 inch dildos to love sex? Of course not. However, when women are so "shy" about even considering a toy, they have some sort of issue (moral, body image, religious) that causes that hesitancy, and that is what makes them not love sex and pleasure as much as the other gal.

The Blissful Berries vibe is a good vibe for beginners - she will like it. My suggestion would be to either do what Howard has suggested - or to just use it on her nipples, neck or belly first. Show her how subtle it is, tell her you want to pleasure her in many different ways and that she is safe and loved with you. If she is adamant about NOT using it period...then you have some discussions to have outside of the bedroom.

Does she like oral sex? Giving or receiving? Anal sex? Does she only like the missionary position, or is she open to others? How about orgasms? Does she have them? Does she touch her clit to get them? Answering these questions will better explain to me how timid she really is!

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  • Newbie

Thanks for the help guys...I just got the "Blissful Berries" mini vibe today :-)...(that was pretty quick)

I'm taking all the "words of wisdom" to heart...and I'll hopefully post some good news soon.

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