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Is there such a thing?? A few of you know I am dealing with hyperthyroidism (yeah, the diagnosis is final: Grave's disease..more on that later) and the thyroid helps regulate your hormones and my hormones are IN THE TOILET!!!

So, is there a female "viagra"?? My poor hubby says he's gonna burst!

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To my knowledge there is no such thing on the market as of yet. Regular viagra also does nothing to help the female libido. At this point there are some supplements out there that claim to help boost female libido but I wouldn't put my stock in them. You will find tons of items out there like Black Cohosh Root and other types of herbs that are purported to help retulate or balance hormones, or ones that increase libido, or decrease stress. I would certainly consult your doctor or pharmacist before you start taking these items though as they may not combine well with any other medications you're taking or may aggravate any health conditions.


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Hey There CL....good to hear from ya!

I have heard a lot about a new 'female viagra' that is in the testing stages. I can not remember the name of it though! There are other hormonal supplements that your doctor can look into that may help with this problem...and the natural hormones your body makes when you orgasm! This means, even if you don't 'feel like it' try it - it might make you more horny!

Condolences to your hubby!

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