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Sex For The First Time

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is the first time sex for a guy will have sensations and emotions like the first time for a girl ? and if my partner doesn't know much about it how can i overcome this instantly ?

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This is really an individual situation. Certainly, first time sex for either female or male can be exhilarating, erotic, scary, exciting and a host of other emotions. For women, the first time is not normally "instantly enjoyable" but can be if her partner is loving and caring. For men, ther first time is usally a lifetime highlight- even if the sex is not "good."

I would expect your first sex to be wonderful - if you care about your partner. As far as overcoming what your partner doesn't know - if both of you are inexperienced, you will have to work together to learn.

Please remember to play safe - use condoms and birth control - and be sensitive to one another's needs and wants.

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there is something that i can't understand when i watch porn i become very excited and hard while the actor in the movie isn't even hard but he gets after while, although he is the one who is kissing and touching but he seems not to be excited and they have sex with the most beautiful women that i got excited even for just seeing them . a friend told me that is because they used to have sex millions of times with all kind of women so he isn't excited any more and they don't enjoy it even the actresses too so r they wiered or i'm ?and ma i going to be like them after having a lot of sex or it varies from one to one?and do they pretend all the movie and porn stars don't have really fun with what they do? :o

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I agree with Howard & Mikayla.

Do NOT get your education from watching porn. Maybe some creative ideas, yes, but not sex ed!

And, as far as overcoming a partner's lack of knowlege instantly, Hun, there is no such thing as doing that. It takes time to become a good lover, and a good teacher as far as pleasuring you. From what I understand, you are either a virgin, or inexperienced. If you want a lover that knows a lot of techniques and sexual tidbits, then, you need a woman that has had a few lovers before you.

Does this mean that your woman that you have now won't please you? Absolutely not. But, it takes time for you and her to learn what pleases yourselves and each of you. There's no quick "fix" here. You have to be willing to try.

And even some of us that have had more than a few lovers *ahem*, well, even now, we don't know everything, and I am sometimes shocked, surprised, and thrilled at some of the stuff that me & my hubby find we like, or want to try out.

Having a true lover, not just a "Fuck" takes time, and the desire to learn and please. Change things up, try new things, voice when you like or dislike something that she does for/to you. And ask that she do the same.

I don't want to sound like a broken record, but check out the Sex Education Tab at the top. Read some of the stuff, learn, and try the suggestions you feel comfortable with.

Good luck!

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